R help - May 2019

Friday May 31 2019
1:25PM 1 Matrix::bdiag doesn't like being given a single named argument
11:35AM 0 Calling any method within default method!
9:06AM 0 Calling any method within default method!
7:21AM 2 Problem in using 'plm' package after updating R
1:44AM 0 MCMCglmm model set-up and interpretation
Thursday May 30 2019
6:42PM 1 Choropleth map over an outline of Florida's 67 counties
3:49PM 1 Help with staked bar plot values Version 2
2:58PM 0 Mac/PC differences in lmer results
3:27AM 0 Tying to underdressed the magic of lm redux
2:33AM 2 Tying to underdressed the magic of lm redux
1:59AM 0 Tying to underdressed the magic of lm redux
1:40AM 2 Tying to underdressed the magic of lm redux
Wednesday May 29 2019
4:44PM 4 Mac/PC differences in lmer results
3:55PM 0 Error in using tokens script
3:49PM 0 Help with staked bar plot values
9:54AM 0 Fitdistrplus package : Error messages
8:46AM 2 Fitdistrplus package : Error messages
7:31AM 0 Error in using tokens script
Tuesday May 28 2019
11:34PM 3 Calling any method within default method!
7:58PM 0 error when installing zoo package on macos: file 'DESCRIPTION' does not exist
5:55PM 0 URGENT help-Problem with panel barplot spacing
4:51PM 2 Error in using tokens script
4:07PM 1 Graphic functions in the ade4TKGUI graphic user interface in R
12:14PM 0 WriteXLS version 5.0.0 now available
10:42AM 2 URGENT help-Problem with panel barplot spacing
1:27AM 0 cspade {arulesSequences} error
Monday May 27 2019
1:17PM 0 kableExtra: How to change kable font family
8:08AM 2 kableExtra: How to change kable font family
1:22AM 0 kableExtra: How to change kable font family
Sunday May 26 2019
6:13PM 2 kableExtra: How to change kable font family
2:06PM 1 Increasing number of observations worsen the regression model
Saturday May 25 2019
12:38PM 3 Increasing number of observations worsen the regression model
7:48AM 0 Error in unique() man page
Friday May 24 2019
10:47PM 0 r kernlab find best cost parameter automatically
10:04PM 1 Calling R code from Javascript
4:57PM 1 mboost: Proportional odds boosting model - how to specify the offset?
4:50PM 0 mboost: Proportional odds boosting model - how to specify the offset?
4:48PM 0 Generating nested models for order selection tests
2:54PM 2 mboost: Proportional odds boosting model - how to specify the offset?
1:10PM 2 Subsetting Data from a Dataframe
11:35AM 0 computing standard deviation in R and in Python
10:27AM 2 computing standard deviation in R and in Python
8:43AM 2 Generating nested models for order selection tests
6:39AM 0 to run an older version of R on my machine
4:40AM 1 Fwd: How to retain the NA as a value for splitting a dataframe
Thursday May 23 2019
10:00PM 3 cspade {arulesSequences} error
7:38PM 2 to run an older version of R on my machine
7:19AM 2 r kernlab find best cost parameter automatically
1:21AM 0 Release Announcement : Riex Package
12:57AM 0 cygwin clipboard
Wednesday May 22 2019
9:43PM 3 Calculating date difference in days
2:06PM 1 Help with R coding
1:57PM 0 Help with R coding
1:45PM 0 Help with R coding
12:35PM 5 Help with R coding
12:31PM 1 Problema estrazione file in formato "large STFDF" in formato "ASCII" compatibile con GIS
2:44AM 1 Significance of difference in means using Monte Carlo Simulation in R
Tuesday May 21 2019
10:54PM 0 cygwin clipboard
2:55PM 6 cygwin clipboard
Monday May 20 2019
6:19PM 1 Brown’s One-parameter Linear Method in R
1:25AM 0 Question Mac OS X compiled binaries for WGCNA f ro R 3.60
Sunday May 19 2019
10:11PM 1 how to separate string from numbers in a large txt file
