Rails - Sep 2010

Thursday September 30 2010
11:13PM 5 Seeking RoR Development Shop for TOP SECRET project
10:03PM 3 Plugins Not Loading
9:27PM 2 Database localization in Rails 3.0: best practices?
8:51PM 6 STI with user and artist? Your thoughts please
8:37PM 2 How to use a class, put it inside a model?
7:26PM 0 PostgreSQL Conference West Talks are up
6:10PM 4 Which flavor of Linux should I use for a Rails dev box?
6:02PM 0 upgrade to Rails3 question
5:32PM 1 Application to replay through Exchange 2007
3:21PM 0 Gems installing in vendor/ruby when doing bundle update
3:06PM 0 Multi-Talented Web Programmer
2:48PM 0 Word Track Changes
12:17PM 5 Is this a good STI approach?
11:19AM 1 Help required...
9:35AM 2 Rails 3 engines testing
9:18AM 6 Rails3: ajax responds with js template text!
8:06AM 4 Problem with multithreading on Ruby On Rail
8:01AM 0 How to download Prawn pdf while using form submit?
7:43AM 2 How do i delete mongrel temp file
6:20AM 6 Rails 3 Plugin v Gem using /app
5:56AM 0 no such file to load --initializer
4:55AM 5 commiting doc folder to svn
4:06AM 0 Rails3 routes
3:11AM 2 Using Meta Data in a database field in a View
1:16AM 0 Problem with using oracle on Snow Leopard
Wednesday September 29 2010
10:56PM 0 communication between Rails and Ajax
10:54PM 0 Render pdf file with errors: Invaild Char etc.
9:49PM 1 rake db:create failure
8:59PM 0 Cron job in single environment
8:38PM 1 setting up has_many_through association between different db
5:54PM 2 Repeated Race Conditions in Rails 3.0
5:38PM 2 Autotest or alternative for Rails 3?
5:17PM 1 how to get rails 3 to respons with js?
3:59PM 1 validates_acceptance_of with virtual attribute check box
2:49PM 2 Rails 3 and dynamic css (rcss)
2:38PM 0 ROR Development Project
2:14PM 1 If/else in index.rss.builder
1:04PM 2 has many - Active Record
12:13PM 4 rails 3 remote server startup problem with mongrel_rails
11:47AM 2 Method used yet not defined anywhere?!
9:52AM 2 Railroad problem with :through?
9:26AM 1 Acts_as_taggable_on - custom_contexts not working.
9:11AM 0 MissingSourceFile - how to debug?
8:59AM 0 Rails Developer Glasgow
4:59AM 4 Best image upload plugin?
4:16AM 2 redirect_to doesn't create history
2:57AM 1 how to limit map.resource
Tuesday September 28 2010
11:27PM 1 Run 'rails console' no problem, but not 'rails dbconsole': Couldn't find database client: psql.
9:25PM 0 Timeout error
8:54PM 12 Completed 406 Not Acceptable
5:11PM 7 Cleaning up migrations
1:06PM 6 what is that get in routes?
11:47AM 2 Integrate Authorize .net with rails
11:15AM 0 2 levels nested form with a polymorphic association
10:43AM 2 Requirement
8:49AM 3 is mod x_sendfile0.11.1 is compatible with apche 2.2.16
8:47AM 3 using database constraints.
8:28AM 2 update the content of a column in a BD table
7:12AM 1 Re: Digest for rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFFw@public.gmane.org - 25 Messages in 11 Topics
5:02AM 4 Unitialized constant controller
3:14AM 4 Implementing a News Feed / Activity Feed on Several Models - Recommendations?
2:00AM 0 How long should Yard take to build documentation for gems?
12:15AM 3 aws::s3 to replace mysql blobs
Monday September 27 2010
10:17PM 0 Why doesn't the content show up
9:58PM 3 Rails3 app deploy : how to ?
9:52PM 11 Ayuda con attachment_fu
8:23PM 4 Thin start fails with error Message Missing Rails 2.3.8 gem"
8:01PM 9 Very basic question
7:39PM 0 problem with set_sequence_name please help
7:22PM 3 Question RE: ActionController::Base.session and ActionController::Base.session_store
6:58PM 0 SSL on Rails 3
4:05PM 3 how to print.
4:05PM 7 Uploading photos
4:03PM 3 streaming response body to client?
2:00PM 5 RoR Tutorial : clear password field
1:00PM 5 STI, xml/xslt, or ? for many custom forms/templates
12:44PM 6 Rails 3 + jQuery ; How to show error messages
12:30PM 4 API + tokens?
12:29PM 3 design decision
10:56AM 1 Freelancers: small site implementation
8:00AM 12 problem in using xsendfile apche+mongrel
7:07AM 0 to_json not working because reflections are wrong
6:50AM 9 Rails 3 - Creating a comment and then returning the Partial with JUST the new comment
4:08AM 1 How to avoid Rails scaffold to place model into namespace
Sunday September 26 2010
11:52PM 1 <<Mounting and Converting 7z vdi Files Virtual Machine>>
9:43PM 2 Question about securing videos
9:10PM 5 Newbe question
8:38PM 3 How do you get realtime visitor stats in RoR?
