Rails spinoffs - Feb 2006

Tuesday February 28 2006
8:31PM 5 browser-crash with Ajax.Updater
7:14PM 0 How to Duplicate Draggable after Drop
4:06PM 0 loadTextURL
3:32PM 3 EventPublisher (contribution)
6:36AM 0 Question abour Draggables & Droppables - my code example
Monday February 27 2006
11:15PM 3 bindAsEventListener with parameters
10:09PM 0 update a second div with Ajax.Updater, when Ajax.InPlaceEditor has just finished to modify another first div
8:04PM 0 RE: FW: Calendar widget
7:18PM 4 Getting nuts with sortables...
5:26PM 30 Calendar widget
4:36PM 0 script.aculo.us/mir.aculo.us outtage
1:59PM 0 status = 200 something wrong???
11:58AM 11 Disabling anchor clicking in a draggable
8:03AM 1 InPlaceEditor on an empty div
4:36AM 1 ie problem with scriptaculous effects
Sunday February 26 2006
7:19PM 1 IE Problem with document.getElementsByTag
6:19PM 14 Question abour Draggables & Droppables
Saturday February 25 2006
1:00PM 1 Re: Strange behaviour with sortable
Friday February 24 2006
10:31PM 0 Newbie Question - Dropping to a Sortable
8:16PM 8 possible Slide and Blind IE bug
6:53PM 0 Ajax Training in Austria
6:45PM 0 RE: Appending <tr>''s to Table - Imagesin<tr>''sloading slowly.
2:56PM 1 RE: Appending <tr>''s to Table - Images in<tr>''sloading slowly.
2:52PM 0 RE: Appending <tr>''s to Table - Images in <tr>''sloading slowly.
2:47PM 0 Appending <tr>''s to Table - Images in <tr>''s loading slowly.
2:36PM 2 declaring draggable object that holds it position
11:03AM 3 New to Ajax
10:07AM 1 Announcing new project...
6:14AM 0 Adding a new Sortable
Thursday February 23 2006
9:42AM 25 reloading fragments of pages
Wednesday February 22 2006
10:05PM 0 Ajax.Autocompleter clear field if nothing selected
4:09PM 2 ''this.initialize'' is null or not an object
Tuesday February 21 2006
10:36PM 2 Ajax status
10:16PM 7 accordion (outlook bar thingy) help
9:32PM 4 [Prototype] implementation of bind()?
9:14PM 2 Insertion.Top
6:48PM 1 ajax toolip (context help)
4:39PM 1 modify the auto-complete to use the results already retrieved to create the next set of suggestions
12:40PM 7 non simultaneous effects
11:57AM 0 Odp: RE: Ajax reqest and http status
11:41AM 4 New stuff in script.aculo.us trunk
9:56AM 1 Appending new tr into a table
9:56AM 2 Ajax reqest and http status
4:45AM 1 on404 Event
4:31AM 1 RE: [Prototype] onSuccess Event and, Ajax.Updater bug in IE
3:03AM 6 Help with Script.aculo inPlaceEditor
Monday February 20 2006
9:38PM 0 prototype.js Array.prototype.shift() method
1:48PM 0 element.remove when element being dragged
5:43AM 1 [Prototype] onSuccess Event and Ajax.Updater bug in IE
Saturday February 18 2006
10:25PM 1 spinner not working inside a table with IE 6
4:34PM 0 Move element into view
3:40PM 10 Updated: window dialog script
3:12PM 1 slider not working in a table for IE 6
10:15AM 0 inPlaceEditor formatted XML
4:59AM 0 slider component inside a table not working
Friday February 17 2006
9:28PM 2 Sorting Multiple Arrays
8:11PM 4 RE: Ajax.Updater and loading new javascriptfunctions.
8:04PM 1 window.onresize event using Behaviour.js ?
8:01PM 6 Ajax.Updater and loading new javascript functions.
4:24PM 7 Forum Addition?
3:17PM 2 Add new lists to existing sortables container
12:12PM 2 Sortable list: how to create a triggering "handle"/deactivate part of the <li> element?
10:33AM 1 Scriptaculous XSLT-sheet available for download
10:32AM 29 Sortable Tree Addition [PATCH]
7:20AM 7 Released: window dialog script
Thursday February 16 2006
5:07PM 2 Autocompleter question
3:37PM 0 Blind effect and tables
2:04PM 2 javascript node with Ajax.Updater
10:17AM 4 cancelling droppable if draggable dropped on different droppable
9:33AM 3 Retrieve a property defined in a css
Wednesday February 15 2006
10:58PM 0 Array intersections
9:16PM 6 Draggables and overflow:auto
6:47PM 0 Insertion.Top does not work in IE 6
4:54PM 0 Problem with auto scrolling in sortables
3:04AM 0 Image Fader
Tuesday February 14 2006
4:49PM 7 onFailure fails?
