hi, i am at time trying to setup up a samba pdc as replacement for a windows nt pdc (thats the good message). I've already a running openldap 2.1.4-86 with ou's people, groups and computers. I've also already added users to it (with a modifiied version of the migration tools). Also working is pam_ldap and nss_ldap (i can login in into my unix machine with the ldap users - and i can get the usernames for uid which belongs to ldap users). Also possible is it already for users to log into the PDC - but at the first login the get the message that the should change their passwords (because of pwdMustChange is 0 at the first login) - if they then are trying to change the password it won't work (server log: PANIC: failed to set gid). If the log in without changing the password - and then hit STRG-ALT-DEL - and alter the password then it works (why??). My guest account is smbguest - smbguest is in the ldap directory with no password (smbldap-passwd smbguest with null values). When i look for the logs then i very often see that something is trying to authenticate smbguest and fails because of an invalid password - why is that ? For changing the userpasswords i've taken the smbldap-passwd.pl script and modifyied it so that pwdMustchange gets setted to now()+30days and pwdLastSet gets now() (why isn't that in the standard script?). This works perfectly when i change a password in the shell - but when a password gets change with windows then the password gets changed but the pwdMustChange and pwdLastChange values don't get modifyied (why?). my samba version is: samba-2.2.5-177 with ldap support ;-) os: SLES 8.0 and i have already read every howto which i found in google for my general understanding - what exactly happens when a user on a windows machine wants to alter his password ? is it: samba gets the request - and only calls the programm specifyied in passwd program ? or does it anything else ? here a piece of my smb.conf workgroup = DIALOG-TELEKOM netbios name = ZION interfaces = eth0 bind interfaces only = Yes security = user encrypt passwords = Yes null passwords = Yes username map = /etc/samba/usermap log level = 2 syslog = 0 time server = Yes unix extensions = Yes kernel oplocks = Yes socket options = SO_KEEPALIVE IPTOS_LOWDELAY TCP_NODELAY printcap name = CUPS add user script = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-useradd.pl -w %u logon path = \\%N\profiles\%u logon script = logon.bat unix password sync = Yes passwd program = /usr/sbin/smbldap-passwd.pl -o %u passwd chat = *New*password* %n\n *Retype*new*password* %n\n *all*authentication*tokens*updated*successfully* logon drive = U: domain logons = Yes os level = 255 preferred master = Yes domain master = Yes wins support = Yes printing = cups veto files = /*.eml/*.nws/riched20.dll/*.{*}/ browseable = No guest account = smbguest domain admin group = @sambaadmin admin users = @sambaadmin printer admin = @sambaadmin # ldap parameters ldap admin dn = "cn=administrator,dc=dialog-telekom,dc=at" ldap server = localhost ldap ssl = off ldap port = 389 ldap suffix = "ou=people,dc=dialog-telekom,dc=at" and here the part i've added to smbldap-passwd changetype: modify replace: pwdMustChange pwdMustChange: $pwdmustchange - changetype: modify replace: pwdLastSet pwdLastSet: $pwdlastset i think i will go to the samba pr?sentation toomorrow in Linz/Vienna and take a look for a samba expert ;-) mfG Wolfgang Pichler