search for: parent_id

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 224 matches for "parent_id".

Did you mean: parent_pid
2006 Jun 19
Using set_primary_key breaks acts_as_tree with non-integer column
...nteger, it breaks the SQL query as follows: StatementInvalid in PagesController#create -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mysql::Error: #42S22Unknown column ''1_3'' in ''where clause'': SELECT * FROM pages WHERE (parent_id = 1_3 AND account_id = 1) ORDER BY position DESC LIMIT 1 Because parent_id is also now a :string column, the 1_3 should be put into single quotes like so: SELECT * FROM pages WHERE (parent_id = ''1_3'' AND account_id = 1) ORDER BY position DESC LIMIT 1 ... but acts_as_tree...
2005 Nov 25
acts_as_list with 2 fields in the scope
Hi Railers, I''ve got a Categories table. I want it to act as a list within the scope of the parent_id AND the site_id. Categories table : id label site_id parent_id So, in my Category class, I have : acts_as_list :scope => ''site_id = #{site_id} AND parent_id = # {parent_id}'' The problem is that when I try to move_up a Category with a parent_id that is null, the generat...
2009 May 22
[PATCH server] fixed smart pool 'save' regression.
.....6d879b9 100644 --- a/src/app/controllers/hardware_controller.rb +++ b/src/app/controllers/hardware_controller.rb @@ -187,10 +187,7 @@ class HardwareController < PoolController end def additional_create_params - ret_hash = {:resource_ids => params[:resource_ids], - :parent_id => (params[:hardware_pool] ? - params[:hardware_pool][:parent_id] : - params[:parent_id])} + ret_hash = {:resource_ids => params[:resource_ids]} ret_hash[:resource_type] = Host if params[:resource_type] == "hosts"...
2006 May 07
Stupid newbie question
Here''s a request string which has a value I want to pull out from the category array - parent_id. Parameters: {"category"=>{"name"=>"Condiments", "parent_id"=>"1"}, "commit"=>"Create"} How do I reference that subelement in the receiving script? I''ve tried params[:parent_id] params[:category[:parent_...
2005 Sep 23
problem with acts_as_tree
...rails book. So I have something like: class Category < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_tree :order => "title" end create table categories ( id int not null auto_increment, title varchar(100) not null, parent_id int, constraint fk_category foreign key (parent_id) references categories(id), primary key (id) ); When I try to use category.children I get an invalid member error. When I changed this to: class Category < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :parent,...
2014 Nov 24
[PATCH] v2v: -i ova: Remove incorrect warning for disks that have no parent controller (RHBZ#1167302).
...f --git a/v2v/ b/v2v/ index 95af2e5..9a9c10a 100644 --- a/v2v/ +++ b/v2v/ @@ -187,14 +187,17 @@ object for i = 0 to nr_nodes-1 do let n = Xml.xpathobj_node doc obj i in Xml.xpathctx_set_current_context xpathctx n; - let parent_id = xpath_to_int "rasd:Parent/text()" 0 in (* XXX We assume the OVF lists these in order. let address = xpath_to_int "rasd:AddressOnParent/text()" 0 in *) (* Find the parent controller. *) - let controller = parent_controller parent_i...
2006 Apr 30
I need an ordered (sortable tree) and I just was thinking if somehting like this is possible: class Item< ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_tree :order => "position" acts_as_list :scope => ''parent_id = #{}'' end For my understanding mixing of two acts_as should be p?ssible, at least in this case, right? Unfortunatly the :scope is not working, I am not sure how to write the scope so that only items are treated as list whos parent_id is like mine. I tried: ''parent_id...
2009 Feb 20
better nested set and parent_id
Hello everybody I have a model with better_nested_set. In my "new" form, i pass the desired parent_id as a hidden field, and in the create action at the controller i save the new register and use move_to_child_of Model (params[item][parent_id]) Everything works, but at my log file it warns that i can''t mass asign the property "parent_id". What can i do to avoid the warning? --...
2006 Mar 21
Order records based on number of children
Let''s say I have simple schema with two tables. The models are defined like the folllowing: class Parent < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :children end class Child < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :parent end Simple has_many relationship. Is there any way to order the results of a Parent.find_all by the number of children the parent has? I can sort with sorted_parents =
2006 Apr 07
validation nightmare
Please help, I am really at a loss at how validation is supposed to work in rails. Model contains acts_as_tree I want to force my NEW objects to have a parent I do NOT want existing object to have a parent so I only want to have parent_id on create, NOT on update. I am trying this: def validate_on_create validates_presence_of :parent_id, :message => "You must specify a parent for this keyword." end and I get: undefined method `validates_presence_of'' for #<Keyword:0xb774aba0> The only...
2007 Oct 12
Models that reference themselves
...dels and relationships. In one project I have a hierarchy of (geographical) sites. For example: Earth Europe Ireland Cork Kerry Galway ...... UK France America If I were using any other language my sites model would look like: id, # Primary Key site_name, parent_id # references the id of this site''s parent. In Rails I think I need to: 1. Drop the parent_id column 2. Use a bridge table to bridge the site id back to the parent site record and 3. A has_and_belongs_to_many relationship Is this the correct approach? I''m sure this must have be...
