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2012 Jun 22
R: Error with glht function: Error in mcp2matrix(model, linfct = linfct) : Variable(s) 'Type' have been specified in 'linfct' but cannot be found in 'model'!
Hello everybody,
problem solved, there was a typo.
I wrote Type instead of Material
----Messaggio originale----
Da: angelo.arcadi@virgilio.it
Data: 22-giu-2012 11.05
A: <r-help@r-project.org>
Ogg: Error with glht function: Error in mcp2matrix(model, linfct = linfct) : Variable(s) 'Type' have been specified in 'linfct' but cannot be found in 'model'!
Dear list members,
I get the following error when using the glht function to perform a post hoc analysis for an ANOVA with repeated measures:
2012 Jun 22
Error with glht function: Error in mcp2matrix(model, linfct = linfct) : Variable(s) 'Type' have been specified in 'linfct' but cannot be found in 'model'!
Dear list members,
I get the following error when using the glht function to perform a post hoc analysis for an ANOVA with repeated measures:
lme_H2H_musicians = lme(H2H ~ Emotion*Material, data=musicians, random = ~1|Subject)
summary(glht(lme_H2H_musicians, linfct=mcp(Type = "Tukey")), test = adjusted(type = "bonferroni"))
Error in mcp2matrix(model, linfct = linfct) :
Variable(s) 'Type' have been specified in 'linfct' but cannot be found in 'model'!
I donĀ“t understand why I get this error, but at the same ti...
2010 May 17
Query on linear mixed model
tapply(data$value, list(Product=data$Product),
model <- lme(value ~
random = ~1 | Subj,data =data)
##For Each Product Comparison across All Time
tapply(data$value, list(Time=...
2013 Jul 25
lme (weights) and glht
--> works fine
H08_lme<-lme(log(Height2005_mean)~Diversity, data=ME, random=~1|Plot/
SubPlot, na.action=na.omit, subset=ME$Species=="Pse_men", method="ML")
g_H08_lme<-glht(H08_lme, linfct=mcp(Diversity="Tukey"))
--> using lme with weights I changed the order of factor() and
introduced as.factor in the model
H08_lme<-lme(log(Height2008_mean)~as.factor(Diversity), data=ME,
random=~1|Plot/SubPlot, weights=varPower(form=~Diversity),
2011 Mar 01
glht() used with coxph()
...rv(stop, status > 0) ~ treatment, data = bladder1)
coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p
treatmentpyridoxine -0.063 0.939 0.161 -0.391 0.70
treatmentthiotepa -0.159 0.853 0.168 -0.947 0.34
Likelihood ratio test=0.91 on 2 df, p=0.635 n= 294
> glht(fit,linfct=mcp(treatment='Tukey'))
General Linear Hypotheses
Multiple Comparisons of Means: Tukey Contrasts
Linear Hypotheses:
pyridoxine - placebo == 0 -0.06303
thiotepa - placebo == 0 -0.15885
thiotepa - pyridoxine == 0 -0.09582
However, once I a...
2007 Nov 07
bug in multcomp?
...The lm statement runs fine, but for the glht command I
get the following error. I noted that someone else asked the same
question a while back but received no reply. I am hoping someone might
know what is happening.
anovaf2<-lm(achiev ~ major, data=data_mcp)
> pairwise<- glht(anovaf2,linfct = mcp(major = "tukey"))
Error in mcp2matrix(model, linfct = linfct) :
Factor(s) major have been specified in 'linfct' but cannot be
found in 'model'!
Any help would be much appreciated.
Robert A. Cribbie, PhD
Department of Psychology
York University...
2012 Jun 13
Tukey Kramer with ANOVA (glm)
...ppropriate pairwise comparison analysis and I
cannot get the code to work with my data. I am *unclear how to code it to
work with the interaction*; however, even when I attempt to use it only for
a single factor, it does not work (see below).
glht(x, linfct=mcp(BA="Tukey"))
Error in mcp2matrix(model, linfct = linfct) :
Variable(s) ?BA? have been specified in ?linfct? but cannot be found in
Can anyone off suggestions on potential problems with my approach and/or
script issues?
