> } I''m trying to isolate some Rails apps I will be running on a
> } server; by isolate I mean I want the application to be unable to access
> } any of the filesystem below its root. These apps are from a few
> } different people and I don''t want them to accidentally (or
> } blow someone else''s files away. I would just create a unique
user for
> } all of them, but I don''t want them to have shell access (and I
> } exactly have a lot of shell accounts flying about the give away being on
> } a shared server and all). I''ve been toying with permissions and
> } ownership but I can''t seem to cook up the right formula and I
don''t know
> } if Rails offers some config option that I''m unaware of. Do any
of you
> } Rails/sysadmin wizzes have any ideas?
> Run your apps under Mongrel or something in a chroot. It doesn''t
> what user it runs under. You can use Apache''s mod_proxy to route
> appropriate URLs to the apps.
> } --Jeremy McAnally
> --Greg
That doesn''t seem to be an option; for some reason we aren''t
given chroot
on the server. I don''t know why...but it''s not there.
I''m looking into
it. Secondly, I''m hoping to have quite a few Rails apps running on
(like 100+ or more) and I''m not sure how the server would handle the
load of
so many Mongrel instances. It also seems that we lack Mongrel and we
get it...any other ideas?
[[ Thanks - Jeremy
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