Hi guys,
I am doing a project to evaluate the 7 individual fund performance from a
portfolio compared with all fund performance utilizing the same strategy.
Lets say in total there are 10 strategies and in the portfolio there exist 5
First, i use the BOXPLOT() and SUBSET() to produce the box plot of all the 5
funds performance individually:
#identify funds in strategies within the portfolio
filteredFunds = subset(allfunds,Strategy %in% portStrats);
#create box plot
Though it produced these 5 box plot, while the Y-aix has all the 10 strategy
*So the FIRST QUESTION is how to eliminate the other 5 strategies on the
Y-aix? *
Next, I used the POINTS() to plot the performance of specific funds in the
related box plot, which are from the portfolio.
and used TEXTXY() to label its name.
#label portfolio funds
for(i in 1:T){
#loop through all strategies
#get strategy
strat = portStrats[i];
#identify all funds of that strategy
idx = allFundStrats == strat;
#get returns of the all funds
rets = allFundRets[idx];
#identify portfolio funds of the same strategy
portidx = fundStrats == strat;
#get returns and names
frets = fundrets[portidx];
fnames = fundNames[portidx];
N = length(frets);
#now figure out where to put the labels
s = 1 / N;
for (j in 1:N){
yy = j * s + i*2;
*The ERROR is Error in xy.coords(x, y) : 'x' and 'y' lengths
I think its because of the number of X&Y differs.
Can you guy help me to fix it?
Thank you so much.
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