Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1084 matches for "growth".
2012 Mar 03
Grouped barchart confidence intervals in lattice
...39;ve not been able to find any solution that I could get working on my data. I was wondering if someone could look at my code and tell me what I'm doing wrong. I was hoping somebody's found a way to do this (I'm sure they have) and can tell me how to fix my code.
# Input example data
growth <- c(6.6,7.2,6.9,8.3,7.9,9.2,8.3,8.7,8.1,8.5,9.1,9.0)
diet <- as.factor(rep(c("A","B","C"),2,each=2))
coat <- as.factor(rep(c("light","dark"),each=6))
growth.means <- aggregate(growth,list(coat,diet),mean)
2008 Nov 21
Growth rate determination using ANCOVA
I'm a programmer in a biology lab who is starting to use R to automate
some of our statistical analysis of growth rate determination. But I'm
running into some problems as I re-code.
1) Hypotheses concerning Slope similarity/difference:
I'm using R's anova(lm()) methods to analyse a model which looks
like this:
growth.metric ~ time * test.tube
I understand that testing the the...
2010 Sep 29
fitting model to resampled data
I apologize if this comes across as confusing. I will try to explain my
situation as best I can.
I have R bootstrapping my growth data for fish. It's resampling my database
of age and length data and then produces several new datasets for me. In
this case, it's resampling my data to create three new datasets of age and
length data. Here is my code with my original data called growth:
replicate(3, growth[sampl...
2013 Oct 07
Growth calculation
This is not a sophisticated statistics question as the subject
suggests. But I am logging data - number of user sessions in a web
application - before and after new users are migrated. I use R to graph
but I am looking for a way to quantify the growth in the number of user
sessions. As more users are now using the web application there is a
What is the way to measure this growth if I have time and number of
sessions in a two data sets - before the growth and after the growth ?
This e-Mail may contain proprietary and...
2007 Dec 09
package "growth" ... where is it ?
I would like to install the package "growth" as it contains the function
"corgram" and some other presumably useful stuff for time series analysis.
I can see it is in R standard library list:
2006 Aug 31
cumulative growth rates indexed to a common starting point over n series of observations
What is the R way of computing cumulative growth rates given a series of
discrete values indexed .
For instance, given a matrix of 20 observations for each of 5 series (zz),
what is the most straight forward technique in R for computing cumulative
growth (zzcum) ?
It seems for the solution I'm after might be imbedding the following cum
2008 Jan 14
stochastic growth rate (package biopop)
Dear all,
I am running matrix population models using package "popbio".
In a deterministic model {i.e., transition matrix is defined as A <-
matrix(c(0.70, 0.70,0.35,0.50), nrow=2,byrow=TRUE}, population growth rate
can be estimated from the dominant eigenvalue {command "eigen.analysis"}.
However, I cannot figure out the way to compute the asymptotic stochastic
population growth rate using ?popbio?. I would like to perform a stochastic
model in which my demographic rates are sampled from beta d...
2013 Nov 06
Treatment effects on measurements through time: how to tell when (in time) treatment has a significant effect?
The data (attached) I am looking at consists of measurements of growth rate
at different ages, for individuals in two treatments (control and infected).
What I want to know is whether and when (what age) the growth rate of
infected individuals is higher than the growth rate for control individuals.
The simplest way to approach this question is to just do a t-test at...
2007 Nov 08
centile reference chart / clildren growth chart - what package/method to use
We are constructing growth charts (age/weight and age/length) for children
with diagnosis that impacts weight/length.
But we we don't know how to use R for producing growth charts.
We are collection data of Age, Weight and Length.
The data are used to produce diagnosis-specific Growth charts (like the CDC
Growth Char...
1999 Sep 02
unresolved symbols in growth and repeated libraries
...libraries works but on loading
> library(repeated)
Loading required package: rmutil
Error in dyn.load(file) : unable to load shared library "/usr/local/lib/R/library/repeated/libs/repeated.so":
/usr/local/lib/R/library/repeated/libs/repeated.so: undefined symbol: do_lio
> library(growth)
Error in dyn.load(file) : unable to load shared library "/usr/local/lib/R/library/growth/libs/growth.so":
/usr/local/lib/R/library/growth/libs/growth.so: undefined symbol: trans_
I would be greatful for tips from someone who has managed to get these
working on a RedHat Linux (or other...
