Hello, I use UNIX/Linux machines, which are in a NIS domain and samba version 2.x in NT4 domain. The rights applied to the files systems are those of the NIS and the rights on the shares are those of NT4 domain. I wish to obtain the same result with Samba3 integrated into Active Directory. I succeeded has to integrate it into the AD with samba+winbind+MIT Kerberos 5. But not with NIS domain. Je souhaite obtenir le m?me r?sultat avec Samba3 int?gr? ? un Active Directory. J'ai r?ussi 100% AD avec samba+winbind+MIT kerberos 5. Is there a solution? -- Martial Paupe IT Department Kudelski Group | Tel direct : +41 21 732 04 55 1033 Cheseaux | E-mail : martial.paupe<AT>nagra.com Switzerland