Rails spinoffs - Jan 2006

Tuesday January 31 2006
6:51PM 1 Finding Final Position with a Draggable Object
4:59PM 1 Slider values from .25 - 1
3:30PM 1 RE: Re: form elements in sortable lists
4:23AM 5 resizing multiple images using getElementsByClassName
Monday January 30 2006
6:16PM 5 RE: sortable list question
3:27PM 0 Draggable with auto-scroll
12:09PM 5 Multiple ajax calls
4:28AM 0 Adding a handler for a pre-existing draggable
Sunday January 29 2006
8:50PM 2 Questions about Sortable javascript
5:13PM 0 BUG in PROTOTYPE when set evalScripts: true - Firefox crashes
4:55AM 2 problem with xul/prototype experiment: "bind" method not found
12:01AM 2 How to fire event listener after site update by Ajax Updater?
Saturday January 28 2006
3:23PM 4 Unspecified error in prototype.js
3:57AM 1 Help with multiple actions
3:41AM 2 How to cancel Ajax.Request?
Friday January 27 2006
9:49PM 1 Execute script tag loaded from Ajax.Updater call
6:28PM 2 Position.clone() duplicate
4:33PM 0 Scriptaculous DOM Helper functions
3:52PM 0 RE: [prototype] [BUG] Event.stop doesn''t stop allkeystrokes on some browsers
12:50PM 0 Wiki Sign up.
3:54AM 1 [prototype] [BUG] Event.stop doesn''t stop all keystrokes on some browsers
Thursday January 26 2006
9:48PM 4 Question about the Builder module
4:39PM 0 Wiki
6:04AM 0 cloneNode not draggable in IE
2:43AM 2 question about sortable demo
Wednesday January 25 2006
11:42PM 10 Ajax.InPlaceEditor onSuccess: ???
7:13PM 8 RE: Make all LI items draggable
4:55PM 0 Making an unload event work with prototype
4:52PM 16 Slideshow beta
11:49AM 0 Sortable Tree Modification
Tuesday January 24 2006
8:09PM 1 Scriptaculous and Photo Flipper a la TagWorld?
5:19PM 0 Safari problems w/ Effect.Appear and other effects
3:46PM 0 In Place Editor help
2:01PM 8 scriptaculous sortable
Monday January 23 2006
10:34PM 1 autocomplete=off not working on Firefox
10:22PM 8 question about Sortables
10:22PM 4 Enumerable
9:03PM 4 Transition between effects
8:05PM 0 InPlaceEditor with text areas--inserting new lines
5:23PM 7 Tooltips.js
4:46PM 6 Performance Issues with Autocompleter
10:21AM 3 prototype.js: enumerable mixin for hash broken
Sunday January 22 2006
11:35PM 1 Bug in Scriptaculous 1.5.1 (InPlaceEditor)?
7:40PM 0 Starting with a hidden box
5:29PM 1 Dynamic parameter to autocompleter
6:47AM 0 Using prototype.js Documentation - UPDATED VERSION TO COVER 1.4.0
Saturday January 21 2006
12:40AM 8 scriptaculous accordion feature - Jump?
Friday January 20 2006
8:00PM 0 script.aculo.us Libraries Repository
5:27PM 2 Effect.Slideshow and Ajax.Slideshow
5:13PM 2 FireFox JavaScript Console
3:47PM 2 Effect.moveTo??
1:49PM 3 disabling drag''n''drop features on some areas
1:09PM 5 Height problem after interrupting SlideDown/SlideUp effects
11:13AM 8 AJAX for sale!
9:13AM 1 [protoype] Problem with Effects on draggable element if revert is true
6:05AM 0 Fade/appear + PNG Alpha backgrounds + IE = HELP!
Thursday January 19 2006
6:31PM 2 how can I get offsetHeight in IE?
2:54PM 0 "Available for hire" page on Wiki
2:21PM 0 PeriodicalExecuter and clearInterval
1:19PM 0 Autocomplete field - onChange immediately after selection
11:24AM 0 RE: inPlaceEditor -how to capture values just beforeit is edited
11:17AM 0 inPlaceEditor -how to capture values just before it is edited
Wednesday January 18 2006
10:13PM 8 BlindDown on a div with overflow: auto...
8:46PM 0 Behaviour & Effect.Highlight?
