On Apr 6, 2013, at 8:58 PM, Katherine Gobin wrote:
> Dear R forum
> (2) Is there any other R forum dealing with only Statistical queries?
The website named Crossvalidated , stats.stackexchange.com/questions
, is designed for purely statistical questions although it cannot be
considered an "R forum". It has a large number of responders who are
proficient in R. If you include a workable example it may attract
answers from R users and have R solutions offered. The StackOverflow
site is affiliated and if it is seen as a pure-R question, i.e one
with primarily data manipulation or R syntactical issues, questions to
CV may get "migrated" to SO. Look over the questions and answers in
both websites to get an idea of the pattern of questions and responses.
David Winsemius, MD
Alameda, CA, USA