Hi I''ve a class which creates a lot of droppable icons (folders) and another class that creates some draggable file icons. When I drop one of the files in the folders I want to remove the file icon from the screen. However, doing Element.remove(droppedElement); results in a repeated js error "element has no properties" in protoype line 1588. This continues to occur until I click on another draggable. A abbreviated version of my folder class looks like this: ===================================== oFolder = Class.create(); oFolder.prototype = { initialize: function(folder){ this.folder = folder; // the name of the element to create var options = Object.extend({ image: "administrator/images/unpublish_f2.png", alt: this.folder, divClass: ''folder'', elToAttachTo: ''myFolders'', siteRoot: '''', userid: 0 }, arguments[1] || {}); this.options = options; this.folderDiv = this.createHTML(); $(this.options.elToAttachTo).appendChild(this.folderDiv); this.makeDroppable(); }, makeDroppable: function(){ this.dropObserver = this.dropImageInFolder.bind(this); Droppables.add(this.folderDiv, { accept: Array(''image''), hoverclass: ''drophover'', greedy:true, onDrop: this.dropObserver } ); }, dropImageInFolder: function(droppedElement, lastElement, event){ (code to move file into folder...) //need to stop dragging the element b4 removing it :S Element.remove(droppedElement); //this is where the js error occurs } } ====================I think I have to destroy the draggable before removing its element, but I can''t see how I can get a reference to the draggable object from the droppable? Cheers Rob