2007 Jan 17
rake test and validates_inclusion_of
...e always ones that are asserting that a model, which has a reference to another model, is OK. So for example, one assertion that passes when I do `ruby test/unit/department_test.rb`, but fails when I do `rake test` is: department = => "super department", :parent_id => departments(:administration_department).id) assert When I print out department.errors, I see that parent_id is invalid because it "is not included in the list". The validation I have on parent_id is: validates_inclusion_of :parent_id, :in => Department.find_all...
2005 Jul 25
acts_as_tree and traversing parent/child relationships working on an Rails application that uses a pretty complex category structure through out the site. I have defined a table to house all the info and a FK to reference parents within the table CREATE TABLE categories ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, name varchar(50) NOT NULL, parent_id int(11) default NULL, constraint fk_category_id foreign key (category_id) references categories(id), PRIMARY KEY (id) ); My goal was to be able to set the names to reference other entries in the table, establishing the parent/child relationship parent = id: 1 name: Category 1 parent_id...
2006 Mar 15
acts_as_threaded - help ???
...ast. When I submit the post I get an SQL error: PGError: ERROR: null value in column "root_id" violates not-null constraint: INSERT INTO posts ("name", "updated_at", "body", "depth", "lft", "subject", "root_id", "parent_id", "rgt", "created_at") VALUES(''Richard Nixon'', ''2006-03-14 19:45:58'', ''Erase tape number 2347!'', 0, 0, ''Memo'', NULL, NULL, 0, ''2006-03-14 19:43:00'') We can see NULL values being provi...
2009 Feb 19
Associated child records not created on creation of a parent.
...lem Statement ------------ PrototypeModel has many Departments . Departments may also be grouped within Departments. Trying to create a new PrototypeModel and populating the departments (behind the scenes) from a template PrototypeModel specified by the user in params[:prototype_model][:parent_id]. The save of the PrototypeModel fails as the new Department records are invalid. I checked the instances and find that the is nil. But that id is supposed to be populated by the associated save! If I replace the argument in the controller::create with a s...
2006 Apr 27
select item based on previous select list selection?
...come across several part examples using remote_function or rjs, but my rails newbieness is preventing me from understanding those completely. Does anyone have complete code or a suggestion as to how to accomplish this. This is my existing code: <%= select (''task'', ''parent_id'', @parents.collect {|p| [ p.title, ] }, { :include_blank => true }) %> <%= select (''task'', ''client_id'', @clients.collect {|c| [, ] }) %> Thx N. -- Posted via
2006 Apr 20
Rails is losing key information
...SERT INTO QUESTIONS () VALUES (''15'', ''1'', ''45'', ''7'', ''0'', NULL, ''46'', ''45''); ---------------------------------- Results in database: ---------------------------------- ID PARENT_ID PRESENTATION_ID 14 1 43 SEQ POINTS TIME_ALLOWED 6 0 [null] TIP_PRESENTATION_ID EXPLANATION_PRESENTATION_ID 44 43 ---------------------------------- Firebird DDL: ---------------------------------- create table presentations ( ID INTEGER not null primary key, textvalue varchar (1024),...
2006 Jun 16
sortable acts_as_tree with heirarchy the drag and drop working on children, but as can''t get it to save the tree. Here''s my view: <h2>Menu Prototype 2</h2> <%= flash[:notice] %> <ul id="menu"> <% @navigation.each do |link| %> <li class="edit_link level<%= link.parent_id %>" id="_<%= %>"> <%= %> <ul class="edit_list"> <% link.children.each do |child| %> <li class="edit_link level<%= child.parent_id %>" id="_<%= %>"> <%=...
2006 Jan 09
Saving an upload
..."films_pictures" attr_writer :uploaded_files attr_reader :uploaded_files validates_presence_of :name, :description, :has_subtitles, :is_censored end picture.rb: class Picture < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :films has_many :comics acts_as_list :picture_id attr_writer :parent_id attr_writer :type validates_presence_of :filename, :content_type def after_save p self.inspect # If a file was uploaded, save it if @temp_file # Check the existence of the dir before writing #item = get_parent #upload_dir = File.expand_path(UPLOAD_PATH) + &quot...
2006 Feb 08
Many-To-Many w/acts_as_tree?
...''m having a problem getting acts_as_tree working. It seems from the Agile book (p. 255) that acts_as_tree only supports one-to-one record relations, whereas I need many-to-many support. In other words, looking at the picture at the top of page 256 where where only 1 id is linked to 1 parent_id, I need multiple id''s linked to multiple parent_id''s - for example, id = 6 linked to not only parent_id 3, but also parent_id 7 and 5 (not really parents, just linked). Obviously w/the id column being a primary key, duplicate values of id = 6 isn''t going to work. Any...