R help - Apr 2019

Tuesday April 30 2019
10:29PM 0 Fwd: Re: transpose and split dataframe
9:58PM 0 Time series (trend over time) for irregular sampling dates and multiple sites
9:31PM 4 Fwd: Re: transpose and split dataframe
9:04PM 0 transpose and split dataframe
9:03PM 0 Passing formula as parameter to `lm` within `sapply` causes error [BUG?]
7:24PM 1 transpose and split dataframe
4:50PM 1 Help with loop for column means into new column by a subset Factor w/131 levels
3:24PM 3 Passing formula as parameter to `lm` within `sapply` causes error [BUG?]
2:57PM 4 Time series (trend over time) for irregular sampling dates and multiple sites
1:54AM 1 Message produced under R 3.6.0.
1:44AM 0 Message produced under R 3.6.0.
1:31AM 2 Message produced under R 3.6.0.
1:25AM 0 Message produced under R 3.6.0.
12:43AM 2 Message produced under R 3.6.0.
12:19AM 0 Message produced under R 3.6.0.
12:01AM 0 Message produced under R 3.6.0.
Monday April 29 2019
11:32PM 4 Message produced under R 3.6.0.
10:55PM 0 Message produced under R 3.6.0.
8:42PM 2 Bug in R 3.6.0?
6:38PM 0 (no subject)
2:51PM 0 Package for penalized multivariate Regression
Sunday April 28 2019
8:26PM 1 non alphabetical strings
7:50PM 0 non alphabetical strings
6:53PM 2 non alphabetical strings
11:52AM 2 Package for penalized multivariate Regression
7:00AM 0 A Question from kamila package
6:51AM 0 (no subject)
Friday April 26 2019
3:06PM 0 Sequential Filtering of a Data Set
2:51PM 3 Sequential Filtering of a Data Set
7:41AM 0 R 3.6.0 is released
Thursday April 25 2019
8:49PM 0 Surface plots....
7:21PM 0 Surface plots....
6:24PM 2 Surface plots....
6:13PM 0 Surface plots....
5:47PM 3 Surface plots....
5:13PM 0 Doubt regarding the autoplot function in ggfortify library
5:02PM 0 Question about addressing a data frame
1:55PM 0 xtabs ignores l.h.s. rows with NA in just one column - bug or facility?
11:59AM 2 xtabs ignores l.h.s. rows with NA in just one column - bug or facility?
10:25AM 0 new CRAN package : modelplotr
4:55AM 0 Intuition behind time varying parameters regression model.
Wednesday April 24 2019
6:35PM 0 How to create a ROC curve for a model which has log of odds as response?
3:37PM 1 Read_fwf in package readr, double vs. numeric
3:11PM 0 Read_fwf in package readr, double vs. numeric
2:56PM 2 Read_fwf in package readr, double vs. numeric
11:34AM 0 (no subject)
6:46AM 2 Doubt regarding the autoplot function in ggfortify library
2:54AM 0 Unable to Understand Results of pglm function
Tuesday April 23 2019
8:44PM 2 Unable to Understand Results of pglm function
6:43PM 1 Error in pglm function when performing logit regression on Panel Data
6:19PM 2 Question about addressing a data frame
1:27PM 0 Multiple Lags with Dplyr
1:10PM 1 Multiple Lags with Dplyr
12:26PM 1 Logistic Regression with Panel Data
12:11PM 1 Vectorised uniroot function
7:22AM 0 Pause script at input from terminal (interactive use)
6:59AM 0 combining data.frames with is.na & match (), two questions
2:04AM 0 (no subject)
Monday April 22 2019
9:09PM 1 Problems w/ creating object
8:57PM 0 Problems w/ creating object
6:53PM 0 randomForestSRC 2.9.0 is now available
6:49PM 2 Problems w/ creating object
6:00PM 0 problem(s) compiling RWinEdt
2:44PM 2 problem(s) compiling RWinEdt
2:37PM 1 Help with Rmarkdown HTML Logo
10:35AM 0 Help installing netReg
8:29AM 0 Opportunities for Developing R Packages (Research-Based, Open-Source)
6:40AM 1 Example for Roxygen @eval tag?
6:34AM 2 Help installing netReg
6:25AM 0 Example for Roxygen @eval tag?
5:40AM 2 Example for Roxygen @eval tag?
5:29AM 0 Example for Roxygen @eval tag?
4:22AM 0 Help installing netReg
3:53AM 1 Installing R Studio onto Chromebook
3:49AM 3 Help installing netReg
2:57AM 0 Help installing netReg
2:44AM 2 Example for Roxygen @eval tag?
