Dear all, when using .jinit() I get the message .jinit() : Cannot create Java virtual machine (-1). The details: I am using the Dismo package.Dismo has a function 'maxent' that communi-cates with this program(MaxEnt).MaxEnt is available as a stand-alone Java program. It is normal when I execute the command : "jar <- paste(system.file(package="dismo"), "/java/maxent.jar", sep='')" when I execute the function: xm <- maxent(predictors, pres_train, factors='biome').The R show the error(Cannot create Java virtual machine) . Java is correct installed . My R version is 2.14.0. I don't know how to solve the problem. Will you help me out? Thank you,all. Yuwei Wang Cnic,CAS [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Dear all, when using .jinit() I get the message .jinit() : Cannot create Java virtual machine (-1). sessionInfo() R version 2.14.0 (2011-10-31)Platform: i386-pc-mingw32/i386 (32-bit)locale:[1] LC_COLLATE=Chinese_People's Republic of China.936 [2] LC_CTYPE=Chinese_People's Republic of China.936 [3] LC_MONETARY=Chinese_People's Republic of China.936[4] LC_NUMERIC=C [5] LC_TIME=Chinese_People's Republic of China.936 attached base packages:[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base other attached packages:[1] maptools_0.8-10 lattice_0.20-0 foreign_0.8-46 rJava_0.9-1 [5] dismo_0.7-11 raster_1.9-41 sp_0.9-91 loaded via a namespace (and not attached):[1] grid_2.14.0> The details: I am using the Dismo package.Dismo has a function 'maxent' that communi-cates with this program(MaxEnt).MaxEnt is available as a stand-alone Java program. It is normal when I execute the command : "jar <- paste(system.file(package="dismo"), "/java/maxent.jar", sep='')" when I execute the function: xm <- maxent(predictors, pres_train, factors='biome').The R show the error(Cannot create Java virtual machine) . Java is correct installed . My R version is 2.14.0. I don't know how to solve the problem. Will you help me out? Thank you,all. Yuwei Wang Cnic,CAS [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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