Thank you very...
2010 Jul 21
post hoc test for lme using glht ?
...ulation were re-measured each
> anova(model.3)
numDF denDF F-value p-value
(Intercept) 1 592 649.7753 <.0001
Week 5 592 302.9706 <.0001
Pop 1 222 70.7268 <.0001
Week:Pop 5 592 36.8576 <.0001
> summary(glht(model.3, linfct=mcp(Wk = "Tukey")))
Error in mcp2matrix(model, linfct = linfct) :
Variable(s) ?Wk? of class ?integer? is/are not contained as a factor in
> is.factor(Wk)
> Week<-factor(Wk)
> is.factor(Week)
[1] TRUE
> model.3<-lme(fixed=Totnum~Week*Pop, random=~1|n...
2011 Mar 04
glht: Problem with symbolic contrast for factors with number-levels
...'number' levels
#B similar factor with 'letter' levels
B=factor(c('e','e','f','f')) )
#does not work
glht(motA,linfct=mcp(A=c("2 - 1 = 0 ")))
#the error message is
# Error in coefs(ex[[3]]) :
# cannot interpret expression '1' as linear function
glht(motB,linfct=mcp(B=c("f - e = 0")))
Ulrich Halekoh
Aarhus University
e-mail: Ulrich.Halekoh at agrsci.dk
I use R.2.1...
2007 Mar 30
ANOVA and confidence intervals plot
Dear *,
I would like to obtain for each factor of my anova model the
"response variable vs factor" plot with means and 95% Tukey HSD
I would appreciate any information on how to do that.
Max MANFRIN Tel.: +32 (0)2 650 3168
IRIDIA - CoDE, CP 194/6
2011 Jul 16
Creating composite factor and changing format from character to factor
...A linear model run on the updated dataframe works but notes that it coerces "SitePos" from character to factor e.g. Model.G = lmer(log10(SrCa) ~ SitePos + (1 | Eel), data = Data1) . The next step of a multiple comparison test on the output of the linear model: Model.G.mct = glht(Model.G, linfct = mcp(SitePos = "Tukey")) fails because the mct does not recognize "SitePos" as a factor and gives error message: "Error in mcp2matrix (model, linfct = linfct): Variable(s) 'SitePos' of class 'character' is/are not contained as a factor in 'model'....
2012 Jan 11
problems with glht for ancova
edadysexo:log(lcc) 2 0.063 0.0317 1.6021 0.2025
Residuals 509 10.085 0.0198
Then, I tried to do a post-hoc using glht from multcomp package, but,
because the interaction it's not siginificant i did it just for the factor
> summary(glht(ancova, linfct=mcp(edadysexo="Tukey")))
Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
Multiple Comparisons of Means: Tukey Contrasts
Fit: aov(formula = log(peso) ~ edadysexo * log(lcc))
Linear Hypotheses:
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
M - H == 0 -1.8218 1.1...
2011 Jul 18
Multiple comparison test on selected contrasts
...omp? I am running R 2.13.0 under Windows 7. The following linear model and mct produces a global mct of 15 paired contrasts of the combined (Site, Position) factor SitePos of which only 9 are of interest. Model.G = lmer(log10(SrCa) ~ SitePos + (1 | Eel), data = Data1)
Model.G.mct = glht(Model.G, linfct = mcp(SitePos = "Tukey"))summary (Model.G.mct) The following code creates the desired reduced set of contrasts but I have been unable to apply it correctly to the mct. contr = rbind("CR core - MH core" = c(1,0,0,-1,0,0),"CR core - CR edge" = c(1,0,-1,0,0,0),
2010 Nov 17
lme weights glht
Dear R-user
I used lme to fit a linear mixed model inlcuding weights=varPower().