4:54PM 20 rails3 validate email format
4:42PM 1 undefined method `force_encoding' for "schema_migrations":String
4:40PM 2 rails3 customized error message
4:18PM 0 autocomplete and database updates
3:19PM 1 Rails 3 basic Get JSON with jQuery and output on the page flow question
2:36AM 2 Rails 3 - Loading a Subnav with Ajax… Which controller owns a subnav?
12:43AM 2 Adding a new RAILS_ENV (== Rails.env)
Saturday September 25 2010
11:49PM 3 Changing app from Rails 3 RC to final
10:45PM 7 How to uninstall ruby on ubuntu 10.10
8:32PM 2 Having trouble with text_fields and CSS
8:02PM 2 Is there any way to upload a .png file as part of a message here?
7:28PM 2 Installing Project Spree : Starting Error
7:04PM 3 Factory_girl association with specific values
6:32PM 7 AR3 Selects & Read Only :-(
5:31PM 1 just an easy question
5:20PM 1 Trying to refresh a view after changing the user language (I18n, locale)
2:54PM 1 How to get database gem installed for Windows and Netbeans ?
1:38PM 7 Is it a security risk using eval in the model?
12:33PM 6 [JOBS] Calling all Alpha Males with Ruby on Rails!
9:22AM 1 A few Rails 3 questions
7:14AM 0 Problems ./script/server
6:14AM 0 Using Cookies in a Rails 3.0 Metal Class
2:05AM 0 Looking for Asst Organizer for my Ruby meet up group.
1:34AM 5 I really cant update gem to 1.3.7 plz help T_T
Friday September 24 2010
11:43PM 0 Rails 3, using helpers in controller
11:19PM 3 Exception Notification
10:05PM 2 mysql e rails... won't work!
9:53PM 0 Should I give up on slickgrid for now?
9:36PM 2 Rails 3: Engines or/and Railties. How to use them?
9:22PM 7 ror models relations - advice ?
8:46PM 1 Refiring click event from a custom confirm using Rails 3 UJS data-confirm binding
7:23PM 0 I cant update gem more than 1.3.5 on Ubuntu
6:50PM 0 Assertions on ActiveRecord errors array
6:31PM 0 template.base_path in rails3
5:48PM 1 How to call a method in a controller with link_to?
5:40PM 4 invalid argument for file creating
3:53PM 0 [JOBS] In Search of Sr. RoR Developer at Super Company in Beautiful Portland, OR
3:22PM 3 UJS not getting executed upon return, in production only. Works in development
3:18PM 0 Mongrel failures but nothing in logs
1:31PM 2 Migrated app to rails 3, now very slow bootup times
11:13AM 1 Anyone can provide me rails 3.0 manual
10:58AM 2 2.2.2 rails for juggernaut
9:18AM 6 Same file in different apps
8:59AM 19 I cant use any rails command in my created project WHY!
8:52AM 1 Uploading and playing .mp4 files in rails application
8:21AM 1 how do i make rails not use utf8
8:18AM 0 Barry Flower is out of the office.
1:34AM 1 conditional show action
12:33AM 1 mysql install problems, please help
12:07AM 1 how to change the order of the group_method parameter in the grouped_collection_select method?
12:07AM 0 File upload conversion
Thursday September 23 2010
10:44PM 1 Could not load the bundler gem. Install it with `gem install bundler`. (RuntimeEr ror)
10:35PM 0 I cant generate scaffold on linux platform
9:57PM 0 is it a good rails agile code?
9:34PM 2 heroku: command not found
8:29PM 6 Named scope in named scope ??
8:03PM 3 Can't install mysql2 gem on Windows 7
7:47PM 0 Request Failed (code 500, Internal Error) Close - ActiveS
7:20PM 0 Dynamic controller dispatching in rails 3
6:03PM 0 rspec problems mocking classes based on mongoid
5:37PM 1 Problems Starting Server (local)
4:58PM 4 Capturing a block in ERB
4:42PM 0 Browsing Image on Apache in rails App
4:32PM 0 Helpers in Lib Modules
4:16PM 4 Confused with bcrypt and Authlogic
3:06PM 8 HowTo; Rails 3, having Tabs that load content via jQuery ... No Page Refesh
2:40PM 0 how to do force apache to handle static request
2:36PM 0 Anyone working for the Gov using RoR?
2:16PM 9 problem with complex function to save in db
1:56PM 7 errors.add, setting the whole message
1:13PM 0 can not get css file when unicorn running in production mode
12:55PM 0 how to i force apche to handle download requestrunning apach
12:34PM 2 How to run ruby from anywhere ?
11:00AM 5 Table connection issue
10:57AM 1 Multiple collection_select
10:38AM 0 haml generated javascript
10:25AM 2 validates in rails 3 is fuzzy?
9:42AM 0 Can i upgrade my redmine 0.8.3 to 1.0.1?
