hey, i have this problem in the database i have 32 records and the sql filtered 4 records #getting the callerid records depending on the given paramaters and paginate it @callerid_pages = Paginator.new self, CallerId.count, 10, @params[''page''] @caller_ids = CallerId.find(:all, :conditions =>["geotags.firm_id = ? ", @firm_id], :order => " geotags.address1 ASC", :include => [:geotag], :limit=>@callerid_pages.items_per_page, :offset=>@callerid_pages.current.offset) How come i get extra next and previous tags, with no records diplays when i count the next and previous tags, i get 4 pages, this could be the 32 records. How can i change this, when i got 4 records, no tags are shown. Thanks Nick
hey, and when i do the normal way @callerid_pages, @caller_ids = paginate :caller_id, :conditions => ["caller_ids.geotag_id = geotags.id and geotags.firm_id = ? and caller_ids.phone like ? and caller_ids.geotag_id like ? and geotags.client_id like ? and caller_ids.deleted like ? " + text, @firm_id, "%#{@phone}%", "#{@geotag_id}", "#{@client_id}",0] , :order => " geotags.address1 ASC", :include => [:geotag], :per_page => 10 #42S02Unknown table ''geotags'' in where clause: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM caller_ids WHERE (caller_ids.geotag_id = geotags.id and geotags.firm_id = 1 and caller_ids.phone like ''%%'' and caller_ids.geotag_id like ''%'' and geotags.client_id like ''%'' and caller_ids.deleted like 0 and geotags.client_id IN ( 274, 160, 3 ) )