I have LM8.2 and samba 2.2.3. When i set up the LM machines i could mount shares on NT machines. But no longer. I can smbmount to another Linux machine with no problems, but I can no longer smbmount to any NT machine. Even though i have valid identical accounts on both the LM and NT machines Looking at the logs from the NT machines, i get wrong or malformed password, from the LM machine I get NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED from the log section of LinNeibourhood. I could previously smbmount to those machines but now I can't. must admit I've installed several programs since I could, but none to my recollection concerning networking. What bugs me is the fact that Linux samba is set for encrypted passwords and I have no problem smbmounting to other Linux machines. But NT will not let me in. I could print to the NT machines before but now I can't. One of the machines is a dual boot for LM8.2 and ME ( not my doing, the ME bit ), but ME will give me access to shares on any NT machine I have an account on but samba won't. Could someone advise me as to how to go about debugging this problem. many thanks Ken