Rails - May 2013

Friday May 31 2013
10:28PM 22 accidentally created a rails app in the home folder
8:26PM 1 possible to pass two view id's to controller?
7:44PM 7 Getting json data to div and partial after ajax call?
5:39PM 5 inverse_of and #save called multiple times
5:36PM 11 A simple javascript alert not working
3:09PM 1 Routing error when creating a new application
2:11PM 0 Screenshot using browserstack
1:50PM 3 Selective delete from join tables
12:40PM 2 Rails 3.2 with Ruby 2.0?
9:19AM 4 Need help putting together a workflow diagram
7:45AM 5 Problems with compiling in development
6:45AM 2 Rails Instillation Error
Thursday May 30 2013
10:13PM 3 RubyEval in SublimeText2
3:55PM 2 How to pass more than one argument to Rails validation hooks?
3:55PM 0 HTTP 500 error page
1:26PM 3 Sass or Css for the rails app
12:31PM 1 failed updated, tried to roll back but cannot get site to start
5:32AM 0 Import friends
3:30AM 0 [JOB] Ruby on Rails Developer to 130k - New York City
2:14AM 3 Efficient background process
1:44AM 2 Ajax - the Rails way!
Wednesday May 29 2013
11:10PM 2 2 Rails Developers needed ASAP
9:25PM 4 How to run view helpers from rails console?
5:39PM 5 Installation Questions
5:33PM 2 Why can't get remote javascript libraries on Rails 4
2:22PM 0 Compose nested entities with Datamappify
12:55PM 5 Can't setup Rails with RVM in ubuntu 12.04
12:32PM 1 Action Mailer issue
12:25PM 1 remove rails application safely and neatly on debian server
11:02AM 6 IRB can't require "nokogiri"
7:46AM 0 passenger is not running with rails ubuntu 12.04, is any budy can tell what is this error
7:39AM 0 OpenLayers and Rails: how to set up a ProxyHost?
Tuesday May 28 2013
11:52PM 3 AR's find_by_* limits return results. How to avoid id?
9:11PM 1 rails wiki offline
2:53PM 1 ObjectSpace methods understanding
10:18AM 1 has_many nightmare
7:07AM 5 Storing Rails controller callback data in session
5:17AM 2 Javascript Frameworks
Monday May 27 2013
11:55PM 1 How do I get started?
11:23PM 6 Headache with Ajax in Rails using jQuery
7:55PM 0 Environment management problem
6:45PM 3 Tradução para pt-BR - distance_of_time_in_words
3:04PM 2 Installing rails
2:03PM 5 Ruby on Rail Developer Openings-Berlin,Hamburg,Munich
11:38AM 3 Reg. Expression
9:18AM 1 JOB: Ruby on Rails Developer - Hyderabad
6:27AM 3 Ransack, acts-as-taggable-on and checkboxes in search form
Sunday May 26 2013
10:23PM 1 proper way to generate REST API?
6:47PM 1 No rake db:test:* commands in my Rails rake. Where may I find all missing rake commands?
12:49PM 9 ArgumentError in Controller#new after updating Rails version
6:40AM 4 error with rails console
2:18AM 2 Ruby on Rails Asset pipeline - Pro and Cons
Saturday May 25 2013
10:24PM 1 Mysterious Application Error on Heroku
11:58AM 2 URI::Generic methods
11:09AM 0 Learn Ruby on Rails from Beginners
6:40AM 7 Class design Help!
6:23AM 1 Silent Failure when starting Unicorn on Heroku
2:55AM 6 Should Customers and Admins be on Separate Tables?
Friday May 24 2013
7:41PM 2 second cucumber scenario fails
1:56PM 8 Good Ruubyist way
12:53PM 1 How to get rid of blank spaces in templates rendered by Rails 3.2.13 ERB/Erubis?
12:07PM 1 stub not working
10:43AM 2 rspec rails 3 views authenticate
Thursday May 23 2013
11:04PM 0 feature requests/voting/tracking solution
11:56AM 4 How to do it the rest way ? Question from fledgeling Ruby programmer
9:50AM 1 rake assets:precompile issue with JS and stylesheets files with similar name
9:24AM 8 Skip index in array.each_with_index loop
12:25AM 1 problem of respond_with working on nested resources
Wednesday May 22 2013
7:15PM 2 Is command line Rails also so slow on Linuxes as it is on Windows?
5:26PM 1 First capistrano deploy question
3:30PM 1 Does someone there experience with resque worker and appfog?
