Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "sultat".
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2008 May 13
...ande via /etc/nut/upssched-cmd tous les 5 minutes afin
de v?rifier le niveau de batterie de l'onduleur et d?cider de l'action ?
Existe-t-il une option dans la configuration que j'ai pu oublier ?
Autre question : y a-t-il une autre commande que WALL pour afficher le
r?sultat ? l'?cran ??
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2011 Aug 26
strings issue
Hi everybody,
I ve got a problem with strings and the class File in rails
Indeed, when i try to do this:
it works perfectly, however when i do
string = "archives/sequences/" + @filename => filename being
it doesn''t work!
ruby tells me it cannot find the file
2004 Oct 18
Samba + AD + NIS
...stems are those of the NIS and the
rights on the shares are those of NT4 domain.
I wish to obtain the same result with Samba3 integrated into Active
Directory. I succeeded has to integrate it into the AD with
samba+winbind+MIT Kerberos 5. But not with NIS domain.
Je souhaite obtenir le m?me r?sultat avec Samba3 int?gr? ? un Active
Directory. J'ai r?ussi 100% AD avec samba+winbind+MIT kerberos 5.
Is there a solution?
Martial Paupe
IT Department
Kudelski Group | Tel direct : +41 21 732 04 55
1033 Cheseaux | E-mail : martial.paupe<AT>nagra.com
2008 Jul 30
model mix problem. FALSE CONVERGENCE
...ix du fichier ? traiter
para<-infile2bis() # Ouvre une petite interface permettant de s?lectionner
le fichier
# que l'on veut traiter
Fic <- para$fichier # fic est le fichier ? traiter
pat <- para$pat # R?pertoire de r?sultats
CLASSE <- noquote(para$classe[1:2]) # Facteurs ? ?tudier
.method<-which(para$checks2!=F) #M?thode d'ajustement des p-values
# V?rification qu'on est bien ds le bon r?pertoire de travail
if ( getwd()!=dirname(Fic[1]) ) setwd(dirname(Fic[1]))
## Quelques conditions ? v?rifier
2011 Jun 20
Unreasonable syntax error
http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/file/n3612530/PSC.r PSC.r
Hi all,
I just wrote a program in R by editing it in Microsoft Word and then pasting
into the text editor of R. The above is the file.
And below is what the console complains.... Why doesn't it recognise 'r'??
I have to mention that at least when I typed this first several lines into
the console, the first error didn't
2008 Feb 22
Pb de compilation de mgeops-psp-3.0.6
2008/2/22, Sid Touati <Sid.Touati at inria.fr>:
> Bonjour
> > - fichier config.log, dans le r?pertoire de PSP, apr?s avoir lanc? "./configure"
> le fichier est joint
> > - r?sultat de "rpm -ql lib64sigc++2.0-devel"
> # rpm -ql lib64sigc++2.0-devel
> /usr/include/sigc++-2.0
> /usr/include/sigc++-2.0/sigc++
> /usr/include/sigc++-2.0/sigc++/adaptors
> /usr/include/sigc++-2.0/sigc++/adaptors/adaptor_trait.h
> /usr/include/sigc++-2.0/si...