Additionally I wanted to use glht to calculate Tukey-Kramer multiple
> glht(modelF, linfct=mcp(Species="Tukey"))
Error in glht.matrix(model = list(modelStruct = list(reStruct =
list(SubPlot = -0.305856275920955, :
?ncol(linfct)? is not equal to ?length(coef(model))?
> glht(modelF, linfct=mcp(Diversity="Tukey"))
Error in mcp2matrix(model, linfct = linfct) :...
2010 Aug 30
Help With Post-hoc Testing
...t;- lme(soi ~ solution + iobs, random = ~1 | iobs/solution, data =
> anova(Lmes.mod)
numDF denDF F-value p-value
(Intercept) 1 2383 2894.8342 <.0001
solution 1 2383 0.0003 0.9870
iobs 1 147 0.0126 0.9109
> summary(glht(Lmes.mod, linfct=mcp(solution="Tukey")))
Error in mcp2matrix(model, linfct = linfct) :
Variable(s) ''solution'' of class ''numeric'' is/are not contained as a factor
in ''model''.
I don''t understand the error since "solution"...
2012 Feb 12
ANCOVA post-hoc test
...dist 1 0.51291 0.51291 92.6908 5.703e-12 ***
sampling:dist 3 0.05112 0.01704 3.0792 0.03822 *
Residuals 40 0.22134 0.00553
Because there exist significantly different regression slopes, I did a post hoc test with glht() to find out between which samplings:
>summary(glht(mod, linfct=mcp(sampling="Tukey")))
The results seem to say that there are no significantly different slopes for any of the pair-wise comparisons of factor levels:
Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
Multiple Comparisons of Means: Tukey Contrasts
Fit: aov(formula = h ~ sampling *...
2009 Mar 22
Multiple Comparisons for (multicomp - glht) for glm negative binomial (glm.nb)
model1<-glm.nb(total ~ semio + CO2 + location + temp + mean.wind.speed)
model.glht.Semio <- glht(model1, linfct=mcp(semio="Tukey"))
model.glht.CO2 <- glht(model1, linfct=mcp(CO2="Tukey"))
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2011 Jul 26
a question about glht function
Hi all:
There's a question about glht function.
My data:data_ori,which inclue CD4, GROUP,time.
f_GROUP is a factor of 3 levels(0,1,2,3)
result <- lme(sqrt(CD4) ~ f_GROUP*time ,random = ~time|ID,data=data_ori)
glht(result, linfct = mcp(f_GROUP="Tukey") )
Error in `[.data.frame`(mf, nhypo[checknm]) : undefined columns selected
I can't find out the reason for Error.
Any help from you are welcome.
Many thanks!
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2007 Feb 09
Help in using multcomp.
...row=5, ncol=9)
f <- gl(3,3,9, label=c("C", "Tl", "T2"))
aof <- function(x) {
m <- data.frame(f, x);
aov(x ~ f, m)
amod <- apply(dat,1,aof)
Now, how can I use 'glht' for the above amod. I know
that I cannot use simply
glht(amod, linfct = mcp(f = "Dunnett")).
Also, if I want to use Dunnett for comparing C vs (T1
and T2), how can I specify this in the glht function.
Thanks in advance.
2007 Aug 28
Problem with lme using glht for multiple comparisons
...g mixed effects model, which works fine:
> > LM<-lme(EFN~Leafage,L1,~1|Plant)
Now all I want to do is a post-hoc analysis (multiple comparisons) for the fixed factor EFN. I tried the following code. According to the documentation this should work:
> > Post <- glht(LM, linfct = mcp(Leafage = "Tukey"))
However, I get this error message and don't know what to do:
Error in mcp2matrix(model, linfct = linfct) :
Factor(s) Leafage have been specified in ?linfct? but cannot be found in ?model?!
The factor is specified, right? So what is the problem?...