search for: varying

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5910 matches for "varying".

2010 Jul 21
asterisk realtime SIP configuration
...t; :* Column | Type | Modifiers ----------------+------------------------+-------------------------------------------------- id | integer | not null default nextval('sip_id_seq'::regclass) name | character varying(80) | not null accountcode | character varying(20) | amaflags | character varying(7) | callgroup | character varying(10) | callerid | character varying(80) | directmedia | character varying(3) | default 'yes'::character varying context | character...
2007 Feb 07
Problems Generating Scaffolding generates with no problem but for other parts I get this: Before updating scaffolding from new DB schema, try creating a table for your model The tables do exist. At least I can see them from psql. Here is the SQL I''m using to create my tables: CREATE TABLE dept ( name character varying(20) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT dept_pkey PRIMARY KEY (name) ) WITHOUT OIDS; CREATE TABLE computer_role ( model character varying(15) NOT NULL, os character varying(10) NOT NULL, role integer NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT computer_role_pkey PRIMARY KEY (model, os, role) ) WITHOUT OIDS; CREATE TABLE c...
2007 Jun 06
names not inherited in functions
Dear all, I 'd like to keep the names of variables when calling them in a function. An example might help to understand my problem : The following function puts in a new data frame counts and percent of a data.frame called as "tablo" the step " nom.chiffr[1] <- names(vari) " is useless as names from the original data.frame aren't kept in the function environement.
2007 Nov 24
unexpected result from reshape
Hi all. I have unexpected reshape results on datasets with certain variable names. Here a reproducible example: d <- matrix(seq_len(7*7), 1, 7*7) vnames <- c('acc','ppeGross','CF','ROA','DeltaSales','invTA','DeltaRevDeltaRec') varying <- unlist(lapply(vnames, paste, 1:7, sep='.')) d <- data.frame(d) names(d) <- varying d1 <- reshape(d, varying=varying, direction="long") d[,'ppeGross.2'] == d1[d1$time==2,'ppeGross'] #This is FALSE! ##Try to compare d and d1: values are wrong from the...
2008 Jun 29
Interactive plot
Hi all, I have created following codes : mat = cbind(c(0.000059710430,0.000023057380), c(0.000023057380, 0.00005971089)) set.seed = 1000 vary = runif(dim(mat)[1], 2000, 3000) calc = function(mat, vary) { result = vector(length = (length(vary)+1)) result[1] = sqrt(t(vary) %*% vary) for (i in 1 : length(vary)) { result[(i+1)] = sum(vary)*sum(vary*mat[,i])
2009 Jan 06
[LLVMdev] LLVM Optmizer
The following C code : #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int TESTE2( int parami , int paraml ,double paramd ) { int varx=0,vary; int nI =0; //varx= parami; if( parami > 0 ) { varx = parami; vary = varx + 1; } else { varx = vary + 1; vary = paraml; } varx = varx + parami + paraml; for( nI = 1 ; nI <= paraml; nI++) { varx =
2005 Oct 05
(no subject)
hi all why does the following not work??? this was someone elses code and i couldnt explain why it doesn't work. m=matrix(c(0,0),2,1) v=matrix(c(1,0,0,1),2,2) Y=function(X1,X2,mu=m,V=v) { X=matrix(c(X1,X2),2,1) a=(1/((2*pi)*sqrt(det(V))))*exp((-0.5)*(t(X-mu)%*%solve(V)%*%(X-mu))) a[1] } x1=seq(-1,1) x2=x1 Z=outer(x1,x2,FUN="Y",mu=m,V=v) persp(x1,x2,Z) my code:
2007 Feb 07
Problems Generating Scaffolding generates with no problem but for other parts I get this: Before updating scaffolding from new DB schema, try creating a table for your model The tables do exist. At least I can see them from psql. Here is the SQL I''m using to create my tables: CREATE TABLE dept ( name character varying(20) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT dept_pkey PRIMARY KEY (name) ) WITHOUT OIDS; CREATE TABLE computer_role ( model character varying(15) NOT NULL, os character varying(10) NOT NULL, role integer NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT computer_role_pkey PRIMARY KEY (model, os, role) ) WITHOUT OIDS; CREATE TABLE comput...
2009 Aug 11
Varying x-axis labels in lattice
Dear Group: I want to use lattice with a formula such as y ~ x | v to plot a data frame in which v varies to indicate which "x" is really being plotted. I know how to make the x-axis scales vary with the panel but is it possible to let the x-axis label vary, i.e., to let the user specify a vector of x-axis labels? Thanks Frank -- Frank E Harrell Jr Professor and Chair
2009 Mar 01
gamm (mgvc) and time-varying coefficient model
Dear R users, I have repeated measurements on individuals. I want to estimate the time-varying effect of a factor variable X (taking three levels), e.g. a model in the spirit of Hastie and Tibshirani (1993). I am considering using the package "mgvc" which implements generalized additive models, especially the function gamm, which estimates generalized additive mixed models, and t...
