search for: vglm

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 60 matches for "vglm".

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2009 Jun 05
p-values from VGAM function vglm
Anyone know how to get p-values for the t-values from the coefficients produced in vglm? Attached is the code and output ? see comment added to output to show where I need p-values + print(paste("********** Using VGAM function gamma2 **********")) + modl2<- vglm(MidPoint~Count,gamma2,data=modl.subset,trace=TRUE,crit="c") + print(coef(modl2,mat...
2013 Apr 17
Bug in VGAM z value and coefficient ?
...When i multiply the y of a regression by 10, I would expect that the coefficient would be multiply by 10 and the z value to stay constant. Here some reproducible code to support the case. *Ex 1* library(mvtnorm) library(VGAM) set.seed(1) x=rmvnorm(1000,sigma=matrix(c(1,0.75,0.75,1),2,2)) summary(vglm("y~x",family=studentt2,data=data.frame("y"=x[,1],"x"=x[,2]))) summary(vglm("y~x",family=studentt2,data=data.frame("y"=x[,1]*10,"x"=x[,2]))) summary(vglm("y~x",family=cauchy1,data=data.frame("y"=x[,1],"x"=x[,2]...
2007 Jan 06
Using VGAM's vglm function for ordinal logistic regression
R-Experts: I am using the vglm function of the VGAM library to perform proportional odds ordinal logistic regression. The issue that I would like help with concerns the format in which the response variable must be provided for this function to work correctly. Consider the following example: ------ library(VGAM) library(MASS)...
2009 Nov 04
vglm(), t values and p values
Hi All, I'm fitting an proportional odds model using vglm() from VGAM. My response variable is the severity of diseases, going from 0 to 5 (the severity is actually an ordered factor). The independent variables are: 1 genetic marker, time of medical observation, age, sex. What I *need* is a p-value for the genetic marker. Because I have ~1.5 million...
2007 Oct 29
VGAM and vglm
Hi Folks, I wonderif someone who is familiar with the details of vglm in the VGAM package can assist me. I'm new to using it, and there doesn;t seem much in the documentation that's relevant to the question below. Say I have a vector x of 0/1 responses and another vector y of 0/1 responses, these in fact being a bivariate set of 0/1 responses equivalent to c...
2008 Apr 18
rzinb (VGAM) and dnbinom in optim
...xample: #set up dummy data,load VGAM, which is where I am getting the zero-inflated neg binom #I get the same problem without VGAM, using dnbinom in the wrapper instead. library(VGAM) phi <- 0.09 size <- 0.7 munb <- 72 x <- rzinb(200, phi=phi, size=size, munb=munb) #VGAM can fit using vglm... but I'd like to try optim > fit <- vglm(x~1, zinegbinomial,trace=TRUE) VGLM linear loop 1 : loglikelihood = -964.1915 VGLM linear loop 2 : loglikelihood = -964.1392 VGLM linear loop 3 : loglikelihood = -964.1392 > Coef(fit) phi munb k 0.1200317...
2010 Aug 31
...mydata=read.table("C:/Documents and Settings/angieb/Desktop/CommercialGL/cl_ilf_claimdata.csv",header=TRUE,sep=",") > names(mydata) [1] "ILFTable" "liabLimit" "AnnAggLimit" "DedAmt" "Loss" "TIL" > fit=vglm(Loss~1,pareto1(location=alpha),trace=TRUE,crit="c") Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object "Loss" not found [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jun 16
Generation from COX PH with gamma frailty
...using this theta I could not decide how I should generate the survival times? Is there any package for this? or any document you could suggest? Any help is appreciated. Many thanks in advance. Aysun > Anyone know how to get p-values for the t-values from the coefficients > produced in vglm? > Attached is the code and output ? see comment added to output to show > where I need p-values > > > + print(paste("********** Using VGAM function gamma2 **********")) > + modl2<- > vglm(MidPoint~Count,gamma2,data=modl.subset,trace=TRUE,crit="c&quo...
2011 Sep 05
Need more information about VGLM
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?... Nom : non disponible URL : <>
2008 Jan 07
R vglm new family writing: mix Poisson/multinomial
Hi dear R users, 1) I would like to know if there is a simple way to define a vglm family which would be a mix of poisson variables and bernoulli variables (0/1 response) for idea this would be invoked like this: vglm(...,family=mixpoissonmultinom(npoisson,n01response)) where the n's give the number of each type of response. 2) and a simpler question : How to use constr...
