2012-Jun-16 11:29 UTC
[R] R CMD -lgsl -lgslcblas *.c returns a fatal error: gsl/gsl_rng.h no such file or directory exists
Hello, I tried this posted on the R devel subforum but no help so far. Maybe the wider net will be fruitful. Probably a pretty simple issue. The short story goes, I'm writing C source code and compiling it in as *.dll in the windows terminal by R CMD SHLIB foo.c. It works, I'm on a 64-bit system. I have the lastest R 2.15.0 and Rtools, and I am using the gcc 4.6.3 compiler. However, the working program is a hello world run. Next, I installed GSL for the 64-bit system for fast MCMC. I found the Rcpp package easy to use, but I opted for calling C source code with the GSL random number generator because a MCMC simulation I'm attempting takes weeks or months in my previous attempts with the JAGS sampler. A couple webpages suggested the C/GSL might be optimal. My issue is that even though the R CMD SHLIB *c. built the *.dll for the simple example, when I installed GSL for the (64-bit system), the apparently appropriate terminal command, R CMD -lgsl -lgslcblas *c, returns a fatal error: gsl/gsl_rng.h no such file or directory exists. I understand the issue may be with the way my windows paths are set up. My paths are: PATH c:\R\Rtools\bin;c:\R\Rtools\gcc-4.6.3\bin;C:/R/R-2.15.0/bin/x64;C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\miktex\bin;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\SAS\SharedFiles(32)\Formats;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Shared;C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTSystem\;C:\R\batchfiles_0.6-6;C:/R/GSL_test2/bin I understand order matters for Rtools. They should go first in the path list and have their own order. You'll notice I have the GSL path right on the end of the list. Should it go somewhere else? In physical location or path location? I also created the two new variables in the system environmental variables list. GSL_LIB, value c:/R/GSL_test2/lib/ GSL_INC, value c:/R/GSL_test2/inc/ The failing C source code is #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <gsl/gsl_rng.h> #include <gsl/gsl_randist.h> #include <R.h> void gibbsGSL(int *Np,int *thinp,int *seedp,double *xvec,double *yvec) { int i,j; int N=*Np,thin=*thinp,seed=*seedp; gsl_rng *r = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_mt19937); gsl_rng_set(r,seed); double x=0; double y=0; for (i=0;i<N;i++) { for (j=0;j<thin;j++) { x=gsl_ran_gamma(r,3.0,1.0/(y*y+4)); y=1.0/(x+1)+gsl_ran_gaussian(r,1.0/sqrt(2*x+2)); } xvec[i]=x; yvec[i]=y; } } Any advice would be appreciated. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at