2013 Feb 20
Tracking time-varying objects with the DLM package (dynamic linear models in R)
Hello all, I am working with the dlm package, specifcially doing a dlm multivariate Y linear regression using dlmModReg and dlmFilter and dlmSmooth... I have altereted the inputs into dlmModReg to make them time-varying using JFF, JW etc. How do I track the results of the time varying system matrices? For example what I am really interested in is JW - my system variance matrix for each time period - I cannot get R to give me the array of this matrix Any help would be really appreciated! Thanks -- View this me...
2006 Jan 20
postgres db setup
.../ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.13.2/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter.rb:137:in `execute'' *** there''s more but I didn''t think I needed to *** Postgres setup... CREATE TABLE clients ( id serial primary key NOT NULL, first_name character varying(25) NOT NULL, middle_initial character varying(1) NOT NULL, last_name character varying(25) NOT NULL, gov_id character varying(18) NOT NULL, dob date ); MySQL setup CREATE TABLE `clients` ( `id` int(8) NOT NULL auto_increment, `first_name` varchar(25) NOT NULL default ''...
2005 Sep 29
Select varying LS digits in long numbers?
...a neat solution to an apparently simple problem, but one which turns out to be a bit more intricate and tricky than one might expect. Suppose I have numbers given to a large number of digits. For example 1234567021 where (though I don't know this beforehand) only the last 3 digits will be varying (and all 3 will vary). What I want is, give a vector x of such numbers, to extract the minimal set of final digits which will include the varying digits (i.e. in this case the last 3 digits). And there may be a decimal point somewhere along the line (though again I won't know where, nor whethe...
2006 Sep 14
time varying covariates
Hello, I am trying to model an intensity function with time-varying covariates. Before, I have successfully defined a log likelihood function for a Power-Law Process (lambda(t)=alpha*beta*t^(beta-1)) with two paramters and no covariates for a repairable systems with failure times (t). This function was maximized with R optim. No problem! But now I want to inclu...
2005 Jan 26
reshape (a better way)
Hi, I am using the NLSY79 data (longitudinal data from the Bureau of labour stats in the US). The extractor exctracts this data in a "wide" format and I need to reshape it into a long format. What I am doing right now is to do it in chuncks for each and evry variable that is varying and then I merge the data together. This is taking a long time. my question is: How do I specify that there are multiple variables that are varying in reshape. Is there a way to do this? The idea is to have something like varying1, varying2,etc,... and each are assosiated with their own times1, t...
2012 Mar 25
multiple hexbin plots with varying greatest densities
Greetings: I have multiple hexbin plots with varying greatest densities. Right now, the data on each plot varies from 1-256 levels of density. The problem with that is that in Plot A the data are more scattered across a 2 x 2 grid whereas in Plot B the data are more concentrated in fewer cells. Hence, Plot A has a few very dense grid cells and plot...
2006 Oct 30
It this possible: finder_sql-like behavior for belongs_to?
...difiers ------------+------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------- id | integer | not null default nextval(''gate_clock_employees_id_seq''::regclass) tagnum | integer | pin | character varying(255) | lastname | character varying(255) | firstname | character varying(255) | mi | character varying(255) | dept | character varying(255) | title | character varying(255) | tel_ext | character varying(255) | employe_no | integer | parking_id | integ...
2004 Apr 07
Time Varying Coefficients
I'd like to estimate time varying coefficients in a linear regression using a Kalman filter. Even if the Kalman Filter seems to be available in some packages I can't figure out how to use it to estimate the coefficients. Is there anyway to do that in R? Any help appreciated Thanks
2010 Dec 29
HELP for repeated measure ANCOVA with varying covariate
...n addition, I found that the total plant biomass may also influence these traits. So, I am going to use total biomass as covariate to do the statistical analysis. Meanwhile, this experimental design is repeated design, I guess I have to do the repeated-measurement (repeated measure ANCOVA with varying covariate) to analyze the growth traits between different nutrient-levels. I've tried gls and lme function with a correlation structure applied to time series in nlme library with great help by Dr. Yuanye Zhang. However, I still can't figure out the "between-subject" and &quo...
2009 Dec 10
plotting with varying dot sizes
...tial map the punctual measurements of the data located in the file ( I'd like to have the dots in some way proportional to the magnitudes of the measurements. I have difficulties with the code given below: The dot sizes do not vary not proportionally when varying the coefficient ("0.725"). It either plots the dots extremely big or extremely small. Successively running the plot command from the command line gives each time different results in an unpredictably random way. Is this a bug or am I missing something? Servet Running R version 2.8.1 (20...