On Thu, Mar 01, 2012 at 11:53:00AM -0800, statquant2
wrote:> Hi there,
> I am trying to find an example how to use Rscript
> Let's suppose I want to pass 3 arguments (I don't want [options]
and -e
> [expressions] as described in help)
> *on the command line
> myRscript.R -arg1=value1 -arg2=value2 -arg3=value3
> *In the script
> #! /path/to/Rscript
> args = commandArgs(TRUE);
> >From what I see args is just a string, do I do things correctly ?
Extending your example with print(args), i obtained
./myRscript.R -arg1=value1 -arg2=value2 -arg3=value3
[1] "-arg1=value1" "-arg2=value2" "-arg3=value3"
If you can use a fixed order of the arguments, then you
need not use the "-arg[i]=" parts. The arguments are
strings on the command line, so they are also passed
to R as strings, but you can convert them inside the
script. For example, with the above script, i get
./myRscript.R 23 45 78
[1] "23" "45" "78"
However, if the script contains
args <- as.numeric(args)
, then i get
./myRscript.R 23 45 78
[1] 23 45 78
which is a numeric vector.
If you want to keep the "arg[i]=" structure, you can have in
the script
x <- strsplit(args, "=")
and a call produces
./myRscript.R -arg1=value1 -arg2=value2 -arg3=value3
[1] "-arg1" "value1"
[1] "-arg2" "value2"
[1] "-arg3" "value3"
The list "x" may then be further analyzed.
Hope this helps.
Petr Savicky.