2:27AM 2 Help installing netReg
1:35AM 0 Help installing netReg
12:34AM 2 Help installing netReg
12:06AM 0 Help installing netReg
Saturday April 20 2019
5:27PM 0 Creating hanging bar plot in r from dplyr
5:13PM 0 troubles with foreign:read.dbf
4:57PM 2 troubles with foreign:read.dbf
4:49PM 2 Creating hanging bar plot in r from dplyr
4:06PM 0 .Call using multiple cores on linux after R 3.3.3
Friday April 19 2019
11:39PM 2 creating a data.frame from scratch
10:00PM 2 Debugging Rmarkdown
9:50PM 0 Debugging Rmarkdown
9:44PM 0 Debugging Rmarkdown
9:03PM 4 Debugging Rmarkdown
5:25PM 2 .Call using multiple cores on linux after R 3.3.3
10:29AM 0 picewise function in nls....
10:12AM 2 picewise function in nls....
7:17AM 0 Difference between cor_auto (qgraph package) and lavCor (lavaan package)
5:12AM 1 Pause script at input from terminal (interactive use)
Thursday April 18 2019
9:11PM 0 lm fails on some large input
8:12PM 0 lm fails on some large input
7:13PM 0 Looping with looping
6:47PM 0 Pause script at input from terminal (interactive use)
4:35PM 2 lm fails on some large input
4:32PM 1 lm fails on some large input
4:23PM 0 lm fails on some large input
3:56PM 2 lm fails on some large input
3:26PM 0 R 3.4.4 is released
3:24PM 0 lm fails on some large input
2:10PM 5 Pause script at input from terminal (interactive use)
12:57PM 0 (no subject)
12:54PM 0 Help with a setting some values of a df vector to 0 but not all values
12:46PM 0 Help with a setting some values of a df vector to 0 but not all values
12:39PM 4 Help with a setting some values of a df vector to 0 but not all values
12:19PM 3 R 3.4.4 is released
12:13PM 0 Debugging Rmarkdown
11:20AM 0 picewise function in nls....
10:36AM 2 picewise function in nls....
9:52AM 2 Debugging Rmarkdown
8:35AM 0 webscraping a multi-level website
8:31AM 0 combining data.frames with is.na & match (), two questions
7:04AM 0 Helping for approrpriate test
5:44AM 2 Looping with looping
Wednesday April 17 2019
11:24PM 5 combining data.frames with is.na & match (), two questions
6:06PM 0 Why I can not get work the "tidyverse" and "corrr" libraries
5:38PM 0 Limiting the scope of RNGkind/set.seed
5:19PM 2 Why I can not get work the "tidyverse" and "corrr" libraries
2:30PM 2 Is it possible to calculate in r the number of days and count of b in var r from the following table:
8:59AM 0 dbparser v1.0.1: DrugBank XML Database Parser
7:15AM 1 power analysis for Friedman's test
6:26AM 5 lm fails on some large input
5:14AM 0 Problem to find the Maximum likelihood estimates of generalized normal distribution in R
1:40AM 0 variance estimation in coxme
Tuesday April 16 2019
5:22PM 0 Limiting the scope of RNGkind/set.seed
4:45PM 2 Limiting the scope of RNGkind/set.seed
4:36PM 0 Limiting the scope of RNGkind/set.seed
4:12PM 2 Limiting the scope of RNGkind/set.seed
1:06PM 0 Snapshot of a shiny app
Monday April 15 2019
11:55PM 0 Code driven data.frame naming question.
7:43PM 0 plot (cox)
7:01PM 2 plot (cox)
5:31PM 0 plot (cox)
4:50PM 2 plot (cox)
3:50PM 2 Code driven data.frame naming question.
3:06PM 1 Unable to load built In Datasets From Stat2Data package.
1:10PM 1 Why is it not possible to cut a tree returned by Agnes or Diana by height?
Sunday April 14 2019
11:58PM 2 Help installing netReg
11:48PM 1 Help installing netReg
11:30PM 0 Why is it not possible to cut a tree returned by Agnes or Diana by height?
11:21PM 0 Help installing netReg
11:20PM 0 Help installing netReg
10:36PM 2 Downloading R Data
10:20PM 2 Help installing netReg
10:18PM 2 Help installing netReg
2:58PM 0 Creating a mean line plot
4:01AM 2 create
3:42AM 0 create
3:29AM 2 create
3:14AM 0 create
2:53AM 3 create
Saturday April 13 2019
8:56PM 1 Run time error with afex package
3:36PM 3 Why is it not possible to cut a tree returned by Agnes or Diana by height?
2:13PM 0 MuMIn package with gamlss error
12:55PM 0 2019 Spring Workshops using R
11:14AM 2 Complete month name from as.yearmon()
8:36AM 0 How to display coloured group correlations with scale_colour_manual in ggpairs (R)?
Friday April 12 2019
6:44PM 0 Are fitted.values available in pglm?
5:12PM 0 Are fitted.values available in pglm?
5:07PM 3 Are fitted.values available in pglm?
4:50PM 1 Help for coding
4:39PM 1 Creating a mean line plot
4:28PM 1 Syntax differences between aov and lmer for 2-way repeated measures design using a mixed model
3:47PM 0 Creating a mean line plot
2:44PM 0 Are fitted.values available in pglm?
2:46AM 2 Are fitted.values available in pglm?
