Displaying 20 results from an estimated 84 matches for "biomass".
2005 Nov 10
I am trying to write a for loop with if else statements to calculate
biomass density estimates for different types of sampling gear.
My code is:
bmd=for (i in 1:length(Gear)){
if (Gear==20) {bioden=Biomass/141}
else {if (Gear==23) {bioden=Biomass/68}}
else {if (Gear==160) {bioden=Biomass/4120}}
else {if (Gear==170) {bioden=Biomass/2210}}
else {if (Gear==300) {bioden=Biom...
2011 Feb 06
anova() interpretation and error message
Hi there,
I have a data frame as listed below:
> Ca.P.Biomass.A
P Biomass
1 334.5567 0.2870000
2 737.5400 0.5713333
3 894.5300 0.6393333
4 782.3800 0.5836667
5 857.5900 0.6003333
6 829.2700 0.5883333
I have fit the data using logistic, Michaelis?Menten, and linear model,
they all give significance.
> fm1 <- nls(Biomass~SSlogis(P, phi1, p...
2004 Apr 19
SE for combined data
Dear all
I have just had the question from a colleague. I know that it is not directly related to R (I will probably use R to do the analysis), but I hope someone can give us some insight:
AJ Smit
I sampled populations of a seaweed in the intertidal in order to estimate
the standing biomass of that seaweed at that site.
Due to clumped distribution patterns, I chose a stratified sampling system,
as follows. In each of three subjectively defined biomass classes (low,
medium and high biomass density), four quadrats (usually) were haphazardly
placed, and the biomass in those quadrats har...
2013 Nov 07
problem with interaction in lmer even after creating an "interaction variable"
Dear all,
I have a problem with interactions in lmer. I have 2 factors (garden and
gebiet) which interact, plus one other variable (home), dataframe arr. When
I put:
lmer (biomass ~ home + garden:gebiet + ( 1|Block), data = arr)/
it writes:
/Error in lme4::lFormula(formula = biomass ~ home + garden:gebiet + (1 | :
rank of X = 28 < ncol(X) = 30/
In the lmer help I found out that if not all combination of the interaction
are realized, lmer has problems and one should...
2012 Feb 03
ordering of factor levels in regression changes result
...small example. It is taken from 'The R Book', Crawley p. 365.
The data is at
In R
> comp<-read.table("C:\\Temp\\competition.txt", header=T)
> attach(comp)
Data has dependent variable 'biomass' and different types of 'clipping' that were done:
Control (none), n25, n50, r10, r5:
> summary(comp)
biomass clipping
Min. :415.0 control:6
1st Qu.:508.8 n25 :6
Median :568.0 n50 :6
Mean :561.8 r10 :6
3rd Qu.:631.8...
2011 Apr 13
print to .jpeg
...g folks,
I'm trying to print a series of graphs to .jpeg using a variable as the
title, but run into the difficultly that I can't find a way to append the
file extension to the .jpeg (in this case extensionless!) files.
biomass = -21.4863 + 0.5797 * (dia ^ 2)
plot (biomass, main=species.name, xlab="dbh in cm", ylab="biomass in kg")
The output is CussoniaHolstii, but I want CussoniaHolstii.jpg. The help file
for jpeg() specifies that the name include the extension (e.g....
2012 Sep 14
linear mixed-effects models with two random variables?
...bles with the fixed one?
I hope you can help me.
Reserve <- rep(c("In","Out"), 100)
fReserve <- factor(Reserve)
DivBoulders <- rep (c(1.23,2.4,1.26,1.78,1.97,1.35,1.23,2.4,1.26,1.78), 20)
Roughness <- rep(c(3.45,2.56,1.32,5.67,3.73,3.57,2.66,1.52,7.67,2.73),20)
Biomass <- rep(c(8,5.3,3.5,12,25.4,10.1,9.8,2.4,5.6,5.3),20)
myData <- data.frame (fReserve ,DivBoulders ,Roughness ,Biomass )
glm1 <- glm (Biomass ~ fReserve * Roughness + fReserve * DivBoulders ,
family= Gamma, data= myData)
library (nlme)
lme1 <- lme (Biomass ~ fReserve ,...
2017 Jun 21
Help/ Mathematics
Hi R users,
I need your help to write a code in r that does the following
calculation from three different datasets;
ac = 1/sum (NPP from date 1 to date 2, dataset=1) * (biomass at date 2
-biomass at date 1, dataset = 2) + (littfall at date 2, dataset=3).
all the dates are in yr-month-day format. Which library or function
Should I use to tell R do these calculations of these variables at
different dates.
I appreciate your help.
Ahmed Attia, Ph.D.
Agronomist & Soil S...
2008 Feb 21
update don't find an object
I have a situation here.
I try this update:
mmaa <- update(mma,biomass~qvartemp)
but I have this message:
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object "qvartemp" not found
but this object exist:
[1] "cont" "i" "levelsord" "mma" "qvar" "qvarmma"
[7] "qvartemp"...
2011 Apr 20
succession time series graph
Dear gracious R community,
I would like to produce charts of phytoplankton biomass changes
through time. Each species has a line, and the biomass varies in
mirror form along the line for each species along the X time axis.
Here is an example of what I'd like to do:
Any suggestions?
David Bird
UQAM, Montreal
2004 Jan 05
Heeeeeelp! Estimatet Marginal Means of ANOVA needed!