8:43AM 1 undefined method `protect_against_forgery?' for #<ActionView
8:39AM 4 for tests.
8:08AM 0 How to go with this in ActiveScaffold?
7:44AM 7 I cant' use Netbenas to develop ruby
7:18AM 0 Multiple database sessions
6:58AM 10 Connecting several tables in single database
6:57AM 6 Multipe Combo box Query System
5:52AM 6 Where are my field values?!
5:21AM 0 rake aborted! undefined method `autoload!'
5:15AM 0 Multiple database support
5:11AM 0 Rails3 question about why using the older style :controller option breaks under the following scenario...
5:02AM 0 Job: Senior Quality Assurance Engineer in San Francisco, CA
3:44AM 10 Util.html_escape() in erb file
3:23AM 0 HowTo; Rails 3, having Tabs that load content via jQuery … No Page Refesh
3:23AM 3 superclass mismatch for class Tempfile
2:26AM 5 How to update ruby and rails in instantrails2.0
12:49AM 0 Need speakers for Mobile apps meeting.
Wednesday September 22 2010
11:35PM 3 sou novato por aqui,
10:26PM 14 Advice concerning model hierarchy and associations
9:43PM 8 ActiveScaffold and partials
8:33PM 5 has_many - undefined method!
8:10PM 1 Viewing 404 in development
7:34PM 1 Loop of Properties
7:21PM 19 active_scaffold
7:05PM 0 Browser caching of Rails assets -- for real
6:21PM 3 how to remote function to get info from url in a javascript function
3:08PM 0 Not seeing error message from validates_format_of
2:00PM 2 Missing template home/index after update to Rails 3
1:44PM 0 :group usage
1:13PM 3 about uncomment “ match ':controller(/:action(/:id(.:format)))' ”
1:11PM 2 Newbie: Instant rails => scaffold creation problem
12:37PM 7 attr_accessor
11:49AM 5 Instances in an array
11:24AM 0 Non-greedy matching in routes?
10:52AM 3 undifined method! driving me insane!
10:51AM 1 How to skip x-axis in gruff line-graph
10:32AM 0 ActiveRecord#touch behaviour in Rails 3
9:51AM 1 Bundler picking up wrong version of Ruby with Rails 3 ( possible bundler bug )
9:27AM 12 Performing field calculations
8:29AM 0 Is ruby-1.8.6 supports the japanese strings as filenames
8:05AM 26 problem with the "detail"-method
7:27AM 0 problem in downloading large file apche+mongrel
7:04AM 0 Who are using jruby?
6:43AM 7 partials issue
6:22AM 0 after_update should not be called
5:59AM 0 how to fetch fresh html for an Elabel map object
5:05AM 5 mysql port info
Tuesday September 21 2010
11:33PM 0 Upload form with uploadify jquery plugin
10:49PM 4 Rails + Paperclip + IE: pictures disappear!
9:53PM 0 Relaxation on Ruby on Rails Requirement
9:35PM 0 validates_uniqueness_of problem
9:12PM 4 Calling a non-default method of my controller in my views?
9:10PM 2 Validation :if option with Class vars
8:13PM 25 Working in install acts_as_commentable, On create, error: "unknown attribute: book_id"
7:34PM 1 Rails-2.3.8 routing question
7:23PM 6 Iterate HashWithIndifferentAccess
7:02PM 0 RoR free e-books
6:53PM 0 Ruby on Rails Resources
6:02PM 11 dev server -- which Ruby?
5:01PM 1 Handsoap: Parsing Attributes
4:24PM 0 server load error (sorry)
4:21PM 0 JOBS in NYC and DC
4:16PM 3 load error
4:08PM 0 Surveys
3:00PM 3 Rails 3 deployment on Passenger
2:49PM 1 Replicate with different tables/fields names
2:38PM 2 create_table :products do |t|
1:36PM 7 Capistrano
1:31PM 9 Packaging for Rails applications
1:10PM 0 how do i clear rails cache
11:43AM 7 Ajax CSRF in Rails3
11:31AM 2 Change databaase column
11:14AM 18 Devise - alert messages not showing up
11:10AM 3 rails Dirty object concept is not working with nested att
10:13AM 1 NameError: uninitialized constant Dispatch
10:08AM 2 ENV[ ‘REQUEST_URI’ ] = “/demo/index”
8:27AM 0 any benefit to moving to ubuntu server 10.04
8:24AM 4 api.rubyonrails.org
6:57AM 10 Add line break to custom error message
6:46AM 0 No route matches “/error/HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY.html.var” with {:m
5:10AM 5 sortable_element and new ul
12:52AM 9 Maintain connections to two databases
Monday September 20 2010
8:55PM 0 Ruby on Rails full time opportunity
8:44PM 7 I want to build a Web App with Rails.... What to use for the Client Layer?
8:12PM 11 routing ... Mapping... can only get to index
7:39PM 15 unless params[:photo]['photo'].content_type =~ /^image/
6:56PM 1 Should a Gem's dependencies be listed in the parent app's Gemfile?