12:38AM 1 Question about behavior of sample.kind in set.seed (R 3.6)
Thursday April 11 2019
9:57PM 2 Creating a mean line plot
4:47PM 0 Multi step ahead backtest
4:15PM 0 How to overlay a vector map (polygon) on raster maps?
3:47PM 1 Bifactor model and infit statistics?
3:32PM 2 How to overlay a vector map (polygon) on raster maps?
1:13PM 0 How to overlay a vector map (polygon) on raster maps?
11:28AM 2 How to overlay a vector map (polygon) on raster maps?
10:54AM 0 Releasing new package on CRAN
Wednesday April 10 2019
11:35AM 0 Greek characters in R studio
10:34AM 0 R web-scraping a multiple-level page
8:35AM 2 R web-scraping a multiple-level page
5:02AM 2 Define pch and color based on two different columns
4:36AM 0 Define pch and color based on two different columns
4:23AM 0 Define pch and color based on two different columns
3:18AM 0 Define pch and color based on two different columns
3:09AM 4 Define pch and color based on two different columns
Tuesday April 9 2019
11:53PM 0 Define pch and color based on two different columns
11:29PM 0 Can one perform a dry run of a package installation?
9:46PM 2 Can one perform a dry run of a package installation?
8:49PM 6 Define pch and color based on two different columns
6:51PM 1 Create a sequence
3:02PM 1 Convert a character to numeric
2:35PM 0 Convert a character to numeric
1:20PM 0 Create a sequence
1:07PM 2 Create a sequence
1:02PM 2 Convert a character to numeric
11:32AM 1 How can I solve this prediction problem?
11:30AM 0 Convert a character to numeric
11:15AM 2 Convert a character to numeric
10:59AM 0 New package to query the OpenTripPlanner (OTP) API
Monday April 8 2019
3:41PM 1 Greek characters in R studio
11:19AM 0 Help with use RMarkdown and knitr in an rdm output to word.doc
10:41AM 0 Message for forum
Sunday April 7 2019
7:30PM 1 Unable to read csv files with comma in values
5:35PM 0 Unable to read csv files with comma in values
4:55PM 2 Unable to read csv files with comma in values
3:56PM 0 Unable to read csv files with comma in values
3:16PM 2 Help with use RMarkdown and knitr in an rdm output to word.doc
1:05PM 0 Help with use RMarkdown and knitr in an rdm output to word.doc
10:07AM 2 Help with use RMarkdown and knitr in an rdm output to word.doc
Saturday April 6 2019
10:51PM 0 Help with use RMarkdown and knitr in an rdm output to word.doc
9:44PM 3 Help with use RMarkdown and knitr in an rdm output to word.doc
9:06PM 0 Alternative to loops
6:24PM 0 Help with use RMarkdown and knitr in an rdm output to word.doc
5:58PM 2 Help with use RMarkdown and knitr in an rdm output to word.doc
5:44PM 2 Alternative to loops
2:42PM 0 Help with use RMarkdown and knitr in an rdm output to word.doc
2:03PM 2 Unable to read csv files with comma in values
1:42PM 2 Help with use RMarkdown and knitr in an rdm output to word.doc
12:23PM 0 Color-coding data points in complex dotplot (ggplot2)
Friday April 5 2019
11:53PM 2 Color-coding data points in complex dotplot (ggplot2)
2:26PM 0 isSingular for lm?
11:51AM 0 new R packages for phylogenetic compartive methods
10:14AM 1 isSingular for lm?
4:39AM 0 R SIG mailing lists
3:33AM 4 R SIG mailing lists
Thursday April 4 2019
4:41PM 1 Alternative to lops
4:33PM 0 Alternative to loops
Wednesday April 3 2019
11:31PM 1 Help interpreting data
7:57PM 0 function predict
4:34PM 2 Potential Issue with lm.influence
2:18PM 0 Potential Issue with lm.influence
2:03PM 0 Potential Issue with lm.influence
2:01PM 2 String replace
1:58PM 2 function predict
9:36AM 2 Fwd: Potential Issue with lm.influence
7:12AM 0 Free financial data - equities, equity options and ETFs - for quantmod package (or other packages)
2:13AM 1 Advice for speeding up optim()
Tuesday April 2 2019
11:53PM 0 Fwd: Potential Issue with lm.influence
10:36PM 1 Fwd: Potential Issue with lm.influence
9:00PM 0 Fwd: Potential Issue with lm.influence
8:38PM 2 Fwd: Potential Issue with lm.influence
8:29PM 0 Fwd: Potential Issue with lm.influence
8:21PM 8 Fwd: Potential Issue with lm.influence
7:34PM 0 Fwd: Potential Issue with lm.influence
11:10AM 1 Pairwise testing with pairwise.prop.test
9:12AM 2 Fwd: Potential Issue with lm.influence
2:56AM 0 Problem in using train() function in Caret
Monday April 1 2019
7:18PM 2 Free financial data - equities, equity options and ETFs - for quantmod package (or other packages)
3:53PM 0 Pairwise testing with pairwise.prop.test
10:37AM 1 Fwd: Error message: object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
1:09AM 1 Problems install R package "Caret" in Rstudio version 3.3.3