I am using evaluate_remote_response and update_element_function, to update
elements with blocks of content, something like this:
<% update_element_function("div_id", :binding => binding) do
<div id="newdiv_id">
This is a new div!
<%= draggable_element(''newdiv_id'') %>
<% end %>
That will update the element with "div_id", and put the new div inside
That works, the part that doesn''t work is the scriptaculous helper
It returns a javascript tag with code to create a new draggable, but that
code never gets executed. I''m guessing it is because the
"update_element_function" itself is a javascript function, and so any
javascript inside of it does not get executed. This is making things very
complicated for me, because my app relies a lot of evaluate_remote_response
due to the way I have designed it. Anyone know of a way to solve this
problem in a way that will still allow me to use update_element_function in
my evaluated remote responses?
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