On Thu, Jan 23, 2003 at 08:16:14AM -0800, hans@sbsfor.com
wrote:> This maybe slightly OT, but I just noticed an interesting difficulty with
> the cleanup_recycle.pl script that comes with 2.2.7a. I run it on a cron
> job every night, deletes files and directories after 3 days. The trouble I
> have is that some of my directory are named with spaces in them ie
> Maps" rather than a more proper "Base_Maps" The script
really doesn't like
> those spaces, it tries to delete "Base" and then stops. My perl
is rather
> non-existent. I was wondering if anybody out there has run into this and
> figured a work around. Many thanks.
Looking at that script, I think it probably needs to be rewritten
altogether. But as a quick-fix I think you can probably replace the line
$r = `rm -f $_ 2> /dev/zero`;
and replace
$r = `rmdir $_ 2> /dev/zero`;
This assumes you're using perl 5, perl 4 didn't have chomp(). Most
people have perl 5 now, though.
Michael Heironimus