4:27PM 7 Any easy way to change a Name for a Model?
3:34PM 0 file_field
2:56PM 0 Rails 3 routes admin section
1:39PM 0 how do i update the gem version from 0.9.2 to 0.9.4
1:33PM 4 is pdf calling is possible in the frame in ruby on rails lik
12:49PM 8 Adding custom message on model validation in rails 3
10:45AM 5 Update to website not printing special Characters
10:03AM 0 problem in downloading large file(1.1 gb) using xsendfile mo
9:26AM 2 For Your Own Info: Rails 2.3.2 is incompatible with Cucumber (0.8.5), Capybara (0.3.9) and Selenium-webdriver (0.0.17)
8:46AM 0 q: ym4r & js & highlighting > center map
4:17AM 4 Problem about "no action" error
2:52AM 2 Modal pop up
2:00AM 2 How does one get a Rails 3 "app name"
1:17AM 3 Setting up email registration with Authlogic (couple questions)?
Sunday September 19 2010
8:37PM 3 devise issue
8:18PM 5 how to access the contents of a field
8:06PM 0 unicorn via VirtualBox
7:26PM 4 Rails 2.3.8 - InvalidAuthenticityToken problem. URGENT!
6:37PM 1 "git push" gives fatal error
6:03PM 7 Missing template classified/update.erb in view path app/view
5:18PM 0 Time based etags
9:41AM 21 Calling a Javascript method from a view
6:52AM 6 Depot app from 'Agile Web Development with Rails'
12:47AM 2 fresh_when/stale? usage
12:42AM 2 Learn Ruby in which version?
Saturday September 18 2010
10:29PM 13 Different databases for different sub domains
9:30PM 3 max-age/header problems with nginx
4:57PM 11 Commenting in an ERB without generating a compiling error
4:06PM 3 readline error with rails 3
2:16PM 0 attr_accessor_with_default -- how to use?
2:12PM 1 [JOBS] Who is the most dynamic Leader you ever worked with? Would you like to replicate that experience again?
12:58PM 3 how to increase the time-out
8:13AM 0 server problem or rails problem?
7:29AM 0 Nil when calling joins method on Model
6:14AM 4 Adding parent record to all tables
5:03AM 2 Active Record Query
4:29AM 0 lyric data store and search
12:57AM 0 Need help in filing Ruby on Rails Developer position in NY
Friday September 17 2010
11:51PM 0 pagination and caching
11:51PM 2 Postgresql RETURNING statement -> returning and ID after writing to a DB
9:26PM 1 Understanding Rails Controllers/Models
8:40PM 0 [JOBS] Columbus, OH
8:31PM 25 Trying to look up comment through an ID, but failing
7:07PM 5 Plugins Restful_authentication can't install
6:01PM 1 using OpenPGP gem and getting "out of range error"
5:07PM 0 Weird caching error
4:18PM 4 including a module in my model rails 3
3:50PM 0 Multiple Table Query
3:32PM 2 uninitialized constant ApplicationController::Authentication
3:24PM 0 wysihat-engine and IE8
3:08PM 1 option_groups_from_collection_for_select
3:01PM 5 find instead of find_by_sql
1:32PM 0 [JOB] Software Development Manager
12:48PM 3 How to create a project with an older version of rails
12:43PM 0 [JOBS] Sr. Technology Manager RoR $250k-$300k+ NYC & Washington DC
12:33PM 0 Key Value Json ActiveModel::Errors
12:22PM 9 invalid content-Length ERROR while uploading 2 GB of stream
10:54AM 5 Deprecated error_messages, what to use now?
10:41AM 0 ruby's oauth2 grant_type
9:19AM 0 I create a new video website by rails
9:08AM 3 Search inside files
7:45AM 7 Problem With Active Record. Associations Showing Error ..ple
7:28AM 5 Extract all routes and test their views?
5:39AM 1 receive mail with sendmail
5:02AM 3 Rails3 Plugin Guide init.rb confusion
4:30AM 5 Chat Application
4:22AM 5 Performing nested queries in rails
1:12AM 6 Rails base model
12:49AM 1 Execute System command asynchronously in Controller->Action
Thursday September 16 2010
11:51PM 0 error couchrest_model [not found]
10:11PM 1 is there any difference between......
6:54PM 0 [JOBS] Sr RoR Developer - Austin, TX
6:51PM 1 Rails 3 & Ajax
5:32PM 4 Cache output issue
5:30PM 3 has_many and bi-directional relationships
5:04PM 5 vestal_versions -- can I set it to ignore certain columns?
3:38PM 8 account registration, authentication plugins
2:56PM 39 How to access a model method from within a view?
2:54PM 6 acts_as_solr plugin fate?
1:51PM 2 New to Ruby, can someone run down the various plugins for the framework?
