Dear R-Helpers, I posted two days ago on testing significance of random effects in mgcv, but realize I did not make my overall purpose clear. I have a series of N short time series, where N might range from 3-10 and short means a median of 20 time points. The sample data below (PCP) has N = 4 cases with 9, 13, 16 and 16 observations over time respectively. The data set contains four variables: PID = case number, SessIDX = time (x axis), DVY = the outcome (y axis) and TX is treatment is applied = 1 or not = 0. My goal is to determine (a) is trend present in each case, (b) is it linear or nonlinear in each case, and (c) does trend vary significantly over cases (PID), the latter presumably to be measured with a random effect. I can do the first two (not shown here), but am not sure about the third. I am using generalized additive models, either mgcv gam or gamm4. For example, using mgcv gam my syntax is M1 <- gam(DVY ~ s(SessIDX, bs = "re") + factor(TX), data = PCP, family = quasipoisson(link="log"), method="REML") summary(M1,all.p=TRUE) gam.vcomp(M1) Using gamm4, my syntax is PCP$fPID <- factor(PCP$PID) M2 <- gamm4(DVY ~ factor(TX) + s(SessIDX, by = factor(PID)), data = PCP, random =~ (1|fPID), family = poisson (link="log")) summary(M2$gam) summary(M2$mer) It is not clear to me whether either of these gives me what I want. In generalized linear mixed models, I am accustomed to the HLM approach (e.g., Raudenbush & Bryk) where each case would have a trend coefficient, and the random effect would tell me if those four coefficients varied significantly. So that is what I am looking for, but adding the nonlinearity modeling of GAM. Is either of these formulations giving me what I want--a test of whether trend differs significantly over cases or not. Thanks for any help you can offer. I have worked very hard to solve this on my own, and just can't seem to do so. Will Shadish > PCP PID SessIDX DVY TX 1 1 1 4 0 2 1 2 5 0 3 1 3 5 0 4 1 4 8 0 5 1 5 3 1 6 1 6 0 1 7 1 7 0 1 8 1 8 0 1 9 1 9 0 1 10 2 1 2 0 11 2 2 2 0 12 2 3 4 0 13 2 4 4 0 14 2 5 4 0 15 2 6 2 0 16 2 7 3 0 17 2 8 1 1 18 2 9 2 1 19 2 10 3 1 20 2 11 1 1 21 2 12 0 1 22 2 13 0 1 23 3 1 7 0 24 3 2 3 0 25 3 3 2 0 26 3 4 5 0 27 3 5 3 0 28 3 6 4 0 29 3 7 3 0 30 3 8 0 1 31 3 9 3 1 32 3 10 2 1 33 3 11 0 1 34 3 12 0 1 35 3 13 2 1 36 3 14 0 1 37 3 15 1 1 38 3 16 1 1 39 4 1 3 0 40 4 2 1 0 41 4 3 1 0 42 4 4 0 0 43 4 5 1 0 44 4 6 2 0 45 4 7 3 0 46 4 8 0 0 47 4 9 1 0 48 4 10 0 1 49 4 11 0 1 50 4 12 0 1 51 4 13 0 1 52 4 14 0 1 53 4 15 0 1 54 4 16 0 1 > -- William R. Shadish Distinguished Professor Founding Faculty Mailing Address: William R. Shadish University of California School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts 5200 North Lake Rd Merced CA 95343 Physical/Delivery Address: University of California Merced ATTN: William Shadish School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts Facilities Services Building A 5200 North Lake Rd. Merced, CA 95343 209-228-4372 voice 209-228-4007 fax (communal fax: be sure to include cover sheet) wshadish at