Hello Friendly Gurus,
I have a volunteers table and an hours tables. I''ve edited the
respective models to have: "hours belongs_to :volunteer" and
has_many :hours". My problem is, I don''t know how to set the
volunteer_id column in the hours table to the appropriate value so that
hours will belong to volunteers.
I''ve added the following line to list.rhtml in the volunteers view so I
can pass the volunteer id to the hours new action:
"<td><%= link_to ''Add Hours'', :controller =>
''hours'', :action => ''new'',
:id => volunteer %></td> "
My thought is that I would pass the volunteer id to the hours controller
and convert it into a hidden field in the "new" form so that we can
it to populate the volunteer_id column. This is how the PHP Spaghetti
coder in me would have done it, but I suppose there is a more elegant
Rails way to do this. I hope you can help.
Thank you in advance!
-Sean Clark, Rails Nube and recovering PHP Spaghetti Coder
Posted via ruby-forum.com.