1:14PM 2 [JOBS] Looking for a job
12:07PM 0 wild card modal email forwarding to rails application
11:03AM 0 Problems with select
9:40AM 0 Pre-designed HTML editor
9:21AM 1 Getting the dimensions of an image element
7:52AM 2 rspec and autotest problems
7:31AM 3 Resyful authenticatio current_user in model
6:02AM 2 Javascript Error
Wednesday September 15 2010
11:36PM 4 How would I set up a Rails-style Public dir in a Gem?
9:50PM 1 suggestion regarding permissions & co
9:01PM 1 invisible attributes?
8:56PM 1 csv/Rails 3/ruby 1.9.2p0/mysql encoding problem
8:49PM 9 Getting specific error info from Cucumber?
8:41PM 0 Ckediter & ckfinder integration
7:45PM 5 script/console on production server
5:04PM 1 Rails3 development mode performance issues
4:44PM 5 OT: Installing static binary of wkhtmltopdf
4:00PM 2 DatabaseEntries deleted by rake
3:35PM 5 Hide an image in show.html.erb
2:08PM 3 reload! in console?
12:36PM 1 NoMethodError in ContainerformatsController#create
11:24AM 6 Should web tests have fixtures?
11:18AM 0 Affiliate program
10:39AM 3 Time Zone
9:06AM 6 Documentation for active record "validates" helper
8:20AM 2 Twitter Plugin
7:31AM 3 Post form example
7:25AM 4 Problems rake db:create
7:08AM 2 Update_all without callbacks
6:17AM 13 Capistrano Config Issue
4:03AM 19 Rails 3 with Mongrel possible?
4:02AM 1 slow loading application phusion passenger
3:12AM 4 script/rails server thin failed
Tuesday September 14 2010
10:24PM 5 storing a file download in a temp file
8:13PM 4 AutoComplete (auto_complete_for)
6:13PM 2 Using URLs as resource IDs: how to make work with Apache/Passenger?
5:11PM 0 automatic type casting of query parameters in finds
5:02PM 5 how to send raw data from a temp file as a base64 value ?
3:22PM 5 good hosting for Rails3 ?
3:08PM 3 undefined method `to_sym' for nil:NilClass
3:05PM 3 Numericality validation strips chars from original entry
1:07PM 1 Singleton user of a given role in Rails 3
12:47PM 3 Can't see http://localhost:3000/pages/home in browser
10:54AM 1 still routes.
10:51AM 9 Printing special characters on screen in Ruby
10:31AM 4 Overriding object instantiation?
10:08AM 2 rails connection sqlserver 2005 there some wrong!!
9:28AM 0 Problem with tests and cookies
7:20AM 7 where to get the plugin "acts_as_attachment"
5:11AM 4 Mysql2 throws errors on invalid dates. Need suggestion for catching
5:03AM 0 pdf.table
4:28AM 24 Roles that are User<>Project Based
3:59AM 2 req: Method executed in link_to
12:44AM 1 Paperclip - helppppp
Monday September 13 2010
9:15PM 0 Routing question
7:42PM 0 ri-cal mysql table
7:18PM 5 Problem with attr_accessor
6:58PM 4 Installation and versioning issues
6:47PM 4 Deprecation warning with form_tag
5:17PM 8 ruby-debug does not invoke from rspec (rails 3 rspec beta 22)
5:05PM 4 Indexing feature
4:04PM 5 How to disable a select?
3:48PM 0 redirect_to kills my session variable
3:05PM 9 Problems with the money gem
3:01PM 2 X Modek object into Y controller
2:27PM 0 Intelligent Searchform
12:58PM 5 View and Controllers association
11:53AM 13 what I've missed in routes.rb?
10:59AM 3 Query Multiple tables
8:33AM 0 Problem with daemonizing rails3
8:25AM 1 Remove membership
8:12AM 1 Read data in JSON format
7:47AM 12 STI and nested object on subclass
6:17AM 0 getting faster_require to work with rails 3
5:47AM 10 Could not find [GEM] locally or in a repository
Sunday September 12 2010
11:52PM 11 Rails Commenting, Plugins?
11:44PM 0 Call for papers for Conferencia Rails 2010 in Madrid
10:48PM 7 onload and .html.erb
10:37PM 1 <<How do I mount virtual rails to Virtual Machine?>>
10:11PM 8 formtastic options
4:57PM 5 Creating a Scope that joins user_id with the User Table (user.id) — Rails 3
4:09PM 9 html input strings to database column integers
1:57PM 5 Unable to get RAILS 3 recognize the Ruby 1.9.2 on Ubuntu 10.04
1:48PM 0 observe_field for jquery + rails3
1:29PM 4 Newbie: RoR good for "Kayak-type" site
1:28PM 11 Rails 3: finding a record by name in multilingual app
12:23PM 11 after_create not being called in seeds.rb?
10:15AM 2 Resource routes: optional path components
8:31AM 0 cookies are not send
2:20AM 11 "belongs_to" two different people
12:23AM 15 vestal_versions, user_id
Saturday September 11 2010
7:31PM 1 DICOM to JPG using Paperclip
6:24PM 4 Can't install plugins on rails 3.0
6:06PM 0 Autotest on Windows
5:41PM 2 rails production no public directory
5:13PM 7 Adding an associated Table to an Existing Table (Book > Revision)
4:41PM 6 slow rails environment load for unit tests, etc on windows
2:30PM 10 ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone to_s(:format) not working in view?
