Dear RGroup I have a data of the type shown below: I am trying to use lme function followed by post hoc test as given in the code below. Am I right in my model definition, given the problem data structure. in the example, i have used column names of my data frame so that it is self explanatory. library(reshape) library(nlme) library(multcomp) df<-expand.grid(Subject=c("S1","S2","S3"),Arm=c("L","R"),Treatment=c("A","B","C"),Time=c("T0","T1","T2")) df$Attr1<-rnorm(27,40,2.2) df$Attr2<-rnorm(27,76,4.2) df<-melt(df) colnames(df) head(df) df<-subset(df,variable=="Attr1") df<-droplevels(df) model <- lme(value ~ Treatment*Arm*Time, random = ~1 | Subject,data =df) print("R Formula Used - lme(value ~ Treatment*Arm*Time, random = ~1 | Subject)") summary(model) x<-anova(model) print(x) summary(glht(model,linfct=mcp(Time="Tukey"))) plot(summary(glht(model,linfct=mcp(Time="Tukey"))),cex.axis=0.6) summary(glht(model,linfct=mcp(Treatment="Tukey"))) plot(summary(glht(model,linfct=mcp(Treatment="Tukey"))),cex.axis=0.6) Regards Vijayan Padmanabhan "What is expressed without proof can be denied without proof" - Euclide. Please visit us at ****************************************************************************** This Communication is for the exclusive use of the intended recipient (s) and shall not attach any liability on the originator or ITC Ltd./its Subsidiaries/its Group Companies. If you are the addressee, the contents of this email are intended for your use only and it shall not be forwarded to any third party, without first obtaining written authorisation from the originator or ITC Ltd./its Subsidiaries/its Group Companies. It may contain information which is confidential and legally privileged and the same shall not be used or dealt with by any third party in any manner whatsoever without the specific consent of ITC Ltd./its Subsidiaries/its Group Companies. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]