It''s hard to tell what''s wrong without seeing your HTML.
If ''toScroll'' is inside ''Content'' then you
will get zero because the
BlindDown has not run by the time you''re calling your alert box. If
this is the case, try this:
new Effect.BlindDown(''Content'', {afterFinish:function()
On Mar 7, 10:31 am, Ztripez
wrote:> Hello everyone!I need to get the height of a div after i updated
> content on a ajax update. The problem is that it''t returns 0.
> (I need to get the height because i''m wringing a costumized
> pagescroller).
> The code is:
> function open_page(page_name)
> {
> new Ajax.Request(page_name, {
> method:''get'',
> onSuccess: function(transport){
> var page = transport.responseText.evalJSON();
> var newBg = "url("+
$(''Container'').style.backgroundImage = newBg;
$(''toScroll'').innerHTML = page.content;
$(''PageTitle'').innerHTML = page.title;
$(''toScroll'') = ''0px'';
> new
> }
> });
> }
> The alert returns 0.
> I''ve tried to set the height: auto in the CSS but it chnages
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