Have you ever worked in R with bivariate polynomials? How did you implement simple operators like addition/multiplication? I found a package called multipol that seems to support these kinds of operators but I do keep receiving error. Check for example the following snippet of code (you can copy & paste) require('orthopolynom') require('polynom') require('multipol') psi <-function (order){ psi<-matrix(data=polynomial.coefficients(legendre.polynomials(order)[[order+1]]),ncol=1) } phi <-function (order){ phi<-matrix(data=polynomial.coefficients(legendre.polynomials(order)[[order+1]]),nrow=1) } # Then I convert them to multinomials. psipol<-as.multipol(psi(2)) phipol<-as.multipol(phi(2)) print(psipol) print(phipol) # Here error occurs psipol*phipol The multiplication above fails. According the multipol pdf http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/multipol/vignettes/multipol.pdf this works: (which does) require(multipol) a <- as.multipol(matrix(1:10, nrow = 2)) a*a # gives correct results So I tried to see what is the str of a to understand if I did something wrong (that destroyed the structure of my data). str(a) Error in `[.multipol`(object, seq_len(ile)) : incorrect number of dimensions Calls: str ... formObj -> paste -> format.fun -> format -> [ -> [.multipol And right now I am at a stalemate. I can not find out why my multiplication failed If I can not find the structure of a. What should i do now? Regards Alex