Rails spinoffs - Sep 2006

Saturday September 30 2006
9:08PM 3 Builder.node, each() and Event.observe - Help!
1:28PM 7 script.aculo.us drop_receiving_element for multiple DOM IDs
Friday September 29 2006
8:17PM 0 compressing prototype with memtronic
7:35PM 1 evalScripts and document.write
6:53PM 3 no setClassName or removeAllClassNames in prototype - why?
3:48PM 13 Page moving when selecting autocomplete option with keyboard!
2:40PM 3 Can't get Scriptaculous indicator to work!
9:43AM 0 sortable and Pulsate on Internet Explorer bug
Thursday September 28 2006
11:14PM 4 in IE, checkboxes in sortables become reset when moved?
11:42AM 1 why this code is not working in IE?
10:16AM 0 Please Help.. IE7 Prototype / scriptaclous Performance
4:42AM 4 Is it possible to save the changes made to Sortable list in a cookie
Wednesday September 27 2006
10:50PM 5 changing values when sorting
10:20PM 4 Swap between 2 combo (html select multple)
9:25PM 3 Form Builders
5:43PM 0 cancel/ abort a request
1:12AM 7 sending multiple parametres
Tuesday September 26 2006
8:56PM 2 Adding new Effects
8:24PM 0 Sortable programmatic manipulation
7:06PM 2 width with overflow:hidden
3:41PM 7 Select overlays all DHTML components in IE
11:25AM 6 need help with wordpress on css crossfader!
Monday September 25 2006
2:57PM 0 Performance Issues in IE7 with prototype and scriptaculous
11:02AM 1 dojo shrinksage on osx
10:21AM 3 In place editing an empty field
1:09AM 8 problems on sortable
Saturday September 23 2006
10:17PM 1 IFRAME being reloaded after each sortable move
3:22AM 14 Drop Zones onHover Highlighting
Friday September 22 2006
10:26PM 1 Re: Getting the coordinates of an event of an object
6:44PM 3 Foreign JavaScript
4:11PM 9 Help with escapeHTML
1:22PM 17 Enumerable.inGroupsOf() should fill up with undefined instead of null?
9:33AM 5 selectable class
Thursday September 21 2006
1:31PM 0 Enumerable gripes: Tickets 3592 and 4689
1:00PM 2 [PATCH] #4588 : Ajax.inPlaceEditor and special characters
7:28AM 0 [PATCH] Sortable tree and dropping on child
12:29AM 1 javascript_test: Internet Explorer annoyance patch
Wednesday September 20 2006
7:05PM 0 prototype.js: Safari issues with 1.5.0 rc1
Tuesday September 19 2006
7:16PM 0 Effect.Highlight interferes with Effect.toggle
5:47PM 8 How to deal with Unicode chars inside X-JSON HTTP header (besides UCS)?
4:38PM 2 ToolTip class -- need help to improve
3:26PM 13 scriptaculous, AJAX and search engines
2:40PM 1 DRY concept and Effects
1:24PM 2 ActiveRecord Question?
10:13AM 1 Problem using POST with IE 6
2:26AM 5 Adding custom variable to effect object
Monday September 18 2006
9:42PM 0 HTMLFormElement ReferenceError in Konqueror (script.aculo.us 1.6.4)
11:38AM 4 Element.extend issues with IE
3:05AM 0 Using Autocomplete with belongs_to fields
Sunday September 17 2006
5:22PM 0 Extend easily Slider
Saturday September 16 2006
9:56AM 2 Not making sense
Friday September 15 2006
10:22PM 7 iTunes Store horizontal scroll effect
6:29PM 7 Rails' numeric time extensions for JavaScript
4:21PM 4 Quick way to remove "display:none" for non-javascript ?
11:28AM 12 moo.fx scroll effect with scriptaculous?
Thursday September 14 2006
5:47PM 6 Restricting where a draggable can be dropped
4:22PM 1 Prototype on Windows CE .NET V4.2 - suppose to be IE6
3:37PM 10 scriptaculous Toggle Appear rate
8:23AM 2 Autocompleter CSS customization
4:17AM 2 Easy accordion
Wednesday September 13 2006
7:04PM 5 BUG with slider on IE when slider is contained into HTML table not closed
4:31PM 4 Detecting AJAX Support
1:07PM 0 scriptaculous equivalent rails call
4:28AM 0 How do I use create a pop-up window with validation errors?
Tuesday September 12 2006
3:38PM 4 inheritance and parent
8:21AM 2 client side caching for ajax.
7:24AM 2 <%=form_remote_tag ..%> doesnt work in IE.
Monday September 11 2006
7:59AM 19 Prototype: "element-id".$() instead of $('element-id')
1:00AM 7 loading file with scriptaculous
Saturday September 9 2006
3:48PM 3 [Urgent] Help: Safari/Konqueror issue with absolute div initially hidden
3:37AM 4 Insertion help please
Friday September 8 2006
8:03AM 2 Sortable.serialize question
12:55AM 5 Simple script crashes IE
Thursday September 7 2006
10:35PM 0 Prototype based wiki?
9:45PM 3 Testing Code Changes
6:10PM 3 Using "scriptaculous.js?load=effects" on FF
4:35PM 1 AJAX and IE
11:19AM 1 Visual effect Appear problem
10:36AM 13 Event.observe problems
3:42AM 15 Drop Zone Indicator with Scriptaculous
Wednesday September 6 2006
11:09PM 1 Scroll option for Sortable.create
8:50PM 5 The Aspect Oriented Arms Race Continues
1:18PM 11 Problems with large amounts of data using prototype's Ajax.Updater class
9:45AM 0 script.aculo.us 1.6.4 (should fix IE issues)
6:13AM 0 Long delay between execution of front & end in same queue
6:07AM 4 Effect.SlideDown error with latest Prototype in IE
Tuesday September 5 2006
11:52PM 1 max z-index
5:11PM 0 script.aculo.us 1.6.3
3:48PM 0 toggle blind problem in 1.6.3?
2:44PM 0 Sortable.creat puzzle game and Internet Explorer
2:16PM 8 script.aculo.us 1.6.3 Draggables bug
10:40AM 1 Mac Firefox Errors
9:55AM 1 Howto ? :: multi notes for same product in rails
9:35AM 0 Dragging across table cells to select -- like google calendar
2:48AM 5 scriptaculous setOpacity function workarounds question
Monday September 4 2006
1:45PM 2 link_to_remote
1:04PM 1 What happened to the Wiki?
Sunday September 3 2006
11:39PM 0 Change to [PATCH] Trac procedures
5:00AM 2 Scriptaculous DragNDrop help...
Saturday September 2 2006
11:11PM 4 Problem in my selectable class
10:26PM 3 IE Sortable List background color gone?
Friday September 1 2006
8:21PM 6 Y! UI Carousel Component
7:08PM 0 Scrollable autocomplete div in IE -- works in 1.6.2?
10:11AM 21 Hiding a div by default
10:01AM 1 Using my own event listeners