9:31PM 0 how to separate string from numbers in a large txt file
5:56PM 2 how to separate string from numbers in a large txt file
3:14PM 0 Nested structure data simulation
1:26PM 3 Nested structure data simulation
12:05PM 0 Nested structure data simulation
11:37AM 0 how to separate string from numbers in a large txt file
8:45AM 1 Nested structure data simulation
12:34AM 2 how to separate string from numbers in a large txt file
Saturday May 18 2019
11:30PM 0 how to separate string from numbers in a large txt file
10:32PM 2 how to separate string from numbers in a large txt file
8:03PM 3 Nested structure data simulation
2:52PM 0 Nested structure data simulation
2:40PM 0 Nested structure data simulation
2:19PM 0 Nested structure data simulation
1:57PM 5 Nested structure data simulation
8:44AM 0 Help understanding the relationship between R-3.6.0 and RStudio
Friday May 17 2019
11:28PM 0 how to separate string from numbers in a large txt file
8:18PM 2 how to separate string from numbers in a large txt file
8:03PM 0 how to separate string from numbers in a large txt file
7:12PM 2 how to separate string from numbers in a large txt file
6:36PM 0 how to separate string from numbers in a large txt file
6:32PM 2 Help understanding the relationship between R-3.6.0 and RStudio
6:14PM 0 Help understanding the relationship between R-3.6.0 and RStudio
6:12PM 0 Help understanding the relationship between R-3.6.0 and RStudio
6:02PM 5 Help understanding the relationship between R-3.6.0 and RStudio
3:20PM 3 how to separate string from numbers in a large txt file
6:19AM 1 Kriging
3:29AM 0 how to separate string from numbers in a large txt file
1:15AM 0 Need help with xgboost
Thursday May 16 2019
11:52PM 0 Bounding box on plotting files inserted into a LaTeX document
11:04PM 2 Bounding box on plotting files inserted into a LaTeX document
10:53PM 2 how to separate string from numbers in a large txt file
8:05PM 0 how to separate string from numbers in a large txt file
7:30PM 2 how to separate string from numbers in a large txt file
3:47AM 0 how to separate string from numbers in a large txt file
Wednesday May 15 2019
11:07PM 2 how to separate string from numbers in a large txt file
8:29PM 1 converting zipcodes to latitude/longitude
1:08PM 1 How to publish a new package on CRAN
11:00AM 0 Printing matrix/table in a procedure
9:33AM 2 Printing matrix/table in a procedure
8:12AM 0 Iterating dates over multiple ids
4:00AM 1 Different predictions with forecast::auto.arima()
2:31AM 0 How to publish a new package on CRAN
Tuesday May 14 2019
7:51PM 0 dealing with random.walk in intervention analysis using TSA::arimax
6:57PM 0 Different predictions with forecast::auto.arima()
6:56PM 2 How to publish a new package on CRAN
6:42PM 0 How to publish a new package on CRAN
4:51PM 3 Different predictions with forecast::auto.arima()
2:17PM 2 How to publish a new package on CRAN
4:09AM 0 converting zipcodes to latitude/longitude
2:31AM 1 install pcre
2:01AM 0 Trying to understand the magic of lm (Still trying)
Monday May 13 2019
8:16PM 0 Fwd: error in duplicated() man page
7:56PM 2 converting zipcodes to latitude/longitude
7:10PM 0 Plot prediction for Heckman 2-step (sampleSelection) models after predict.selection
4:33PM 0 Error message when adding drift for Arima model
1:29PM 0 Trying to understand the magic of lm (Still trying)
11:31AM 1 linear model contrast in R
6:30AM 0 multiple graphs on one plot
5:00AM 2 multiple graphs on one plot
Sunday May 12 2019
6:02PM 1 Flip heatmap color range in base R?
