search for: inf

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4316 matches for "inf".

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2006 Jul 06
read.xport issues the export file from solaris box and then importing to R with read.xport, this gives rational numbers etc.) Trying to do this on an IBM Power p655 running linux, reading the same sas export file as used on MAC, in this case the results are not rational. Many of the numbers are interpreted as INF etc. Is it possible that the SOLARIS to Linux is causing this problem? Here is a sample of the input file HEADER RECORD*******LIBRARY HEADER RECORD!!!!!!!000000000000000000000000000000 SAS SAS SASLIB 9.1 SunOS 13JUN06:14:51:0313JUN06:14:51:03...
2012 Oct 10
"optim" and "nlminb"
#optim package estimate<-optim(init.par,Linn,hessian=TRUE, method=c("L-BFGS-B"),control = list(trace=1,abstol=0.001),lower=c(0,0,0,0,-Inf,-Inf,-Inf,-Inf,-Inf,-Inf,-Inf,-Inf,-Inf),upper=c(1,1,1,1,Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf)) #nlminb package estimate<-nlminb(init.par,Linn,gr=NULL,hessian=TRUE,control = list(trace=1,factr=1),lower=c(0,0,0,0,-Inf,-Inf,-Inf,-Inf,-Inf,-Inf,-Inf,-Inf,-Inf),upper=c(1,1,1,1,Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf,In...
2012 Sep 11
lapply with different size lists?
Hello, I have 2 functions (a and b) a = function(n) { matrix (runif(n*2,0.0,1), n) } > > > b = function (m, matrix) { > n=nrow (matrix) > p=ceiling (n/m) > lapply (1:p, function (l,n,m) { > inf = ((l-1)*m)+1 > if (l<p) sup=((l-1)*m)+m > else sup=n > data.frame (matrix (lapply (inf: sup, function(i) > c(i, Inf, matrix[i,1], matrix[i,2]) ), nrow=m ) ) > }, n=n, m=m >...
2012 May 04
France Model
...sp~f(time, A, b, c, T), data=dados, start=c(A=500, b=152, c=100, T=100))) but isn't work. The error is: > (mod1 = nls(resp~f(tempo,A,b,c,T), data=dados, + start=c(A=10, b=152, c=10, T=10))) Erro em numericDeriv(form[[3L]], names(ind), env) : Obtido valor faltante ou infinito quando avaliando o modelo Somebody knows some package? Thanks, -------------------------------------- Silvano Cesar da Costa Departamento de Estat?stica Universidade Estadual de Londrina Fone: 3371-4346
2015 Nov 17
[PATCH 3/3] v2v: windows: Use '*.inf' files to control how Windows drivers are installed.
Instead of trying to split and parse elements from virtio-win paths, use the '*.inf' files supplied with the drivers to control how Windows drivers are installed. The following emails best explain how this works: Currently the product...
2007 Jun 28
minor flaw in integrate()
Hi, I noticed a minor flaw in integrate() from package stats: Taking up arguments lower and upper from integrate(), if (lower == Inf) && (upper == Inf) or if (lower == -Inf) && (upper == -Inf) integrate() calculates the value for (lower==-Inf) && (upper==Inf). Rather, it should return 0. Quick fix: ### old code ### ### [snip] else { if ( ||
2001 Jan 09
Inconsistent behaviour in solve (PR#805)
I find this a bit puzzling ... > solve(matrix(c(5, 2, 3, 1), 2, 2), c(Inf, 3)) [1] NaN Inf > solve(matrix(c(5, 2, 3, 1), 2, 2)) %*% c(Inf, 3) [,1] [1,] -Inf [2,] Inf I would expect the answer to be c(-Inf, Inf), so why has the -Inf been replaced by NaN in solve? Cheers, Jonathan. --please do not edit the information below-- Version: platform = sparc-sun-so...
2010 Dec 02
Integral of PDF
The integral of any probability density from -Inf to Inf should equal 1, correct? I don't understand last result below. > integrate(function(x) dnorm(x, 0,1), -Inf, Inf) 1 with absolute error < 9.4e-05 > integrate(function(x) dnorm(x, 100,10), -Inf, Inf) 1 with absolute error < 0.00012 > integrate(function(x) dnorm(x, 500,50)...
2015 Nov 17
[PATCH 0/3] v2v: windows: Use '*.inf' files to control how Windows drivers are installed. Instead of trying to split and parse elements from virtio-win paths, use the '*.inf' files supplied with the drivers to control how Windows drivers are installed. The following emails best explain how this works: Currently the product...
2019 Mar 05
as.Date(Inf) displays as 'NA' but is actually 'Inf'
Hi, I think I've discovered a bug in base R. Basically, when using 'Inf' as as 'Date', is is visually displayed as 'NA', but R still treats it as 'Inf'. So it is very confusing to work with, and can easily lead to errors: # Visually displays as NA > as.Date(Inf, origin="2018-01-01") [1] NA # Visually displays as NA > st...