2008 Aug 28
Adjusting for initial status (intercept) in lme growth models
Hi everyone, I have a quick and probably easy question about lme for this
Say, for instance you want to model growth in pituitary distance as a
function of age in the Orthodont dataset.
fm1 = lme(distance ~ I(age-8), random = ~ 1 + I(age-8) | Subject, data =
You notice that there is substantial variability in the intercepts (initial
distance) for people at 8 years, and that
this variability in initi...
2010 Aug 11
Growth Curves with lmer
Dear all,
I have some growth curve data from an experiment that I try to fit using
lm and lmer. The curves describe the growth of classification accuracy
with the amount of training data t, so basically
y ~ 0 + t (there is no intercept because y=0 at t0)
Since the growth is somewhat nonlinear *and* in order to estimate the
2010 Nov 01
Mean and individual growth curve trajectories
I'm trying to understand how to plot individual growth curve trajectories,
with the overall mean trajectory superimposed (preferably in a slightly
thicker line, maybe in black) over the individual trajectories. Using the
sleepstudy data in lme4, here is the code I have so far:
xyplot(Reaction ~ Days, data = sleepstudy,...
2011 Jul 25
Wide confidence intervals or Error message in a mixed effects model (nlme)
I am analyzing a dataset on the effects of six pesticides on population
growth rate of a predatory mite. The response variable is the population
growth rate of the mite (ranges from negative to positive) and the
exploratory variable is a categorical variable (treatment). The
experiment was blocked in time (3 blocks / replicates per block) and it
is unbalanced - at least 1 rep...
2010 Feb 16
error : unused argument(s) when boxplot
Dear all,
I am a total beginner in R, so sorry if this is the wrong place. I am using R 2.10.1 on a Mac (Mac OS 10.6.2).
I have this small dataset :
growth sugar
75 C
72 C
73 C
61 F
67 F
64 F
62 S
63 S
I have no problem reading the table, or getting the summary, but if I try boxplot(growth~sugar, ylab="growth", xlab="sugar", data=Dataset), I have the following error : ERROR: unused argument(s) (sugar).
Any suggestions ?...
2016 Apr 20
simulation in R
Hi R user,
Would you mind to help me to find the range with stochastic events? For example,
daT<-structure(list(sn = 1:14, growthrate = c(0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.99,
0.1, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.4, 0.3, 0.43)), .Names = c("sn",
"growthrate"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -14L))
I want to find the ranges of growth rate of the above data using Mote corle simulation (9999 times) under t...
2011 Jan 21
stochastic models for population growth
Having measured two populations' characteristics at one particular time[with great precision] with R, I would like to extend this to measuring the same populations starting at t1, and then again at t2, and try to develop a growth model (something like dpop1/dt=r*pop^(...),dpop2/dt=r*pop^(...)). I think the idea is to create a model that will predict the growth of a population(N(mu, sigma)) within a margin of error. This kind of modeling isn't well known or publicized in terms of R, am I right?
2001 Mar 28
fitting growth curves
Dear R-list members,
Cynthia M. Jones wrote a paper (Fitting growth curves to retrospective
size-at-age data, Fisheries Research 46(2000):123-129; abstract at
http://www.elsevier.nl/gej-ng/10/19/44/70/24/37/abstract.html)where the
SAS procedure MIXED, Macro NLINMIX (Littell et. al., 1996)was used to
estimate the von Bertalanffy growth function parameters assuming t...
2011 May 01
Simulation Questions
...and sd of 16
#Create a dataframe of MAP, ITBS, and CogAT
data <- data.frame(map, itbs, cogat)
#Draw from the multivariate distribution defined by MAP, ITBS, and CogAT means and the covariance matrix
sim <- mvrnorm(1000, mu=mean(data), sigma, empirical=FALSE)
#Set growth at 0
#Combine elements into a single dataset
simtest=data.frame (subject=subject, treat=treat,lunch, age=round(age,0),round(sim,0),growth)
#Set mean growth by treatment condition with treatd subjects having a mean growth of 1.5 and non-treated having a mean growth of 0.1
2010 Aug 31
Detecting Growth Trends
Dear All,
I am given some noisy data which (by naked eye) appears to be
oscillating first but finally growing.
Is there any statistical set (I mean something different from e.g. a
linear fit, which would not be convincing at all in my case) to detect
growth (possibly without relying on any data fitting)?
Many thanks