7:22PM 2 Event.stopObserving and anonymous functions
5:57PM 7 script.aculo.us killing IE
3:33PM 0 using InPlaceEditor - with divx
2:23PM 6 Autocomplete related fields
7:49AM 5 Perform action after in-place edit
5:16AM 1 Dragable without the fade
Tuesday January 17 2006
9:20PM 0 Draggables notifier
Monday January 16 2006
11:53PM 0 effect.fade and Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader
8:34PM 0 Autocompleter.destroy?
8:32PM 4 how di i stop a running effect?
7:10PM 11 Preventing bubble
6:25PM 2 Behaviour.js and prototype Event.pointerX
4:50PM 8 resizable window/div - some help needed
12:33PM 0 Slider Problems
Saturday January 14 2006
12:43PM 3 In place editing and external control
11:51AM 2 Using AutoComplete(script.aculo.us) with DB-Query
12:02AM 1 Really Slow Effects
Friday January 13 2006
9:32PM 0 wiki down again?
8:45PM 21 anyone interested in an Effect.Slideshow?
2:37PM 1 Draggables causing text to be selected... solution?
3:19AM 5 Effect together with ...firstChild - can''t get it to work
2:58AM 2 Ajax.InPlaceEditor
Thursday January 12 2006
9:44PM 0 New scrolling question (BlindDown)
5:14PM 6 Draggable performance issues
4:38PM 1 Effect.Puff Problem - first frame is wrong size
3:39PM 0 RE: re: Good OOP and JS books / tutorials?
3:36PM 0 re: Good OOP and JS books / tutorials?
Wednesday January 11 2006
10:38PM 2 Good OOP and JS books / tutorials? Looking to teach my team
10:07PM 4 Wiki Gripe
8:30PM 0 RE: RE: Event.observer - unordered list problems
8:28PM 0 RE: Event.observer - unordered list problems
7:20PM 3 DataGrid (Table) using tables/Scriptaculous Sortable
7:18PM 0 RE: extending the Element.prototype to provideasetAttributes function
6:50PM 2 RE: extending the Element.prototype to provide asetAttributes function
6:35PM 9 Prototype & Cookies
6:34PM 2 extending the Element.prototype to provide a setAttributes function
4:06PM 3 divider id of container
12:59PM 1 switching two nodes
11:20AM 8 [scriptaculous] Intermitently Disabling Clicks
4:59AM 3 sortables callbacks
Tuesday January 10 2006
9:28PM 1 Can <dl> be made sortable?
7:58PM 4 Autoscrolling for Draggables and Sortables
4:28PM 5 using dynamic element ids with visual_effect
1:09PM 0 Changes to Autocomplete?
7:11AM 1 Queuing Ajax Requests
6:57AM 2 DWR Vs Prototype/Scriptaculous
Monday January 9 2006
11:57PM 0 Adding multiple input boxes having unique ids
9:46PM 0 Re: Rails-spinoffs Digest, Vol 8, Issue 25
3:39AM 6 inPlace Editor
1:35AM 2 turning revert off after being dropped
Sunday January 8 2006
11:32PM 0 sortable floats help, please!
4:07PM 0 Check for prototype / scriptaculous support
3:57PM 1 extend classes
11:00AM 0 how-to: Draggable
6:05AM 0 Problem with sortables and draggables on same page.
1:01AM 0 RE: Replacing an html chunk with a different htmlchunk
12:38AM 2 Replacing an html chunk with a different html chunk
Saturday January 7 2006
7:33PM 3 script.aculo.us: autocomplete does not work
11:51AM 0 how-to: draggable but only within wrapping container
11:35AM 0 queued effect
11:04AM 0 queued effects - little help please
Friday January 6 2006
7:28PM 3 Protoype problem
3:43PM 3 Gianni
Thursday January 5 2006
10:07PM 1 Two effects on one div
5:49PM 6 InPlaceEditor and textarea
1:55AM 0 Droppable div with overflow: auto
Wednesday January 4 2006
3:28PM 9 Resizeable
3:06PM 17 Scriptaculous + Prototype shrunk to < 50Kb
11:37AM 4 gmail attached file field magic
Tuesday January 3 2006
5:24PM 1 Where''s the MS jScript reference gone?
4:51PM 45 Status of Prototype
3:09AM 0 scriptaculous 1.5.1 and problems with safari 2.0.2
Monday January 2 2006
10:13PM 4 Autocompleter with a scroll bar
9:24PM 0 (no subject)
6:42PM 2 First time class problems
1:14PM 2 mouse position without event
10:35AM 0 Scriptaculous Autocompleter and new values