2007 Nov 16
constraint matrices in vglm (VGAM package)
Hello R users, I am performing a multinomial logit regression and would like to constrain a few model coefficients to be equal. Here is my model: multi <- vglm(case123con ~ SNP_A1+SNP_A2+age, multinomial, work.analy) where case123con is a four level categorical variable (case 1, case 2, case 3, control) and SNP_A1 and SNP_A2 are indicator functions (yes/no). The output of this model is: Coefficients: Value Std. Error t...
2011 Aug 23
P values for vglm(zibinomial) function in VGAM
Hi , I know this question has been asked twice in the past but to my knowldege, it still hasn't been solved. I am doing a zero inflated binomial model using the VGAM package, I need to obtain p values for my Tvalues in the vglm output. code is as follows > mod2=vglm(dmat~Season+Diel+Tidal.phase+Tidal.cycle,zibinomial, data=mp1) > summary(mod2) Call: vglm(formula = dmat ~ Season + Diel + Tidal.phase + Tidal.cycle, family = zibinomial, data = mp1) Pearson Residuals: Min 1Q Median...
2012 Jan 10
S4 summary method not being called (VGAM)
...AM' package. I've sent to R-devel because (i) it looks like some kind of bug to me, but I'm not sure; (ii) it's not something I personally need any help with; and (iii) it seems a bit specialized for R-help. Here's the case notes. I have an object 'nf1' of S4 class 'vglm', created by calling 'vglm(...)' from package 'VGAM' (you can create your own from the examples in VGAM). It's save()d into a file "nf1.rda". If I start a new R session, call 'library( VGAM)', and then 'load("nf1.rda")', then 'summary(...
2012 Mar 21
multivariate ordinal probit regression vglm()
...). age pube3 auric4 1 32 3 2 2 42 3 2 3 27 2 1 4 39 2 1 5 85 3 4 I've had some success in fitting the ordinal probit model using both polr(method="probit") in the MASS library and vglm() in the VGAM library, but I've hit a wall when it comes to fitting a model that includes both response variables ("pube3" and "auric4" in the sample dataframe above). I've included the two univariate models below, but I'd like to know how to model the two response...
2011 Aug 17
vglm regression with weibull distribution
Dear all, I'm facing a problem in estimation of glm model with weibull distribution. I run this : eqn0<-formula(fdh~cup1+cup2+cup3+cup4+fin1+vd1+cm2+cm4+milieu+cpro1+cpro2+cpro3a+cpro3b+schef+log(y)) regWeib0<-vglm(eqn0,family=weibull,subset(br, fdh<1)) I have en estimation but there is a message saying that regularity conditions are violated : Message d'avis : In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : ? MLE regularity conditions are violated(shape <= 2) at the final iteration Then I haved try to apply sol...
2007 Jul 16
Error while fitting Partial Proportional Odds model using vglm
Dear R developers: I am trying to fit a PPO model using vglm from the library VGAM, and get an error while executing the code. Here is the data, code, and error: Data: first row is the column names. a = age, and 1,2,3, 4 and 5 are condition grades. a 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 84 2 7 10 2 3 16 0 6 6 2 4 13 0 3 4 0 5 0 0 0 1 0 Library(VGAM...
2009 Jun 26
predicted values after fitting gamma2 function
....f<-hist(x=Max.Spread$Distance, breaks=Max.brks,plot=FALSE ) Max.cnt<,Max.f$mids,Max.f$counts)) colnames(Max.cnt)<-c("Simulation","MidPoint","Count") then I fit this to a gamma distribution function: modl<- vglm (Count ~ MidPoint ,gamma2 ,data =subset(Max.cnt,select=(simulation,MidPoint,Count),trace=TRUE,crit="c") print(coef(modl2,matrix=TRUE)) print(summary(modl2)) This produces the output: VGLM linear loop 1 : coefficients = 3.231473495, 0.597085743, -0.195591168 ... VGLM...
2008 Dec 08
multinomial losgitic regression--vglm()
Dear: I try to analysis multinomial logistic regression using vglm in VGAM package. However, I wonder how many levels of responses variable this command is suitable. I saw the examples in google search works for 3 levels, say 1,2,3. However, my response variable is more than 3 levels. Is it working for my case or have alternative approach? Many thanks! Xin...
2009 Jul 17
package to do inverse probability weighting in longitudinal data
Hi there, I have a dataset from a longitudinal study with a lot of drop-out. I want to implement the inverse probability weighting method by Robins 1995 JASA paper "Analysis of semiparametric regression models for repeated outcomes in the presence of missing data". Does anyone know if there is a package to do it in R (or other software)? Thanks a lot! Lei
2011 Jul 06
Leverage values in VGLM
Hi, I just want to know how to get leverage values in VGLM(Adjacent category logit model, *acat()*) model [[alternative HTML version deleted]]