2:21PM 10 help in making a function inherited by all views
11:02AM 0 Rails 3 helper method not called
10:34AM 10 Couldn't find User without an ID
6:28AM 7 Flaw in permalinking system.
5:47AM 0 Mail 2.2.6 Released
4:09AM 2 Connection refused - connect(2)
4:07AM 10 Having difficulty with threaded comments, using acts_as_tree
3:54AM 4 Manual Rake Tasks Question
2:18AM 2 Set table value
Friday September 10 2010
11:01PM 4 Paperclip - 'identify' command.
8:54PM 7 rails 3 backends
7:24PM 0 protect_from_forgery
7:08PM 1 PostgreSQL 8.3 not storing 'Date' field type with Rails 3.0
7:00PM 4 Rails 2.3.x documentation archive?
6:04PM 1 schedule to run a method?
5:20PM 0 Re: Unexpected behavior with respond_to
10:43AM 2 Simple_captcha issue
9:18AM 10 current_page? inside controller
8:59AM 11 REST perhaps I don't undestand it.
8:45AM 8 Cumulative Sum with will_paginate and activerecord
8:44AM 9 How to implement a sandbox
8:25AM 5 safe nil in rails views.
4:41AM 4 Trying to do a report with a list of zip codes and getting stuck..
Thursday September 9 2010
9:41PM 2 text_field and :onchange
9:29PM 2 Simple Captcha - files still in "/tmp" directory and not displaying
9:28PM 1 NoMethodError in User sessionsController#create
9:18PM 1 Integration tests failing with restful_authentication
8:52PM 0 rails3 form_for adding element class...because...?
8:21PM 2 rails update fails
8:07PM 2 (JOB) Ruby on Rails Programmer
7:16PM 0 Rails3: jquery-rails gem sets 'config.action_view.javascript_expansions' but cannot be overriden in 'config/application.rb'
6:33PM 1 406 Not Acceptable with swfupload
6:24PM 9 Is it possible to do date arithmetic in an active record query without using custom sql ?
4:35PM 3 Problem with unexpected nil in assert_select
4:22PM 2 Rspec-rails setup in Rails 3
3:34PM 5 rails 3 gives me allot of issues?
3:15PM 4 acts_as_list query
2:55PM 3 Syntax with link_to using block, remote, parameters and class/id
2:54PM 1 conditional ajax call after page is loaded
12:01PM 4 Capistrano Deploy with SVN over SSH - Network connection closed unexpectedly
11:37AM 1 Are you an RoR Ninja? Want a signing bonus?
11:32AM 3 How to apply OR condition in model.find?
11:14AM 2 view on index pages data from custom SQL statements
10:14AM 2 Multiple Routes
9:24AM 17 formtastic issue
9:01AM 0 acts_as_solr plugin not working properly in rails postgresql
7:15AM 1 need help with redirection
6:57AM 5 Persistance connection with database
5:47AM 2 dynamically changing ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method
5:17AM 5 Need help on Dicom Image viewer
4:54AM 9 Will a Quad-core i5 processor significantly speed up development on Linux or Mac?
2:30AM 22 Controller usage
2:22AM 6 mysql2
1:11AM 5 Freeze an attribute?
Wednesday September 8 2010
11:02PM 5 when is it okay to resort to find_by_sql?
10:34PM 6 Cannot start sqlite3
9:31PM 3 New beginning rails 3 book from apress
8:23PM 13 Hello
7:15PM 10 RMagick to_blob display via AJAX call
7:13PM 20 Why isn't the image showing up
7:04PM 2 Trying to local variable passed to a partial in a find call and getting nowhere..
6:12PM 2 Create and render a flash message partial?
4:25PM 1 Chat Room For Ruby On Rails
4:00PM 14 A version problem
3:55PM 0 [JOB] ROR Developer in Denver, CO
3:47PM 27 Textmate vs. MacVim
3:33PM 3 rails3 routes.rb DSL deprecation warning
3:28PM 14 problem with passing local variables to a partial view
2:11PM 4 Populate combo box from database without repeatness
1:18PM 0 Re: Call expire_fragment from outside sweepers or controllers
12:35PM 6 Ruby on Rails download page misleading instructions: Ruby 1.9.2p0 + RubyGems = error
11:49AM 4 On init webrick get older rails version (suddenly)
11:08AM 8 find_by_sql
10:18AM 5 How to create XML
9:35AM 2 Rails 2 to Rails 3 - How to convert this sql query ?
8:36AM 0 [JOBS] HelloExpert.com is looking for Senior Technology Leaders (Director/VP of Engineering level)
7:19AM 1 mysql2 gem instalmlation on Ubuntu 10.04/Windows XP having Ruby 1.9.2
7:06AM 1 New Gem: Rspec custom matchers for action caching
6:47AM 1 no output
6:24AM 4 OpenSSL
6:05AM 3 I18n.t and UTF-8 black diamond ?
