I am testing an engine which normally is mounted at /
NotifyMe::Application.routes.draw do> mount_opro_oauth :controllers => {:oauth_client_apps =>
> ''oauth/client_apps''}
I am trying to mount it inside my existing backoffice namespace, is it
possible or not advisable
namespace :backoffice do> match ''/'', to: ''dashboards#show''
> resource :dashboards, :only => :show
mounting it at root give me urls like :
> http://localhost:3000/oauth_client_apps
but as it''s a backoffice process, I would like to have urls like:
> http://localhost:3000/backoffice/oauth_client_apps
I tried to move the mount line inside the namespace, but then I got issues
with the engine routes...
I thought /backoffice would have been added automatically
thanks for your feedback
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