Rails spinoffs - Mar 2008

Monday March 31 2008
10:53PM 0 mouseover with observe-method doesn`t work on hyperlink
9:32AM 2 addClassName IE6
9:07AM 2 mistake with params?
4:02AM 0 looking for javascript pro
3:04AM 3 YUI and AJAX.Updater
3:00AM 1 How to make a ajax (xhr) redirect?
Sunday March 30 2008
5:49PM 1 Prototype doesn't support Cross-Site in FireFox3?
1:50AM 0 Prototype AJAX Cross Site support
Saturday March 29 2008
4:57PM 1 vs2008 intellisense for Prototype
2:50PM 1 CSS Selectors dumbed down?
12:17PM 0 hello
5:04AM 2 Add key/value pairs to json object?
Friday March 28 2008
10:00PM 2 Event not triggered in IE
5:49PM 2 combine Form.serialize with other data?
10:47AM 3 Sourcing a variable/function out
6:53AM 0 Goofy Boxes
Thursday March 27 2008
10:44PM 12 for..in returning Prototype functions
10:24PM 1 No update after AJAX request!
10:07PM 0 mouseover & mousout triggered numerous times as the mouse moves...
5:37PM 0 IE error replacing Select element option list
5:27PM 0 Subclassing Element with Class.create
3:38PM 0 <myDiv> won't update?
12:06PM 0 Move group of numbers in block
10:07AM 0 Observing a nested an absolute element in IE doesn't work
7:40AM 8 Getting name of object instance from within object
2:13AM 0 form missing extended methods?
Wednesday March 26 2008
8:59PM 0 Possible Flash Issue
8:37PM 9 Form.Element.disable() shifts focus in some browsers...why?
8:35PM 1 Form.Element.disable() shifts docus
8:15PM 4 How to do multiple inheritance with mixins in 1.6?
7:22PM 3 Prototype Element.insert API documentation
5:04PM 4 PeriodicalUpdater Stop
1:51PM 6 finding the last item in a list
11:40AM 2 Ajax responder callbacks
3:19AM 0 Object.toJSON Serializing
Tuesday March 25 2008
11:01PM 0 Firefox 2 is not cancelling in Prototype.js Scriptaculous
5:44PM 2 Ajax.Autocomplete fails for long paramName
4:10PM 8 Having Difficulty Updating Text Field
4:01PM 0 Cancelling a Drag by Sortable
2:40PM 3 Event.observe(window, 'load',... order
2:21PM 1 image gallery recommendations?
2:00PM 6 Prototype + Firefox 3 Enumerable problems
2:00PM 4 Prototype: toggle() not supported on TD in IE?
12:04PM 5 Good Collection of Important Websites
5:27AM 2 responseXML not working on XML file
Monday March 24 2008
11:49PM 3 events within classes - what am i doing wrong?
11:30PM 0 Seeking RoR / LAMP developer(s) / manager in Berkeley, CA
10:00PM 5 Safari 3.1 and getElementsByClassName
6:32PM 7 New Prototype User Problem....
5:21PM 0 OT: A sample prototype application
2:53PM 1 InPlaceCollectionEditor on a search form possible?
4:45AM 2 how to make a freely draggable element snap into a target element upon release
12:26AM 3 this.initialize is undefined
Sunday March 23 2008
2:02AM 3 Nested Droppable divs -- drag & drop
12:22AM 4 CoolObj.getName.bind is not a function
Saturday March 22 2008
9:10PM 7 Calling a method from Ajax.Request
8:06PM 4 Ajax.Updater not fully work in IE7
7:33PM 2 Replace existing handlers for the same element+event pair or not?
6:27PM 4 IPE size
5:30PM 1 Form.serialize(true). Not a hash?
10:27AM 1 Form.serialize question ...
5:27AM 2 jQuery and prototype
5:24AM 0 Get the dragged element when onUpdate is fired
12:30AM 2 BODY tag error in dragdrop.js
12:28AM 1 can I use an effect for an image map area?
12:26AM 1 Firefox extension support of prototype
Friday March 21 2008
10:24PM 1 evalJSON removes values ?!
10:21PM 1 XMLHttpRequest with prototype.js
9:16PM 0 ClearDefault.js
7:58PM 4 Prototype.js event.stop(event) FF2 not working
7:50PM 3 getElementsByClassName
4:57PM 0 Page jiggle with Sun Java plugin 1.5.0_12
3:59PM 6 Array to JSON
3:59PM 3 Element.positionedOffset() on invisible elements
2:16AM 2 iFrames - prototype.js
Thursday March 20 2008
11:59PM 5 Ajax.Request and Class.initialize
4:37PM 3 Prototype setStyle hash question
3:41PM 1 Compare array
3:10PM 0 Drag n Drop ie7 png transparency
2:51PM 1 JavaScript error reporting
2:43PM 0 Autocomplete and Firefox
1:22PM 2 onUpdate problem with div
1:20PM 3 Adjust MyImageFlowLightbox2 - Content change
3:32AM 7 Sortable.create with tag: 'dl'
Wednesday March 19 2008
4:07PM 0 Event Positions
3:05PM 6 Prototype as a module in a different framework
10:59AM 4 $("xxx") has no properties
4:25AM 0 Wanted: Lead RoR Developer, San Francisco, CA
Tuesday March 18 2008
11:05PM 7 Self-resizing iframe
10:27PM 2 Moving a Div to another Div
10:18PM 2 Execute my own javascript on Autocompleter functions
9:26PM 8 Drag new item to list
7:07PM 0 Hi, How are you?
