Trey Batey
2012-Apr-04 06:47 UTC
[R] multivariate ordered probit regression---use standard bivariate normal distribution?
Hello. I have yet to receive a response to my previous post, so I may have done a poor job asking the question. So, here is the general question: how can I run a run a multivariate (more than one non-independent, response variables) ordered probit regression model? I've had success doing this in the univariate case using the vglm() function in the VGAM package. For example: unvar.prob<-vglm(y~x,cumulative(link="probit",parallel=FALSE,r everse=TRUE)) This would fit a unrestricted cumulative probit model (or a "thresholds of change" model) with the ordered response variable treated as a latent trait modeled with a standard normal distribution. What I'd like to do is include an additional, ordinal response variable, so that the two (non-independent) response variables are treated as latent traits and modeled with a standard bivariate normal distribution. The VGAM package includes the function binormal(), which seems like it should be of some use here, but if so, I don't know where/how it fits into the model. I've included the results of running the model with the two response variables separately. Any suggestions are welcome. Again, if it helps in your response, I've included a link to the data below. Thanks. --Trey Get the data (a *.csv file) here: unvar.prob1<-vglm(pube3~age,data=refdata,cumulative(link="probit",parallel=FALSE,reverse=TRUE))> unvar.prob1Call: vglm(formula = pube3 ~ age, family = cumulative(link = "probit", parallel = FALSE, reverse = TRUE), data = refdata) Coefficients: (Intercept):1 (Intercept):2 age:1 age:2 -1.65895567 -2.14755951 0.06688242 0.04055919 Degrees of Freedom: 1492 Total; 1488 Residual Residual Deviance: 1188.909 Log-likelihood: -594.4543 ########################################################## unvar.prob2<-vglm(auric4~age,data=refdata,cumulative(link="probit",parallel=FALSE,reverse=TRUE))> unvar.prob2Call: vglm(formula = auric4 ~ age, family = cumulative(link = "probit", parallel = FALSE, reverse = TRUE), data = refdata) Coefficients: (Intercept):1 (Intercept):2 (Intercept):3 age:1 age:2 -2.07719235 -2.43422370 -2.99123098 0.07319632 0.05133132 age:3 0.03797696 Degrees of Freedom: 2238 Total; 2232 Residual Residual Deviance: 1583.47 Log-likelihood: -791.7348 ********************************************* Trey Batey--Anthropology Instructor Division of Social Sciences Mt. Hood Community College Gresham, OR 97030