Dear All, I refer to the excellent post at What I want to do is to create a function capable, ? la dplyr, to generate new columns which are a lagged version of existing columns in a data frame. For instance, you can do this manually as library(dplyr) library(rlang) d2 <- tibble(x1 =1:10, x2=10:19, x3=50:59) d3 <- d2%>%mutate(x1lag1=lag(x1, 1), x1lag2=lag(x1,2)) but this becomes quickly tedious when you need to take several lags of different columns. One solution in the link above is the following lags <- function(var, n=10){ var <- enquo(var) indices <- seq_len(n) map( indices, ~quo(lag(!!var, !!.x)) ) %>% set_names(sprintf("lag_%s_%02d", quo_text(var), indices)) } d4 <- d2 %>% mutate( !!!lags(x1, 3), !!!lags(x2,3) ) does anybody know how this could be made more general? I mean that I would like to take a fixed number of lags of a list of columns (x1 and x2, for instance), just by passing the list of columns and without repeating the commands for x1 and x2. Any suggestion is appreciated. Cheers Lorenzo