2:53PM 2 Creating nested hash from nested active record results
9:28AM 1 better rails source code documentation?
1:48AM 3 (JOBS) 4-5 Remote U.S. based contractors needed for 2-3 month Ruby on Rails Project
Tuesday May 21 2013
7:08PM 7 How to develop an authentication/authorization plugin that I can use for multiple projects
6:32PM 0 Senior Rails Developer (Job opportunity based in Singapore
4:28PM 0 Brakeman 2.0 Released: Static analysis security scanner for Rails apps
4:27PM 3 yaml and ip addresses
2:12PM 0 Great resource for new Rails developers
1:19PM 0 Facebook authentication
10:20AM 0 Respect for Rails 0.1.0 is out!
3:36AM 6 gem install rails ERROR
Monday May 20 2013
11:02PM 1 undefined method `stringify_keys' for #<String:0x007fe8a3ba0a48>
10:36PM 1 activerecord to write to database
5:26PM 9 Help needed - No route matches [GET] "/draw/load"
1:48PM 0 db connection returns stale values
7:22AM 6 MapServer setup with rails in ubuntu 12.04
Sunday May 19 2013
10:11PM 6 acts_as_list crashes with non-numeric id
6:18PM 1 relationship of shopping cart and order
8:03AM 5 update_attributes() for a single column
Saturday May 18 2013
10:26PM 0 [JOBS] Full-time RoR Engineer, San Francisco @ Small, Fast-growing Mobile Company
6:58PM 0 ASCII Control Sequences ANSI Standard X3.64 Sent By rSpec and Cucumber End Up Mess in Windows Shell
5:19PM 3 You have already activated rake 10.0.4, but your Gemfile requires rake 10.0.3.
3:14PM 3 Make a column data unique for each user_id
12:52PM 0 ActionMailer: Remove Content-ID from multipart emails
8:27AM 1 Ruby Problem update
1:48AM 1 Feedback on my first gem: United Attributes
Friday May 17 2013
7:35PM 5 Active Admin with Ajax call
3:12PM 1 Heroku - Event_Calendar - preventing assets precompile
2:10PM 4 Simple Web calendar
9:43AM 0 Optimize LDAP Active Directory search filter query for user email using a substring
9:42AM 1 Error in Migration
3:10AM 0 [JOBS] Part time contract help needed to Upgrade Rails Project
Thursday May 16 2013
4:14PM 0 [JOBS] RoR Role at Big Data Start Up in SF and Seattle
5:34AM 0 [JOBS]: Pramata is Hiring - Bangalore - Product Based Company - 19th May, Sunday - SE & SSE, Leads
1:07AM 0 PHP is choosen for the next language at App Engine: we should vote for Ruby
Wednesday May 15 2013
3:55PM 1 staging deploy connected to production database
2:34PM 22 Ruby on Rails guidence need
12:05PM 1 Rails 4 RC1 polymorphic association not quite working.
11:30AM 3 French sentences appearing weird in Rails Website
8:09AM 3 nested form update issue
1:20AM 1 How to differentiate the form_for with respect to routes
Tuesday May 14 2013
7:58PM 0 Keeping Multiple Development Machines Synchronized with Homeboy
6:58PM 1 How to use selenium combined with cucumber on rails
6:06PM 3 manual vs automatic bundler deployment with capistrano
4:37PM 5 patch levels and ruby
3:59PM 1 My first working Rails site - Bargain Stock Funds
3:27PM 1 capistrano/mod_rails
2:56PM 1 rvm/capistrano
1:25PM 0 Permanent | RoR Engineers | £65k + bonus + Bens | UK based (Oxfordshire)
9:26AM 5 Why joins queries make result readonly?
9:19AM 2 Conrollers in rails (C in MVC)
8:53AM 1 (unknown)
7:37AM 1 Instagram Redirect error
7:07AM 4 rake precompile:assets throwing error
3:29AM 2 rails 3.2.13 model generator does not work in a mountable engine
Monday May 13 2013
9:46PM 0 Middleware example from Railscast #151 doesn't work as expected. Need help.
2:19PM 8 Need help on #grep
9:37AM 5 Re: How to integrate Flickr with Rails
8:19AM 1 STI convert object to other object
6:50AM 1 gzip fonts with asset pipeline
Sunday May 12 2013
8:11PM 10 Capybara with redirect
6:30PM 2 confusion with inline rescue
5:34PM 15 Advice needed --- Best way to get mysql2 gem installed to interact with Mysql Database?
1:40PM 1 Error in rubyracer installation
9:22AM 1 rake aborted error.
