packet.number() will retrieve the panel you are working in. With a
third conditioning variable, you now have say a list of *.err$x, one
for each panel/level of 3rd var. In that case you need
dsl[[packet.number()]] to get at the right place in the list (or
[,packet.number()] if it's a matrix etc.). Regarding the calculations,
you could type panel.barchart in the console to see Deepayan's
original. Sorry but I just don't remember what my logic was when
figuring it out (it has been a short while since my last barchart),
was probably just trial and error until it worked.
On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 1:15 PM, Nathan Lemoine <lemoine.nathan at> wrote:> Also, can you tell me where to add the [[packet.number()]] command for
condition? I've been trying several things with no luck.
> Thanks for helping, sorry if I'm a nuisance, but I'm still learning
my way around the more advanced functions and there's no one else at my
university that uses R as extensively as I do.
> Nathan
On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 11:45 AM, Nathan Lemoine
<lemoine.nathan at> wrote:> Thanks! I really appreciate the help, I don't think I ever would have
figured that out.
> If you don't mind, I like to understand exactly whats going on in the
> I see groupS identifies the start center of each group and identifies which
group each row belongs to
> w calculates the half-width of each bar with respect to the whole group of
bars (i.e. a bar with a width of 1in a group of three bars has a half width of
> groupS - (nv+1)/2 gives each bar's relative position to the central bar
> Am I interpreting these correctly? One thing I don't get is where 3/4
came from.
> Anyway, thanks for all of the help. Wouldn't have gotten it on my own
> Nathan
> On Mar 3, 2012, at 9:46 PM, ilai wrote:
>> On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 5:48 PM, Nathan Lemoine <lemoine.nathan at> wrote:
>>> It appears that the subscripts are only passing two values, the
center of each group. There should be six values, one for the center of each bar
>> No. That's also why your code doesn't work. x[subscripts] are
not the
>> centroids. To my knowledge there isn't a barchart equivalent to
>> boxplot.stats which means for placement you need to recalculate the
>> location of the bars, as is done internally in panel.barchart. This
>> panel function may need some tweaking depending on complexity of the
>> real data (for conditioning add [[packet.number()]] / for limits and
>> scales - a little more work) but hopefully help get you started:
>> growth <- c(6.6,7.2,6.9,8.3,7.9,9.2,8.3,8.7,8.1,8.5,9.1,9.0)
>> diet <-
>> coat <- as.factor(rep(c("light","dark"),each=6))
>> growth.means <- aggregate(growth,list(coat,diet),mean)
>> growth.errs <- aggregate(growth,list(coat,diet),sd)
>> require(lattice)
>> <- function(x, y, sdl, groups,
subscripts,box.ratio=box.ratio, ...){
>> ? ? groupS <- as.numeric(groups[subscripts])
>> ? ? nv <- nlevels(groups)
>> ? ? w <- box.ratio/(nv*(1 + box.ratio))
>> ? ? yy <- as.numeric(y)+sdl
>> ? ? xx <- as.numeric(x)+(3/4)*w*(groupS - (nv + 1)/2)
>> ? ? panel.barchart(x, y,groups=groups,subscripts=subscripts,...)
>> ? ? panel.segments(xx,as.numeric(y),xx,yy,lwd=2)
>> ? }
>> barchart(x~Group.1, groups=Group.2,data=growth.means,sdl=growth.errs$x,
>> ? ? ? ? horiz=F,stack=F,
>> ylim=c(0,max(growth.errs$x+growth.means$x)+.2),
>> Cheers
>> Elai
>> but I have no idea how to fix that or what I've done wrong.
Here's the
>> (corrected) code I've got so far...
>>> growth <- c(6.6,7.2,6.9,8.3,7.9,9.2,8.3,8.7,8.1,8.5,9.1,9.0)
>>> diet <-
>>> coat <-
>>> growth.means <- aggregate(growth,list(coat,diet),mean)
>>> colnames(growth.means)[3] <- "growth"
>>> library(lattice)
>>> <- function(x, y, subscripts, ...){
>>> ? ? ? ? panel.barchart(x, y, horiz=F, subscripts=subscripts,
groups=growth.means$Group.2, ...)
>>> ? ? ? ? panel.segments(x[subscripts], y, x[subscripts], y+0.5)
>>> ? ? ? ? print(x[subscripts])
>>> ? ? }
>>> barchart(growth~Group.1, groups=Group.2, data=growth.means,
>>> ? ? ? ?col=c(1,2,3),
>>> ? ? ? ?panel=panel.superpose,
>>> ? ? ? ?
>>> ? ? ? ?)
>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>>> From: Nathan Lemoine <lemoine.nathan at>
>>>> Date: March 2, 2012 11:53:24 PM EST
>>>> To: r-help at
>>>> Subject: Grouped barchart confidence intervals in lattice
>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>> I'm having trouble adding error bars to a grouped barchart
in lattice. I know that this topic has been addressed quite a bit, as I've
been searching the internet for a while to try to troubleshoot the issue, but
I've not been able to find any solution that I could get working on my data.
I was wondering if someone could look at my code and tell me what I'm doing
wrong. I was hoping somebody's found a way to do this (I'm sure they
have) and can tell me how to fix my code.
>>>> # Input example data
>>>> growth <- c(6.6,7.2,6.9,8.3,7.9,9.2,8.3,8.7,8.1,8.5,9.1,9.0)
>>>> diet <-
>>>> coat <-
>>>> growth.means <- aggregate(growth,list(coat,diet),mean)
>>>> library(plotrix)
>>>> growth.errs <- aggregate(growth,list(coat,diet),std.error)
>>>> # Try using the superpose call with panel.groups results in an
>>>> <- function(x, y, subscripts, groups...){
>>>> ? ? ? ? panel.barchart(x, y, groups=groups,
subscripts=subscripts, horiz=F,...)
>>>> ? ? ? ? panel.segments(x[subscripts], y, x[subscripts],
y+growth.errs$x, col = 'black')
>>>> ? ? }
>>>> barchart(growth~Group.1, groups=Group.2, data=growth.means,
>>>> ? ? ? ? panel=panel.superpose,
>>>> ? ? ? ?
>>>> ? ? ? ? )
>>>> # Try using the generic plot.barchart command gives three error
bars, all are the appropriate sizes, but all are centered in each group and not
on the grouped bars
>>>> barchart(x~Group.1, groups=Group.2, data=growth.means,
>>>> ? ? ? ? panel=function(x,y,subscripts, groups){
>>>> ? ? ? ? ? panel.barchart(x,y,horiz=F,groups=groups,
>>>> ? ? ? ? ?
>>>> ? ? ? ? }
>>>> ? ? ? ? )
>>>> What am I doing wrong?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Nathan Lemoine
>>> ? ? ? ?[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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