I urgently need to know if it is possible (and if so, how to do) to get
the "Estimatet marginal means" from an ANOVA.
Or explained more coplicated: It's about plants sewn in 2 densities & 2
patterns. The Variable is biomass and I also use a Covariate. There are highly
significant differences between density & pattern but I don't know which of the
2 densities gives the higher biomass values.
I would like to get something analoge to the "Estimatet Marginal Means" you get
with SPSS.
Who can help me a...
2017 Jun 21
Help/ Mathematics
Hi Ahmed,
Your problem appears trivial as you have already specified the form of
the calculation.
Learn how to "extract" specified elements from a data structure:
# first value
sum(dataset1$NPP[dataset1$date >= date1 &
dataset1$date <= date2])
# second value
dataset2$biomass[dataset2$date == date2] -
dataset2$biomass[dataset2$date == date1]
# third value
dataset3$littfall[dataset3$date == date2]
Note that you may have to convert character strings to dates to do the
above - see a function like "as.Date". Obviously I do not know the
actual names of your datas...
2011 Sep 27
ANOVA define as factor or not
...e explanatory
variably is 4xpH treatments (so 8.08, 7.94, 7.81 and 7.71) so also
continuous and not technically factorial.
However I have decided to do Anova's (as well as regression) to explore the
effect of pH.
What I don't understand is why the anova done in such a way:
... gives me completely different p-values if I define the pH as factor or
not. And what would be the correct approach?
Help on this subject would be much appreciated!
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/ANOVA-define-as-factor-or-not-tp3846861p3846861.html...
2017 Jul 06
Bayes Factor
Hello R Community,
Subject: Bayes Factor
A Bayesian ANOVA of the form:
competitionBayesOut <- anovaBF(biomass ~ clipping, data = competition)
Returns the following Error message:
Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) :
unable to find an inherited method for function ?compare? for
signature ?"BFlinearModel", "missing", "tbl_df"?
My guess the problem is in the ?class?,...
2009 Jul 23
simple lme question
...need to use lme in R.
At each watering treatment, I had 5 different combinations of plants. I have shown how I have labelled these in brackets for species A:
A in isolation (Aiso)
A+A monoculture (Amono)
A+B interspecific competition (Amix)
.. and the same combinations for species B.
I have final biomass data for each of the plants.
My first step is to check species A for interspecific competition, for which I will use:
Response variable: Amix (continuous - biomass measurement)
Random effect: Block (factor - replicates labelled as 1,2,3)
Main effect: watering treatment (wt) (factor...
2013 Mar 26
Problem with nested for-loop
...ops and I don't know if it's a
problem with the order of the loops or something within the loop so any
help with the problem would be appreciated. To briefly set up the problem.
I have 259 trees (from 11 different species, of unequal count for each
species) of which I am trying to predict biomass. For each tree species I
have 10000 iterations for the regression coefficients, which were estimated
previously in WinBUGS, and what I'm trying to do is for each tree I want to
predict the biomass using each species-specific iteration of the regression
coefficients, so that ultimately each tre...
2010 Sep 16
problems trying to reproduce structural equation model using the sem package
...ng the model
grace.model <- specify.model()
salinity -> soil_salinity, NA, 1
flooding -> soil_high_flooding, NA, 1
flooding -> soil_low_flooding, flooding_low_flooding, NA
infertility -> soil_organic, NA, -1
infertility -> soil_carbon, inf_carbon, NA
disturbance -> dstb, NA, 1
biomass -> masslog, NA, 1
light -> light_effect, NA, 1
lightlog -> light_effect, lightlog_light_effect, NA
richness -> species_count, NA, 1
salinity -> richness, salinity_richness, NA
salinity -> light, salinity_light, NA
flooding -> richness, flooding_richness, NA
flooding -> bioma...
2017 Jun 30
...1/2009 to
12/31/2015 (25 observations) and the other dataset (leafbiom) is
recorded from 10/7/2009 to 12/29/2016 (daily observations).
I want to use the 25 observations of stand height to predict the daily
stand height from 10/7/2009 to 12/29/2016. The daily stand height will
be multiplied by leaf biomass to produce a new variable.
I agree that a loop is not needed, would the forecast library help or
should I use predict library.
Stand_Height=ts(Stand_Height$height,start=2009,end = 2016,
frequency =365)
2009 Feb 06
party package conditional variable importance
...r errors with three separate
datasets that I'm using. At a guess it might be something to do with
the very large number of variables (e.g. 23 variables, 250 or so data
points) but I was wondering if anyone had any other ideas. It works
fine for regular variable importance calculation.
biomass.cf<-cforest(Total.biomass ~ .,
data=biomass, control=cforest_unbiased(ntree=2500, mtry=8))
biomass.cf.vi<-varimp(biomass.cf, conditional=TRUE)
Error in if (node[[5]][[1]] == variableID) cp <- node[[5]][[3]] :
argument is of length zero
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In matrix...
2010 Dec 29
HELP for repeated measure ANCOVA with varying covariate
...th and I have a
statistical problem that seems to not be able to handle. Recently, I
conducted an experiment about plant growing in three different
nutrient-level sediments. I harvested these every three week (three
harvests in all). Some growth traits of these plants were recorded (e.g.
total biomass, leaf biomass and stem biomass). In addition, I found that
the total plant biomass may also influence these traits. So, I am going
to use total biomass as covariate to do the statistical analysis.
Meanwhile, this experimental design is repeated design, I guess I have
to do the repeated-measurem...