8:34AM 8 Newbie Associations Design Question
2:12AM 2 Why did you switch from Django to Rails?
Saturday May 11 2013
8:35PM 0 Jquery-Datatable-Rails Gem: Error on Update. PUT request automatically converting to a POST request.
7:17PM 3 advice, examples, creating front-end for postgresql
6:24PM 0 Elastic Search config
9:45AM 2 [Rails4] How to know if a gem is thread safe?
Friday May 10 2013
7:17PM 0 Rails and Oracle Stored Procedures
3:36PM 2 capistrano and scm_username and github
12:38PM 0 Please help test our site.
7:44AM 1 JOBS: Ruby on Rails Developer
7:03AM 2 paypal-express gem
4:40AM 4 values are being stored as null in mysql d/b
3:45AM 0 Rails 4 strong params error: no implicit conversion of Symbol into String
12:14AM 0 Senior Developer / Architect (ruby on Rails) required
Thursday May 9 2013
9:41PM 3 Auto generate models on creation of other models in Ruby on Rails
5:26PM 0 Rails 4.0.0.rc1 - A copy of <class> has been removed from the module tree but is still active!
5:10PM 1 iOS login tutorials or examples
4:59PM 1 Sending errors in response when using 'render'
2:24PM 0 Rmre 0.0.7 released
1:47PM 11 Using gem in rails application
11:04AM 4 store chat conversations
9:08AM 4 Rails ActiveResource URLs for searches including habtm relationships
7:26AM 7 why i am getting this error
12:20AM 1 ArgumentError: invalid %-encoding
Wednesday May 8 2013
10:11PM 0 Jobs: Need ruby on Rail Developers at CA
7:32PM 8 image_tag problem
5:22PM 7 Asset pipeline and jQuery scope
2:30PM 1 Rails asset precompilation doesn't remove comments. How to enable?
2:07PM 1 server started as daemon: Application behaves differently from running in console
10:57AM 1 Virtual attributes in Rails
9:40AM 1 Rails 3 : Upload image file using AJAX form submission
9:35AM 1 Using koala get facebook albums photos
Tuesday May 7 2013
10:43PM 0 Trying to get my head around engines (I think)
5:53PM 0 Model Versioning + Scheduling
5:43PM 2 Net::HTTP
3:12PM 3 validates :uniqueness apparently doesn't
10:18AM 4 Rake db:migrate
9:08AM 2 Access belongs_to on a Mongoid::Document subclass
7:38AM 1 Search and routes
6:08AM 4 Search form AND condition - Not working
5:41AM 2 Paypal automatic payment
Monday May 6 2013
7:01PM 0 Using after_save in an acts_as_* plugin
5:38PM 5 Roll your own authentication?
5:15PM 0 Generating URLs
10:15AM 3 online document editing interface ,Word processor for Rails.
6:16AM 4 Reg : How to Setup debugger in ruby for Rails project.
5:29AM 1 Help me! I want to install heroku toolbelt
Sunday May 5 2013
3:17PM 0 How to create dynamic edit option for static content in full static ruby on rails app
Saturday May 4 2013
11:30PM 5 rvm installation script
5:37PM 21 Getting started w/ Rails 4
Friday May 3 2013
2:04PM 2 Why Rails doesn't use their own technologies?
10:49AM 4 scaffold default form layout
6:20AM 0 Here's a Hall Pass for 2 free days of Code School for whoever wants in!
1:32AM 3 how to encrypt password in php
Thursday May 2 2013
8:00PM 3 Join table query question
4:16PM 0 Nesting modules inside of a Rails eninge gem
4:14PM 0 nested forms in activeadmin is mass assigning
12:15PM 0 How to set the other template engine (Tenjin) as the default in Rails ()instead of Erubis)?
9:53AM 0 Is it safe to upgrade to 3.2.13 or wait for 3.2.14
12:32AM 1 trouble-with-capybara-and-rspec-on-a-new-model-spec
Wednesday May 1 2013
11:11PM 0 [JOB] Part Time App Support / Review Role
9:48PM 0 [JOBS] Beginner level rails developer looking for job to learn rails
7:07PM 2 Is there any way to update the javascript when I reload the page using rails?
4:48PM 1 Guide user gem
3:09PM 3 PG gem behaves strange. It requires live DB connection to only generate a model. How to turn it off?
12:43PM 6 Need a help to get a good start with Nokogiri #css syntax.
5:40AM 13 new to ruby need help
4:50AM 2 Why does Hash#values_at not working?