Dong Xie
2010-Dec-29 16:02 UTC
[R] HELP for repeated measure ANCOVA with varying covariate
Dear All, I am a researcher doing research in plant growth and I have a statistical problem that seems to not be able to handle. Recently, I conducted an experiment about plant growing in three different nutrient-level sediments. I harvested these every three week (three harvests in all). Some growth traits of these plants were recorded (e.g. total biomass, leaf biomass and stem biomass). In addition, I found that the total plant biomass may also influence these traits. So, I am going to use total biomass as covariate to do the statistical analysis. Meanwhile, this experimental design is repeated design, I guess I have to do the repeated-measurement (repeated measure ANCOVA with varying covariate) to analyze the growth traits between different nutrient-levels. I've tried gls and lme function with a correlation structure applied to time series in nlme library with great help by Dr. Yuanye Zhang. However, I still can't figure out the "between-subject" and "with-subject" parts. Do you know if R can do repeated measures ANCOVA with varying covariate? if yes how? Thanks for any help. Much appreciated. Dong Xie [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Hi Dong, I have a similar question and you can find the answers received by now in this thread . dror -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
Dong Xie
2010-Dec-30 16:39 UTC
[R] HELP for repeated measure ANCOVA with varying covariate
Dear Dror, Thank you for the suggestion!! Dong -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at