5:57AM 5 Adding a selected checkbox to a new nested model without polluting the model
4:31AM 1 ROR Training For Beginners @ Bangalore
4:29AM 0 (Jobs) - FTE - Ror Developer for Social CRM/ Search Company on Market Street in SF
4:02AM 16 Build versus Create?
1:30AM 1 :select with find_in_batches
1:30AM 0 Problems with ajax in Rails 3
12:36AM 0 Cloning this repo is working, but the cloned app isn't
12:01AM 1 problem getting rails 3 to work
Tuesday September 7 2010
11:15PM 1 after_find callback broken after upgrade to rails3
10:46PM 3 Stuck on something that should be so darn simple - link_to a "foo_bar" controller method?
10:42PM 1 sql query with pagination
9:22PM 4 Deploying a Rails app: Uninitialized constant Haml::Filters::Markdown
8:25PM 2 Help on formatting some HAML
8:02PM 2 Caching
7:26PM 0 [JOBS] HelloExpert.com is looking for technology leaders (Dir/VP level hires)
4:30PM 3 ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished error
2:52PM 3 Rails 3.0.0 - ArgumentError (wrong number of arguments (3 for 1))
2:36PM 2 NameError: uninitialized constant Vimeo
1:42PM 0 Scott Hughes is out of the office.
1:04PM 1 How do you configure WEBrick to use SSL in Rails 3?
12:43PM 0 Free Gold Passes for - OSI Days 2010 - Asia’s Leading Open Source Conference
10:55AM 8 weird stuff: validate_uniqueness_of with :scope does not work
10:50AM 0 Tutorials for Query Interface
9:41AM 4 rails scaffolding issue
9:05AM 26 Polymorphic advice for this design
8:51AM 2 Update code Net::HTTP::Put.new(url.path)
8:44AM 3 link_to with :method as :post
7:57AM 5 Selecting only a subset of columns.
4:55AM 0 numeric key in yam file to be used by config file
12:46AM 2 Rails 3 and Controller Instance Variables Inside a Helper
Monday September 6 2010
11:26PM 0 log4r
11:15PM 1 printing stacktrace
10:13PM 18 problem when : ruby script/server
10:06PM 1 Looking for VP of Engineering w/RoR coding capability
8:28PM 2 Deployment with nginx + mod_rails ( a.k.a phusion passenger)
8:04PM 0 render_inheritable
7:59PM 1 dry_crud 1.0.0
7:58PM 2 Background Task: How to?
6:42PM 0 "clone" at active_record relation
6:25PM 1 Logging question
6:09PM 5 how to call rails method from javascript method.
5:55PM 9 Rails 3 not working with windows 7
4:07PM 0 I18n interpolation problem
3:33PM 0 [JOBS] NYC Consulting, Onsite at Client Location only, Financial Services Firm $800-$1000 per day
3:11PM 0 link_to_remote and link_to
2:40PM 3 Loads of users
12:09PM 8 i18n assets management / translation UI
11:25AM 9 Phusion Passenger error
11:00AM 1 Ruby api code for Create blogs
9:26AM 1 Suggestions on Ruby code for API
9:25AM 3 Backup database from the application
6:00AM 4 When to use self.class.function vs self.function
4:38AM 3 reload! not working
3:02AM 3 script/server
2:52AM 3 Need an online payment system - suggestions required
1:35AM 7 nested routes question
12:44AM 2 batch processing question
Sunday September 5 2010
11:31PM 0 How to use Rspec to test Comments?
11:07PM 8 Rails 3, help controlling access to a record based on the user id
6:25PM 1 Jquery post authenticity_token is not sent
5:03PM 1 Rails 3 production with fastCGI
3:08PM 2 Default value depending on the controller action
2:01PM 2 How about the heroku
1:57PM 5 Rails and database connection pooling
1:09PM 0 Restful_authentication sending email on each login
12:55PM 2 Installing rails on lucid lynx.
12:01PM 13 undefined method `path' for Gem:Module (NoMethodError)
10:55AM 11 Whats a good way to avoid nil lookup errors
8:12AM 0 Help with routes
4:23AM 1 drop_receiving_element does not fire
12:26AM 0 Developing a web chat using Rails 3
12:13AM 2 Rails friendly Forex broker?
Saturday September 4 2010
11:31PM 2 Formatting data before ActiveRecord insertion
10:43PM 8 sqlite3/sqlite3_native (LoadError)
9:20PM 2 Decimal numbers pain
8:23PM 8 Pass a value from controller to model
7:23PM 4 Nothing is being inserted into the database...help!
6:26PM 1 Moving ROR Dev from one windows PC to another
6:06PM 5 What does <> mean in a sql query?