Monday March 17 2008
8:17PM 0 San Francisco JavaScript Meetup April 16th
3:49AM 7 IPE and ajaxOptions
Sunday March 16 2008
9:48AM 1 cloning a box, but size is slightly different.
7:33AM 2 displaying a message while submitting a form?
Saturday March 15 2008
11:33PM 2 get me started
3:15PM 1 Draggable handle issue in IE6
1:15PM 0 Prototype viewportOffset browser problem
9:15AM 2 [Prototype] JavaScript executed with HTML returned by Ajax call?
4:45AM 3 Effect.divSwap + IE6/7 = Headache (prototype 1.6.01, scriptaculous 1.8.1)
Friday March 14 2008
8:55PM 2 scriptaculous unittest.js asynchronous improvement
3:07PM 5 prototype/javascript: how to update div then div forwards
1:49AM 0 My sortables are sporadically becoming unsortable.
Thursday March 13 2008
5:59PM 3 scrolling in a <select multiple="multiple"> list
9:21AM 0 RJS template dont-know-how
8:56AM 2 Document download while AJAX request
6:44AM 3 Inserting replaced element causes text to disappear in IE6
5:23AM 4 Cannot Get Prototype to work
3:13AM 6 Removing all classNames of div
1:40AM 15 getting the full document height and width
Wednesday March 12 2008
11:44PM 3 dom:loaded being a little premature in IE?
9:14PM 6 list of browser-defined?
9:04PM 2 Frustration with IE7 and the <option> index property
7:27PM 2 Control.Slider and negative values?
7:14PM 6 Protype 1.6.0 Reverses??
6:06PM 1 Deactivate and activate elements sortables
5:14PM 3 Problem Ajax.updater(container, /url
4:46PM 1 Discussion on ie-7-and-f
11:53AM 1 Prototype: extending elements with Element object in an iframe seems not working
8:15AM 0 Diskussion om ie-7-and-f
7:17AM 1 Event.observer with bindAsEventListener(this)
Tuesday March 11 2008
11:22PM 8 Overriding <select multiple="multiple"> default behaviour
10:57PM 4 IE7 not passing functional drag&drop tests in script.aculo.us 1.8.1
8:07PM 4 Class.create(...) with Private Members/Properties
5:29PM 1 Access function on a higher-level class
4:54PM 2 IE8: Attribute "class" in new Element() not working
12:42PM 0 Struts with PrototypeJS
10:22AM 7 sortable scroll in div problem : dragged element doesn't follow the mouse pointer
5:15AM 2 Sortable doesn't work with document.innerhtml?
Monday March 10 2008
11:19PM 0 View this page "IE 7 and $F"
8:49PM 8 Problem with ie and Ajax.Update
6:51PM 0 .net scriptmanager and prototype
4:22PM 3 Passing input values + bindAsEventListener()
6:43AM 1 problem with Event.observe(window,'load',func);
6:10AM 5 Passing extra parameters to functions called from Observers
6:08AM 10 $(el).show() not working when you use CSS to hide elements
Sunday March 9 2008
3:38PM 1 on performance
11:58AM 1 hebrew
10:30AM 1 Event delegation library that interacts with Scriptaculous
Saturday March 8 2008
10:39PM 1 Build a Quiz with Prototype?
7:09PM 2 event.stop() and event.preventDefault?
3:54PM 0 Memory leaks when removing an element that has a scriptaculous controls "attached" to it
3:03PM 6 Javascript Memory leak with JSON and PrototypeJs
12:25AM 0 Event.stop & Safari...
Friday March 7 2008
11:00PM 6 better way of doing this
8:17PM 1 Element#up / down question
4:42PM 3 using invoke on array of size 1
3:31PM 1 Get height of div after ajax update.
2:55PM 8 mouseover / mouseout being triggered by table elements
Thursday March 6 2008
11:12PM 3 Enumerable#invoke inside an object using this
10:59PM 3 Assigning value from a Ajax Request to a previously defined variable fails.
8:27PM 1 Prototype Object.extend issue
7:18PM 0 PeriodicalUpdater and IE in an asp.net app
4:44PM 11 Detecting CTRL keydown
4:41PM 10 passing the event with invoke?
4:19PM 0 InPlaceEditor
10:04AM 1 Sortable.create && effect.BlindDown - IE problem
2:46AM 2 $(element) has no properties
Wednesday March 5 2008
11:44PM 2 Equivalent of $() for HTMLDocument#getElementsByName()?
11:28PM 6 Prototype Observe Links (Mouseover)
6:36PM 6 Whither SetOptions...?
6:12PM 9 Template#evaluate and attributes that resolve to functions?
12:48PM 5 Question about Ajax.Updater with FF2
12:20PM 2 how do I get a login on scriptaculous
2:21AM 0 Drag and drop outside div with overflow:auto
Tuesday March 4 2008
2:30AM 4 Prototype onMouseOver
Monday March 3 2008
8:22PM 1 JSON compression
6:56PM 5 why Prototype?
5:20PM 0 autocomplete help..
4:38PM 0 lose drag element when moving mouse pointer to fast
2:51PM 5 IE: donĀ“t get element-focus if I enhancing the DOM-Tree via "Element.insert" or "appendChild()"
11:05AM 1 Ajax.updater updates to an empty box in internet explorer, works fine in firefox
9:00AM 7 simple php server side code not working?
7:57AM 8 What is the corresponding scripaculous version for Prototype 1.5.1
Saturday March 1 2008
9:19PM 1 addClassName on multiple divs
8:30PM 5 Prototype 1.6 - Insert a row between two rows
2:50AM 3 Event.observe(window, 'load', function() );