I have an NT Network and as one of the first steps in eliminating NT from my shop I need to be able to mount some of my NT shares on my Linux boxes. When I execute: smbmount //NTXX/ShareName /NTShare it asks me for a password. I enter the correct password (yes I've checked my capslock key and made sure I typed it correctly) but I get the following error. 10819: session setup failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.) SMB connection failed executing: smbmount //NTXX/Sharename /NTShare username="uname" gives the same results as does: smbmount //NTXX/Sharename /NTShare username="uname" password="password" The user does have access to this share and the password is correct. What I think is happening is that smbmount is sending plain text passwords to my NT box which is expecting encrypted passwords. but I changed to the smb.conf file to tell it to use encrypted passwords. The reason I think it is still not working is, in Nautilus on the Linux box I try to connect to the NT Share by entering: smb://NTXX on the address line and it pops up a dialog box that says: "You must log in to access "smb://ntxx" "Your password will be transmitted unencrypted" and when I enter my username and password, it brings up a list of the shares on the NT box but when I try to access any of them I get an error message that reads: "You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "sharename" Can anyone tell me what is actually happening and how I fix it? Thanks