5:48PM 6 Cannot seem to display Comments on User Show Page
5:26PM 4 Store a single variable / row in database
5:12PM 0 CSRF protection not working with jquery ajax post request
4:55PM 0 gem customization
2:33PM 0 Dynamic Filters with AJAX (like Redmine/Trac)
2:11PM 1 about routes
12:51PM 3 its easy but i forgot all
8:36AM 3 "File not found: lib" when installing rails-3.0.0
8:18AM 1 Trying to create a collection to use for a report
4:38AM 2 rake background task can not run
4:16AM 2 [newbie question]how to add a new view to a exist controller?
12:27AM 5 Using ActiveRecord Find with associations
12:14AM 3 Triggering Javascript from a Ruby form
Friday September 3 2010
11:19PM 1 Action Controller Error: undefined local variable or method `current_user'
7:55PM 1 Rake task rails:upgrade:check is not working on windows. Rai
7:16PM 0 modify objectclass - Object class violation/Operations error
7:16PM 0 Nested form with a N-N relation and a predefined list of elements to choose
6:55PM 0 net-ldap-0.1.1 gives invalid filter syntax cuz of parenthesi
6:37PM 1 Has_and_belongs_to_many form with check_box
5:38PM 3 yield, helpers with blocks, and double-output
5:34PM 1 invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 , need to re-encode ?
4:52PM 2 2.3.5 guide
4:13PM 1 Google maps -> sending coördinates
3:53PM 8 Using Rails 3 with Ruby 1.9
3:03PM 2 Problema con parámetros en collection_select (No novato)
1:18PM 0 nested form + partial + collection_select [No novato]
12:46PM 1 Rack gem in not getting unpacked
11:15AM 0 I have an issue that I can't solve at all
10:35AM 3 Pass selected value in combo as a parameter
10:16AM 12 RoR with Existing tables in database using Postgresql
10:07AM 4 Using Factory Girl with has many relationship
10:00AM 3 rails 2 or ralis 3, which is better for a new project in real life?
9:32AM 6 upgrading to rails 3.
7:54AM 1 YUI, Hpricot and security
12:52AM 3 Upload file attachment with rest or xml
12:27AM 1 Issues with Relationships
Thursday September 2 2010
11:16PM 1 Authlogic user login and register new user side-by-side
9:49PM 17 Objects with versions: how to avoid 1 + n queries?
9:08PM 1 Record Remote IP Address
8:21PM 1 ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::Column value_to_boolean(value) does not return a boolean value.
7:17PM 6 Determining who is calling a helper method
3:22PM 1 Error No such file or directory
3:18PM 0 When will Spork be Rails3-ready?
1:20PM 2 Disable Rails caching in test environment?
1:08PM 7 unable to upload larger files
11:28AM 1 Re: Running consecutive DOS commands in Ruby
11:21AM 2 Komodo Edit + rvm
10:57AM 7 Rails 3 web server quits with error message on booting
10:49AM 2 Remove array within hash
10:36AM 0 controller failing to read flash
10:05AM 5 Progressbar for Slow Loading Webpages
9:18AM 7 Read embedded image from xml file
9:12AM 2 How to override form_helper module
7:38AM 1 link_to
7:18AM 0 Configuring Asterisk with rails
6:13AM 6 find created_at in local time
1:32AM 2 Rails 3.0, setting asset_host class
12:37AM 0 counter column does not get updated
12:31AM 0 Webrat click_link does not handle links with a query string?
Wednesday September 1 2010
11:02PM 0 [Rails3] How to send Content-type HTTP header in all my html files generated by Rails3
10:24PM 3 belongs_to_auto_completer > undefined method `reflect_on_association'
8:57PM 1 failed to allocate memory
8:46PM 16 can't install rails - gem is asking for a zlib
8:27PM 2 Rails 3: many to many polymorphic relationship
6:37PM 7 rubygem 1.3.7 install problem
5:50PM 4 NoMethodError: undefined method `force_encoding' for "Conten
5:26PM 3 memcache in prod vs dev
5:17PM 1 Anyone writing a Rails backend to elFinder?
5:03PM 3 Newbie Rails Issue
4:59PM 3 Need help with model logic
4:18PM 1 When to use 'bundle package'
3:22PM 4 deprecation warning in Rails 3 about Base.named_scope
2:12PM 4 Strange image display issue
2:05PM 0 Error on update_attributes with HABTM relationship
1:30PM 4 RailsDeveloper.com is live!
1:28PM 2 Views: comments for template and partial location in filesystem?
10:01AM 3 undefined method `inject' for true:TrueClass
8:51AM 0 customize error for rails
7:59AM 6 Performing Faster...
7:17AM 1 Faking Paperclip has_attached_file with Factory girl?
4:28AM 4 Ruby on Rails hosting
4:15AM 0 PaperClip StorageMethodNotFound (Cannot found filesystem)
3:50AM 1 sunspot_rails vs websolr-sunspot_rails
2:35AM 5 validation errors bring up stack trace error page
1:53AM 1 Sidebars should be placed in the main layout or the action's view
12:43AM 6 Thinking of going back to MySql from PgSql. Your thoughts?