On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 11:42 AM, kmammasis <mammasis82 at hotmail.com>
wrote:> Dear all,
> I am new in R and would like to ask for someone's help in understanding
> where I go wrong with the following code:
# > rm(list=ls())
Please don't include this line into your postings: it's quite rude to
clobber the data of folks trying to help you.
> # Required packages
> library(MCMCpack)
> # Simulated data
> set.seed(1)
> data = rinvgamma(n=250, shape = 5, scale = 2) + 2
# Bad name for a data variable: see
> hist(data)
> # log-likelihood
> ll = function(par){
> if(par[1]>0 & par[2]>0 & par[3]<min(data)) return(
> par[3],par[1],par[2]))) )
> else return(Inf)
> }
> # MLE
> mle = optim(c(5,2,2),ll)
> params = mle$par
> # Fit
> hist(data,probability=T,ylim=c(0,2.5))
> This code fits an Inverse Gamma distribution to the randomly generated data
> and plots the associated histogram. My problem is that when I try to import
> a dataset saved locally it gives me an error. Here is the modification of
> the code:
> # Required packages
> library(MCMCpack)
> data=my.csv.data$V1
> hist(data)
> # log-likelihood
> ll = function(par){
> if(par[1]>0 & par[2]>0 & par[3]<min(data)) return(
> par[3],par[1],par[2]))) )
> else return(Inf)
> }
> # MLE
> mle = optim(c(5,2,2),ll)
> params = mle$par
> # Fit
> hist(data,probability=T,ylim=c(0,2.5))
> I have attached the file which I import directly from the menu, named:
> excel250.csv. When I run the code it gives me the following error:
No you haven't. The R-help servers scrub most attachments. Use dput()
to make a nice reproducible example:
> Error in optim(c(5, 2, 2), ll) :
> function cannot be evaluated at initial parameters
Totally random guess: your function isn't being evaluated properly
either because i) you used the name data() which is also a function
and R is having trouble finding your data; ii) your data is such that
dinvgamma() gives bad value at the initial point c(5,2,2)
> I would appreciate your help.
> Thank you.
> Konstantinos
> <nabble_a href="excel250.csv">excel250.csv
> --
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