OK: Here's your first hint.
Throw out the NT pdc. Just kidding.
First question: how many clients.
smaller domain is easier and you can do it manually.
1) you will need to decide how you want users to get onto pdc.
If you want to use unix for userid/passwords
and (lot of users: consider using ldap database for users)
few users: Just create smbpasswords manually (or cut from
Create a root account (smbpasswd -a root)
make password NOT your regular root pw.
This id will become the one that does your pw adds.
search the documentation for useradd
you will put the useradd command on the preexec line (I think)
(there are 2 ways to add a machine trust account)
and the joke is this is coming from someone whose pdc wont recognize
his w2k workstations.
1 is manually (useradd name , then smbpasswd name)
2 is via scripts (much easier!)
once that's done log into administrator on nt workstation
then right click on my computer, properties, network wizard
try and join the domain
that's it in a nutshell, look for better instructions
I have read all the man pages and the "HOW-TO-PDC..." related
to the
operation and configuration of SAMBA. I don't however, see anything
detailing a move away from WinNT to SAMBA PDC. Can someone point
me to a
doc or website that has helped them migrate as smooth as possible?
I heard
there is a way of grabbing passwords using pwdump, users uid,
and the Domain
ID. It would be nice to have some something detailing these operations.
there is none, maybe someone can tell me what app they are using
to grab the
user uid, domain id, and how to place this in samba correctly.
I'm using the default method of authentication with SAMBA (etc/passwd).
I would really appreciate as much input as possible.
P.S. If you didn't already know, I'm still new to the LINUX +
Mitch--This is not my final comcast address. it will be changing
to eliminate spam!