should it not be related to the nested
namespace :backoffice :cms ? I''ll try to change it
to :backoffice :cms_admin
On 21 oct, 11:34, Erwin <>
wrote:> I have a model ''site'' defined in a sub-folder
> class Cms::Site < ActiveRecord::Base
> .....
> the model is loaded correctly , checked in console:
> application.rb
> config.autoload_paths += Dir["#{config.root}/app/models/**/"]
> console
> >Cms::Site.all => []
> Now trying to access this model from a sites_controller ( in
> backoffice/cms subfolder, action: index ) I get the
> load_missing_constant error, aslking for the model to define Site and
> not Cms::Site... where am I wrong ? or did I missed any initializing
> parameter ?
> backoffice/cms/sites_controller.rb
> class Backoffice::Cms::SitesController < ApplicationController
> def index
> @sites = Cms::Site.all
> end
> LoadError in Backoffice::Cms::SitesController#index
> Expected /Users/..../app/models/cms/site.rb to define Site
> (activesupport (3.2.8) lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:503:in
> `load_missing_constant'')
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