Take a look at this:
x <- matrix(1:9, 3)
x[2,2] <- Inf
x[3,1] <- NA
rowMeans(x * is.finite(x), na.rm = TRUE)
I at first thought you could simply use x[is.finite(x)] but that
looses the matrix-ness of it so instead, we use the fact that 0 * Inf
= NaN which gets killed by na.rm = TRUE. Also see my notes inline
On Sat, Jun 9, 2012 at 6:00 AM, Trying To learn again
<tryingtolearnagain at gmail.com> wrote:> Hi all,
> I have a csv matrix "KT.csv" and it has Inf and NA
Incidentally, this probably signals some confusion -- there's no such
thing as a "csv matrix" in R. If you read in a csv you will usually
(always?) get a data.frame which is most definitely not a matrix.
> I want to calculate the mean of each row so I use
> rowMeans(KT,na.rm = TRUE) but with this Inf cannot be omminted.
This was your best guess -- see above.
> I?m trying to use before running rowMeans(KT,na.rm = TRUE)
> KT<-range(KT,finite=TRUE)
This only replaces KT by its min and max loosing your data entirely.
Not at all what you were looking for.
> but it doesn?t works...
> Do you know a simple way to ommit Inf en the calculations?
> Many thanks.
> I have tried also to replace Inf by NA bt also I dind?n t get it....
> I feel....like a mule...
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