Hi, I am drawing a heat map using gplots of R package. The file (new4) is having values 0 and 1 only. library(gplots) library(marray) x=read.table("new4", header=TRUE) mat=data.matrix(x) heatmap.2(mat, col=colorRampPalette(c("black","red"))(256), #col=greenred(75), Rowv=TRUE, Colv=TRUE, distfun = dist, hclustfun = hclust, dendrogram = c("row"), scale = c("row"), na.rm=TRUE, trace="none", sepwidth=c(0.05,0.05), margins = c(25, 20), #xlab = "" ylab = "" labRow = NULL, labCol = NULL, key=TRUE, keysize=1, density.info=c("none") ) I am giving two color only i.e red and black but when I am try to make the plot it again show in gradients. Therefore, I just want to plot a heat map with two color scheme. Thanks in advance Thank you Khushwant [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
cpolwart at wittongilbert.free-online.co.uk
2012-Jan-28 10:42 UTC
[R] Graph digitisation / tracing
I want to take some published graphs and digitise them to allow me to run some analysis on them. Is this possible using any of R's plugins. I don't think it is but I never cease to be amazed at what R can do and it'd be great if it was as it would almost certainly be more powerful than doing it in one of the web programmes that can do it.... [[alternative HTML version deleted]]