jeroen wrote:> Hi,
> I''m having a little trouble figuring out how to make a self-
> referential HABTM bi-directional.
> I have a Employee class. Each employee can have a couple of bosses,
> who are also employees. The employee class has the following HABTM:
> has_and_belongs_to_many :bosses, :class_name =>
> "Employee", :join_table => "bosses_courses",
> => "boss_id", :foreign_key => "employee_id"
> Now this works fine.. but only one way. I can get all bosses of an
> employee but I can''t get all employees of a boss.
> In hindsight I think it probaby would have been better to use
> a :through relationship for this, but I can''t really change the
> database schema now.
> The solution might be to code something like a subordinate method for
> the employee class myself, but I''m not sure how to do that.
> Does anyone has any good suggestions?
You should just be able to add
has_and_belongs_to_many :employees, :class_name => "Employee",
:join_table => "bosses_courses", :association_foreign_key =>
"employee_id", :foreign_key => "boss_id"
Notice how I just changed the name of the relationship, and swapped the
two keys. This should give you the "other" direction that
looking for. The :class_name and :association_foreign_key arguments
are probably not necessary in this one, but in this case I would keep
them just to help clearly document the difference between the two
relationships for myself months down the road.
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