4:18PM 5 Yahoo! User Interface Libraries
4:15PM 0 Another draggable/droppable performance booster
3:40PM 5 problem with sortable lists and IE
2:21PM 0 # sign and Ajax Updater
10:37AM 0 Safari 2.0.3 Effect.appear Note
6:00AM 4 Scrollbar in Autocomplete List
Monday February 13 2006
11:56PM 8 Netvibes.com / Scriptaculous
9:48PM 1 Where do you want patches sending?
8:10PM 3 moofx - scriptaculous
5:10PM 2 [PATCH] Allow generic autocompleter (Ajax.Watcher)
3:56PM 3 Insertion.top & tables
9:42AM 2 would like to have the input text highlighted in the autocomplete div
4:48AM 1 Not able to see length in another function
Sunday February 12 2006
9:13PM 0 Effect.Highlight doesn''t return to original color with many elements?
5:28AM 0 dragging and dropping with scriptaculous
Friday February 10 2006
11:20PM 0 Add value to other input impelmented?
8:35PM 1 cannot combine in_place_editor_field and a sortable list
7:44PM 8 Prototype Inheritance example
3:25PM 1 RE: sorting <a href..> with D&D follows the link(browser thinks I click)
11:24AM 2 Sortable + Draggable : doesn''t follow the mouse horizontally
3:37AM 0 Behaviour.js and prototype Event.observe
3:09AM 1 Stopping an observe event
12:40AM 13 Element.observe () binding
12:11AM 3 sorting <a href..> with D&D follows the link (browser thinks I click)
Thursday February 9 2006
11:47PM 6 inPlaceEditor ISSUES!
11:13PM 22 Length of parameters in Autocompleter.Local()
10:56PM 3 Draggables and Droppable performance (tips)
9:55PM 2 _marker in dragdrop.js
9:36PM 3 Autocompleter Request depends on other field
8:40PM 3 each()
5:51PM 0 form validation
3:37PM 5 Ajax.Updater not populating element - please help
11:20AM 1 cancel fade effect
10:01AM 3 Error in prototype.js? / Enumerable.each
Wednesday February 8 2006
11:15PM 2 Tooltip.js problems
11:02PM 8 drag drop safari
9:31PM 9 InPlaceEditor - IMG for OK / Cancel?
6:38PM 6 Effect Help
3:17PM 0 Need help with effect
2:48PM 29 Autocomplete and Firefox
10:46AM 0 Get id of object being dragged
9:58AM 0 [PATCH] Allow InPlaceEditor to only be activated by externalControls
12:57AM 2 Prototype: Position.clone()
Tuesday February 7 2006
9:34PM 2 Objects and Properties
9:24PM 1 Help needed with conflicting EventObserver
7:29PM 2 Question about Classes.
6:39PM 2 RE: ajax.Updater w/ JS content
4:02PM 2 Thomas Fuchs? Helping with Scriptaculous
7:00AM 1 onHover: can u explain me this function ?
3:13AM 16 Notify JS updates, oh my
Monday February 6 2006
9:05PM 1 Parameters to Event Handler Function
6:28PM 10 Urgently Need Solution
Sunday February 5 2006
4:14PM 1 ajax login
4:36AM 0 Using javascript with update_element_function
Saturday February 4 2006
3:23AM 0 Clicking a Draggable
Friday February 3 2006
11:05PM 3 overloading dragdrop.js
8:21PM 2 RE: help with syntax
7:47PM 1 RE: autocomplete on safari = focus end of line
6:50PM 4 Anonymous function variable scope issue
3:58PM 2 Scriptaculous: Newbie question - Effect.fade
2:29PM 6 Rich Text Editor
2:10PM 0 Contribute: Center extension to Prototype''s Position object
1:45AM 1 Stupid drag/drop add on
Thursday February 2 2006
12:32PM 8 this pointer in Event.observe function
1:15AM 3 dynamic addition of table rows
Wednesday February 1 2006
10:29PM 0 weird sortable issue with IE 6
8:04PM 1 Combine Ajax call with an effect.
7:39PM 0 Using draggable_element doesnt work with update_element_function
2:31PM 2 IE memory fix leak.
4:51AM 1 Sortable onUpdate problem