2016 Apr 25
how to create initial configuraton for isoMDS
...MDS on it. library(igraph) library(MASS) g<-make_graph(c(1,2, 2,3, 2,4, 3,4, 4,5, 5,6, 3,6, 1,6, 2,5),directed=TRUE) dist<-distances(g, mode="out") loc<-isoMDS(dist) # below is content of the dist matrix [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [1,] 0 1 2 2 2 1 [2,] Inf 0 1 1 1 2 [3,] Inf Inf 0 1 2 1 [4,] Inf Inf Inf 0 1 2 [5,] Inf Inf Inf Inf 0 1 [6,] Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf 0 # and here is the error message: Error in isoMDS(dist) : an initial configuration must be supplied with NA/Infs in 'd' It...
2017 Nov 21
...sults. >VARselect(newd, lag.max = 10,type = "none") $selection AIC(n) HQ(n) SC(n) FPE(n) 6 6 6 5 $criteria 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AIC(n) -3.818646e+01 -3.864064e+01 -3.833435e+01 -4.089169e+01 NaN -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf HQ(n) -3.754345e+01 -3.744647e+01 -3.658903e+01 -3.859523e+01 NaN -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf SC(n) -3.630096e+01 -3.513899e+01 -3.321655e+01 -3.415775e+01 NaN -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf FPE(n) 2.700145e-17 2.114513e-17 5.350381e-17 2.035215e-17 -9.147714e-65 0 0 0 0 10...
2019 Mar 06
as.Date(Inf) displays as 'NA' but is actually 'Inf'
Hi Gabriel, The point is that it *visually* displays as NA, but still responds as FALSE. When I (and I am sure many people) see an NA, we then use If we see Inf displayed, we then use is.infinite(). With as.Date() this breaks down. I'm not arguing that as.Date(Inf) should be coerced to NA. I'm arguing that as.Date(Inf) should be *visually* displayed as Inf (i.e. the truth!). I doubt this would break any existing code, because as.Date(Inf) acts...
2005 Apr 13
Inf +1i vs 1+Inf*1i
Hi If I have a <- Inf + 1i then Re(a) is Inf, and Im(a) is 1, as expected. But if b <- 1 + Inf * 1i, then Im(b) = Inf , as expected, but Re(b) = NaN, which I didn't expect. Why this asymmetry? How to define an object with Re(b)=1, Im(b)=Inf? -- Robin Hankin Uncertainty Analyst Southampton Oceanogra...
2024 Sep 05
BUG: atan(1i) / 5 = NaN+Infi ?
atan(1i) -> 0 + Inf i complex(1/5) -> 0.2 + 0i atan(1i) -> (0 + Inf i) * (0.2 + 0i) -> 0*0.2 + 0*0i + Inf i * 0.2 + Inf i * 0i infinity times zero is undefined -> 0 + 0i + Inf i + NaN * i^2 -> 0 + 0i + Inf i - NaN -> NaN + Inf i I am not sure how complex arithmetic could arrive at another answer. I...
2015 Nov 05
[PATCH 0/4] Provide better fake virtio-* test data for virt-v2v.
...extend the available (fake) virtio-win drivers: - Patch 2 adds all of the drivers from the virtio-win RPM. - Patch 3 adds all of the drivers from the virtio-win ISO (which are different from the virtio-win RPM, for various reasons that don't make sense). - Patch 4 adds bits of the *.inf files, which will allow us to do proper driver discovery in future. See Vadim's posting here: Rich.
2009 Sep 28
xyplot & lmline: error message.
Hi, I am trying to produce an xyplot with a regression line. The data should be represented as log/log but when I fit the lmline I receive an error message - the plot is fine without the log transformation, but the then the plot is meaningless. I know it must be something simple, but I just can't see it. Hope someone can help... Thanks. xyplot(log(Pk)~log(k),data=rwpk,cex=1,
2019 Mar 06
as.Date(Inf) displays as 'NA' but is actually 'Inf'
On Tue, Mar 5, 2019 at 9:54 PM Richard White <w at> wrote: > Hi Gabriel, > > The point is that it *visually* displays as NA, but still > responds as FALSE. > > When I (and I am sure many people) see an NA, we then use If we > see Inf displayed, we then use is.infinite(). With as.Date() this breaks > down. > > I'm not arguing that as.Date(Inf) should be coerced to NA. I'm arguing > that as.Date(Inf) should be *visually* displayed as Inf (i.e. the truth!). > I doubt this would break any existing code, becau...
2010 Jan 31
[LLVMdev] Crash in PBQP register allocator
Hi Sebastian, It boils down to this: The previous heuristic solver could return infinite cost solutions in some rare cases (despite finite-cost solutions existing). The new solver is still heuristic, but it should always return a finite cost solution if one exists. It does this by avoiding early reduction of infinite spill cost nodes via R1 or R2. To illustrate why the early redu...
2013 Nov 25
Re: [edk2] [PATCH RFC v2 7/7] OvmfPkg: introduce XenMemMapInitialization
...ugh. I guess the only specific thing I can really point out is that PcdPciAllowFullEnumeration should be initialized in a different patch, and not within the mem-map init path. -Jordan On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 12:38 PM, Wei Liu <> wrote: > This function parses Xen OVMF info and arrange memory maps accordingly. > It also sets PcdPciAllowFullEnumeration to false to prevent OVMF from > playing with PCI devices. > > Signed-off-by: Wei Liu <> > --- > OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgIa32.dsc | 5 ++- > OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgIa32X64.dsc...