Saturday May 11 2019
10:57AM 0 A question on generating Error message upon Timeout
Friday May 10 2019
7:53PM 1 Trying to understand the magic of lm (Still trying)
1:47PM 0 convert microns to nm in a messy dataset
1:42PM 1 saving an R script
1:32PM 0 saving an R script
1:29PM 0 convert microns to nm in a messy dataset
11:54AM 4 convert microns to nm in a messy dataset
7:03AM 1 Rd files with duplicated alias 'plot'
5:43AM 3 Error message when adding drift for Arima model
2:54AM 4 saving an R script
Thursday May 9 2019
11:26PM 0 Error message when adding drift for Arima model
7:36PM 2 A question on generating Error message upon Timeout
7:29PM 3 Error message when adding drift for Arima model
5:01PM 0 Trying to understand the magic of lm
3:53PM 2 error in duplicated() man page
3:46PM 0 error in duplicated() man page
10:06AM 2 error in duplicated() man page
9:28AM 0 functional autoregressive model of order two
1:22AM 4 Trying to understand the magic of lm
Wednesday May 8 2019
10:19PM 0 install R
3:54PM 0 Date Time Conversion
3:04PM 1 Date Time Conversion
1:05PM 4 install R
8:25AM 0 Extract hyperplane from kernlab's Support Vector Machine model
Tuesday May 7 2019
8:32AM 0 how to choose cost in SVM analysis with kernlab
12:40AM 1 R package that translates zip codes into longitude and longitude
Monday May 6 2019
5:35PM 1 Errors Generated by Function gof from LogisticDx Package
1:05PM 0 Memmory issue
10:31AM 0 R package that translates zip codes into longitude and longitude
9:42AM 0 rTRNG: Advanced and Parallel Random Number Generation via TRNG
5:22AM 0 fitting functional autoregresive model
2:24AM 1 The function sink() --delete everything before printing by "sink()"
Sunday May 5 2019
11:26PM 1 Question concerning Loading large Data Sets
11:14PM 0 Question concerning Loading large Data Sets
11:09PM 2 Question concerning Loading large Data Sets
9:11PM 2 R package that translates zip codes into longitude and longitude
1:41PM 1 Memmory issue
5:35AM 0 what would break a citation network? [Error in as.igraph.vs(graph, vids) : Invalid vertex names]
4:53AM 1 Required help
12:34AM 2 what would break a citation network? [Error in as.igraph.vs(graph, vids) : Invalid vertex names]
Friday May 3 2019
9:57PM 0 create a table for time difference (from t3 to t1, so on..)
9:02PM 1 randomly sampling and visualizing 100 nodes in a citation network with igraph library
8:49PM 1 stukel function unavailable for some odd reason
7:45PM 2 approx with NAs
7:24PM 2 create a table for time difference (from t3 to t1, so on..)
4:52PM 1 Loading EDF files
1:31PM 0 Loading EDF files
1:28PM 1 Loading EDF files
12:40AM 0 Fwd: Re: transpose and split dataframe
12:32AM 2 Fwd: Re: transpose and split dataframe
Thursday May 2 2019
3:44PM 0 Survuval Anaysis
2:43PM 0 Fwd: Re: transpose and split dataframe
12:37PM 2 Survuval Anaysis
10:10AM 1 Can't rsync extsoft/3.6 when compiling R 3.6
9:00AM 1 One-way ANOVA with replicates
7:36AM 0 Can't rsync extsoft/3.6 when compiling R 3.6
4:57AM 2 Can't rsync extsoft/3.6 when compiling R 3.6
Wednesday May 1 2019
3:10PM 0 Referencing multiple lists in api loop call
5:14AM 1 Passing formula as parameter to `lm` within `sapply` causes error [BUG?]
4:06AM 0 Time series (trend over time) for irregular sampling dates and multiple sites