Hi there, I had a serious problem here . Consider the following Bayesian model(discretized variance gamma): #Likelihood J[i]<-lambda*G[i]+sigma*sqrt(G[i])*rnorm(0,1) G[i]<-rgamma(1/nu,1/nu) #Prior: nu<-rinvgamma(m,M) # Parameters lambda=-.04 ; sigam=.38; nu=6.48; m=10,M=10 ; T=5000 (length of data) An author claimed that he got posterior distribution of nu with standard deviation .0965 But I could only get posterior sd=.84 with the same setting. I have been working on my code for quite a while , but still don't see what is wrong with it. I would really appreciate it if any body could fit this model and let me know if you can get it and how ? I attached my R code with data generating and posterior simulating functions, I used the slice sampler to do it , you could use your own version of slice sampler or other generic samplers. Again , I would really appreciate any help that could save me from the pain. vg <- function(T=5000,nu=6.48,n.iter=1000,beta=-.04,sig=.38,m=10,M=10){ #------------------- Data Generating -------------------------# G <- rgamma(T,1/nu,1/nu) J <- rnorm(T,beta*G,sig*sqrt(G)) #------------------- Gibbs Sampler ---------------------------# nu.stor <- rep(NA,n.iter) for(i in 1:n.iter){ G <- MCslice1D(dgamma(x,1/nu,1/nu,log=TRUE)+dnorm(J, beta*x, sig*sqrt(x),log=TRUE),w=20,m=10,x0=G) nu <- MCslice1D(log(dinvgamma(x,m,M))-T*log(x)*1/x-T*log(gamma(1/x))+(1/x-1)*sum(log(G))-sum(G)/x, w=3,m=12, x0=nu) nu.stor[i] <- nu } return(list(nu=nu.stor)) }