A Cline
2003-Jan-27 23:19 UTC
[Samba] Moving Existing W2K Local Profile to W2K Roaming profile
Hello all: I am running Samba 2.2.3a on RedHat 7.3. I have a user with an extensive Local Profile. I want to join his computer to the domain and make his current local profile a roaming one. I have tried the following steps: Attached the computer to the domain. Logged into the computer as a Domain Administrator. Gone to my computer -> user profiles. Selected the users local profile and clicked on Copy To. In the path to copy to I put \\crhpdc\profiles\username. I then telnet to crhpdc and chown -R username.useranem ./profiles/username It succeeds in copying all of the files to the correct place. When I try to login as the user, however, the registry portion of the profile refuses to load but all of the Files and Icons etc. are there. I have read the extensive post found here marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=samba&m=104260390311570&w=2 but I'm still pretty lost. I gather that there is something called the User SID and found the registry entry that tells where that person's profile is located but I don't really know what to do from here. I was able to download getsid.exe and use it seemingly successful enough. I also realize that there is a utility in the latest CVS that will help me edit the ntuser.dat file on the samba server. I think this is the way I want to go but I'm not 100% sure. Can someone shed some light on how I need to use the new Samba utility to make this current .dat file work like I need it to? Smaller and not as important of a question: I read that you should have username.domain directories for your profile directories. I have username.000, username.001, and sometimes username~000. Does anyone know off-had what this means? Did I screw up somewhere? Thanks, A Cline _________________________________________________________________ STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE* join.msn.com/?page=features/junkmail
A Cline
2003-Jan-30 01:09 UTC
[Samba] Moving Existing W2K Local Profile to W2K Roaming profile
Figured this one out on my own thanks to the post I mentioned in the original. I didn't need to use the "profiles" program to change the SID I guess because the local profile I was trying to change to a roaming domain profile was Windows 2000 not WinNT. I did have to allow the Domain user to use the copied profile though like it mentions here: marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=samba&m=104266613424778&w=2 Thanks to the original posters. A Cline _________________________________________________________________ MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*. join.msn.com/?page=features/virus