Hi, Jean-Christophe,
never been in your situation but I''ve made a short test anyway
require ''logger''
class TestIt
attr_reader :logger
attr_writer :logger
def initialize
def log_it(message)
seems to work:
F:\home\jan\workspace\blauton>ruby script/console
Loading development environment.
>> test = TestIt.new
=> #<TestIt:0x34d2b18 @logger=#<Logger:0x35ba358 @level=0,
@progname=nil, @logdev=#<Logger::LogDevice:0x35ba310
@shift_size=1048576, @shif
>> test.log_it(''Hello Jean-Christophe'')
=> true
>> exit
Best Regards
Jean-Christophe Michel wrote:
>I wrote a class which is not an AR extension, nor a controller.
>I''d like to use logger.* methods there too.
>My class is in lib/ dir. I include it in environment.rb with the line
>require ''lib/localization''
>just after the line
>require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ''boot'')
>I tried many ways to reuse the logger class. The cleaner way seemed to
>be based on Object::RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER that is defined in
> silence_warnings { Object.const_set "RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER",
logger }
>But all I get is an uninitialized constant :(
>Please tell me the right way to reuse logger.