I'm trying to do LASSO in R with the package glmpath. However, I'm not sure if I am using the accompanying prediction function *predict.glmpath()* correctly. Suppose I fit some regularized binomial regression model like so: library(glmpath);load(heart.data);attach(heart.data); fit <- glmpath(x, y, family=binomial) Then I can use predict.glmpath() to estimate the value of the response variable y at x for varying values of lambda through pred <- predict.glmpath(fit, newx = x, mode="lambda", s=seq(0,10,1),type="response") However, in the help file it can be seen that there is also an option *newy*. How should one interpret the result when calling *predict.glmpath()* with *newy = some.y*? Additionally, in the help file it can be seen that there exist numerous choices for the option "type": description in help file "response" the estimated responses are returned"loglik" the log-likelihoods are returned"coefficients" the coefficients are returned. The coefficients for the initial input variables are returned (rather than the standardized coefficients)"link"(default) the linear predictors are returned How should I understand these options? To which linear predictors and coefficients are they referring to? Surely not those of the original model? Thanks in advance! [[alternative HTML version deleted]]